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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    So we can't call it a ban even though the President himself still calls it a Ban?

    "First the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban & now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. See you in the Supreme Court!"
    -Donald J Trump

    Also this idiotic President didn't even get the right court! The ruling wasn't made by the 9th circuit it was made by a San Francisco Federal Judge. What a joke.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
    Pmx728, metr0n0me, Natsu and 2 others like this.
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @PixelPizza What? I wasn't even comparing the New England Patriots to science!????

    @MeepLord27 why would you be scared that he asked for immunity!? Hillary Clinton wouldn't even talk about he emails under oath. Immunity just makes sure they don't get in trouble for some bull crap someone tries to pull. "Trump did a business deal in Russia 5 years ago" "He's a Russian spy".
    (I know you support Trump but I was mocking the hard left on that last part) but honestly, why does is scare you? I would like to know.

    @Deinen they really aren't though. They aren't connected to Russia. Again it's one of those "Someone on Trump campaign talked on the phone to a person in Russia" "They must be a Russian spy".

    @Deljikho I do not consider it to be a ban. To start it had nothing to do with religion and I asked many of y'all to quote and show me the exact spot in the executive order where it says the word "Muslim" not even "Muslim ban" just find me the word "Muslim" in the executive order. Second, I do not call it a ban because when you think about it, it really isn't. He halted a group of countries from entering America for a short period of time. He actually let some people front hair countries enter America within the freeze. The problem is everyone hears the word "ban" and they get offended.
    ALSO!!!!! You are so wrong on the ninth circuit court! Oh so wrong.
    Ninth Circuit Court rules against Trump’s travel ban
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I'm not stupid, I know how to read articles and assess their worth. This is so blatantly wrong it's silly to even respond. Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, Carter Page? Betsy Devos' brother Erik Prince?

    All of Trump’s Ties to Russia, in 7 Charts

    Sorry, too make coincidences and too many lies to buy that.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  4. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Please tell me you're kidding. I obviously know the 9th circuit ruled against the ban, I've read their entire ruling and even quoted some of it in this thread. What I'm saying is that they haven't ruled against his sanctuary city order which he recently blamed them for on Twitter. The sanctuary city ruling was done by a different court. I'm not wrong, the President is. Smh.

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2017
    metr0n0me likes this.
  5. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    Let me summarize this. You complained about @Deinen's usage of an article by the new york times, hinting at "the new england patriots" which have absolutly NOTHING to do with science.

    Tell me, why did you hint at the patriots? That is my only question right there. You don't have to say anything about the above sentence if you wish.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 27, 2017 ---
    Hmm. Blue, I challenge you to debunk this. Challenge Accepted?
    metr0n0me and Deinen like this.
  6. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    I don't think trump is a russian spy, I think that flynn might be. To anyone who thinks he is a russian spy, why would he bomb syria? it directly conflicts with russian interests?
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 27, 2017 ---
    Ok, donald trump has acted out of russias interest.
    I challenge you to debunk this.
    metr0n0me and Blue_Marlin like this.
  7. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    I thought we've been over this? "Muslim ban" isn't in the travel ban, but that doesn't mean it is not a Muslim ban. Trump has stated many times that it is a Muslim ban, but you deliberately don't tune it out to prove your point. We are going to have to agree to disagree because I think that Trumps' statements about the ban are relevant and should be considered in classifying the legality of the ban while you don't.
    The literal definition of a ban is an official or legal prohibition. He legally prohibited people from those six countries from entering the US. It's the definition of a ban you monkey.
    Natsu and metr0n0me like this.
  8. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Did Flynn lie about Russia to Pence? Yes he did!
    Did Trumps campaign resolve the issue? Yes they did!
    Does Flynn work for the government/ Trump's White House? No he doesn't!

    Its funny that any Democrat can commit many crimes and its okay *or an accident* (*COUGH COUGH* EMAILS) yet a Republican does it and its the end of the world. I do not think Flynn is a Russian spy. He did business with them! big deal? we do business with China, Japan and all these other countries, why can't he do a business deal with Russia before they enter the White House? I think the problem is y'all are mad that a Republican is going to "Make America Great Again" and a Democrat is part of the reason were in this mess. (*COUGH COUGH* healthcare for example) anyway, here goes my debunking!

    To start: Trump himself, Donald Trump! Donald J. Trump! Donald John. Trump! himself said "I have no ties with Russia" and within your stupid little link @Deinen it never makes mention of Donald John. Trump 45th President of the United Stated of America having any ties with Russia himself! anyway, let me continue.

    Jeff Sessions: Yes he did indeed talk to the Russian Ambassador for the U.S?? And!? Your point!? You do know they have ambassadors so they can communicate? Thats their job? That does not mean that they "hacked the system to let Trump win".
    Rex Tillerson: Oil company CEO talking to a Russian oil company?
    1.) Wouldn't that fall under Exxonmobil and not Trumps White House?
    2.) Idk? maybe they were talking oil? lol
    *Rex Tillerson talks oil on the phone with Russian oil company*
    Democrat/Trump hater: "He is a Russian spy and is going to blow up America"
    Micheal Flynn: idk why he is even relevant. He was good at his previous job and obviously made a large mistake. HEY! maybe it was just a small mistake like Hillary deleting her emails was. Anyway, no excuses and he isn't working for the great Trump anymore so! not relevant.

    This is the biggest joke of a "chart" i have ever seen btw. How did you find this?
    Deinen: "I think ill google a chart to help Blue_Marlin understand my point, maybe this will make it valid"
    Inputs to google: "stupidest chart on Trump ties to Russia"
    Google: Here is one from politico!
    *inserts on forums*
    Deinen: "Debunk this"

    Carter Page: Okay, again. Oil. and it isn't even 100% owned by Russia. I honestly do not see how that is a "tie to Russia". ITS OIL! the majority of these is over oil, not a political interference.
    Roger Stone: Okay is this a joke? "claims to be friend of a 'mystery person'" who gave info about Hillary's emails to Julian Assange who is the chief publisher of the great and funny wiki leaks! That was hacked by Russia. This poor guy was hacked and now he has a tie to Russia?
    Paul Manafort: Was Trumps previous campaign manager who was FIRED and replaced with the great Kellyanne Conway! (1st successful female campaign manager) I honestly do not understand how this has to do with Trump? Trump fired him?
    Business ties:
    Miss Universe: Steve Harvey is a Russian spy too!!!!!!
    Trump Organization: A business man was out to make money before he was president? So do many other business men. Anyway, a bank? This is 100% liberal media saying this. It doesn't seem bad until they put the word "mysterious" in the sentence. No, Trump organization called a bank in Russia? and? There was no information found on this so obviously nothing bad happened.
    Fedor Emelianenko: Trump business partner and friend to Putin! Okay? god forbid a business partner of Trump be friends with Putin. lol this is honestly a joke.
    Felix Sater: I know nothing about this so I won't say anything about it.
    Donald Trump jr: He talked at an event? trying to figure out the problems in Syria? How is this a "Tie to Russia" lol im laughing while typing this because of the stupid people who read this and think its "a tie to Russia" you know what makes it believable? all the arrows the go from Trump -----> Putin with bs in between.
    Ivanka Trump:
    Friends of the ex wife of a friend of a friend of Putin. Also was accused of dating Putin and that was also a lie. She did not date Putin so again. WHAT?
    Jared Kushner:
    Seen talking to Micheal Flynn in Trump Tower. The Russian ambassador was also there. (Russia Ambassador for the U.S) I hope you do understand Ambassadors talk to people in the country in which they are the ambassador for. That is their job. Thats how they get paid.

    This was the stupidest and most false/ignorant chart I have ever seen in my life. Deinen, next time you find a chart that says "Mystery person" in place of someones name. Please do not read the chart. Its probably a lie.

    How can it be a Muslim ban if the word Muslim isn't even in the executive order? Go to the executive order and just find me 1 word. All I want you to do is find me the word "Muslim" in that executive order.

    You can call me names all you want. Doesn't make your point valid. It was for 4 months. Calm down.

    I was saying that the New York Times had released a false article on the New England Patriots. Nothing to do with science sir!
    MeepLord27 likes this.
  9. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    I already said it isn't in there, but we will be going in circles at this rate so it's best if we drop it.
    Ok but just because it is for four months doesn't mean it isn't a ban. Maybe you should focus on my point instead of focusing on the fact that I called you a monkey.
    metr0n0me likes this.
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Do you want to drop it because you know its not a Muslim ban, but don't want to admit it?
    *Says Trumps travel freeze it a Muslim ban*
    *Also can't find the word "Muslim" in the executive order*

    I'll do you one. I'll settle for ban, I think its more of a freeze but if it makes you happy. It was a very short temporary ban. :)
  11. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    Nope it's because I am considering Trumps' statements about the travel ban. (being he calls has called it a Muslim Ban)

    (46 seconds)
  12. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    If you go back in the thread I 100% support the fact that he said it is a Muslim ban. However, what he "said" and what he "did" are 2 different things. He said "I'm going to have a Muslim ban" (i'm not denying that statement) but he didn't make it a Muslim ban. I don't care what he "says" I care about what he does! If the word Muslim is not in the executive order then how can it be a ban on Muslims?
  13. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    1) He called it a Muslim ban
    2) It applies almost only to Muslims, since it's only valid for countries whose populations are almost entirely Muslim.

    Look, if tomorrow Klutchdecals were to say something like: "Anyone whose username starts with B, is a color and a fish, and ends in 98 will be required to give me all his money in 24 hours," is that something specifically against you? Well, by your logic, since it also applies to someone who might be called BlueGoldfish_98, it's not an action against you.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 27, 2017 ---
    i believe all this is wrong. it is my opinion, and i choose to dismiss everything you say here

    Edit: but seriously though, while there were undoubtedly some legit business deals going on within that chart, there was definitely some shady stuff going on. While I wouldn't go so far as to say that Trump is a Russian double-agent, there is definitely a concerning level of activity as to the scope of high-ranking officials' dealings with Russia. And I think you're naive to assume that it was all legit and on the up-and-up--I can guarantee that not all of those dealings were legal.

    Besides, if you look at the way Gazprom and Rozneft do business, corruption is their modus operandi. You can bet that even within Tillerson's (who, by the way, is doing a surprisingly good job as secretary of state) activity in Russia, there was some bribery/kickbacks/shady crap going on.

    In Russia, there's no oversight of the state-owned oil industry and as such, their executives, which are often the political elite or their relatives, abuse their power to line their own pockets. I think Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition leader and anti-corruption lawyer, has done a good job highlighting some of the underhanded dealings of Gazprom and Rozneft (especially Gazprom). It's really telling that within a couple months of his investigations of Gazprom, he was arrested and imprisoned on trumped up charges (no pun intended).

    Given that corruption is essentially a way of life in Russia, it's not too much of a stretch to say that some of our dealings with the Russians haven't been completely un-corrupt.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2017
    Erebus45, Natsu and cnkropp like this.
  14. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Within that chart it said "Ivanka Trump has connections to Russia because she is a friend of the ex wife of Putin's friend". You want me to take that chart seriously? Also, you don't have to believe the facts if you don't want to. You have that right.

    No that is absolutely false. It's funny how Obama gets no heat from making the list. Its all Trump! Also, there is only 1 way you can prove to me that it actually was a Muslim ban. If you find me the word Muslim in that executive order ill believe that it was a Muslim ban. I don't even need you to find "Muslim Ban" as a matter of fact don't even look for the word ban. Just find me where it says MUSLIM! How can an executive order be a Muslim ban when in the executive order it doesn't even have the word Muslim!? explain that to me please! I'm obviously missing something. I think you should stop watching "The View" and CNN. Stick to fox news.
  15. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    I did, you just chose not to listen.

    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 27, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 27, 2017 ---
    As Derrick Watson, a Hawaiian federal judge who issued a temporary hold against the ban, said:

    "A reasonable, objective observer... would conclude that the Executive Order was issued with a purpose to disfavour a particular religion, in spite of its stated, religiously-neutral purpose.

    “It is undisputed, using the primary source upon which the Government itself relies, that these six countries have overwhelmingly Muslim populations that range from 90.7 percent to 99.8 percent."
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 27, 2017 ---
    I do not watch The View or CNN--I mostly read BBC, the local newspaper, and Fox (but not their syndicated columns, they're heavily biased and just overall crap "journalism"). So please stop making random-ass generalizations; they're bad.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 28, 2017 ---
    I appreciate that you hold me to the same standards as yourself, but I don't know if being able to randomly dismiss facts is a good attitude to have.

    It's healthy and natural to question sources and facts, but disposing with facts because you don't believe in them is dangerous.
    Erebus45, Natsu and Deljikho like this.
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Oh I listened alright. You are the one not listening. I do not want you to quote what he said. I want you to pull up the exact executive order and find me in the executive order where it says the word Muslim 1 time! Not in a speech he gave, not on a sticky note that he wrote on, none of that crap. In the executive order, where does it say the word Muslim?

    Here is the executive order link: Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States

    A Virgina judge ruled in favor of his ban. Saying it was not unconstitutional. It was also not pointed on religion.

    No, Im assuming you watch biased news sources. Fox is not biased, even though im fairly angry at them for getting rid of Bill O.

    I do believe the facts. Thank you. I choose not to pay attention to a stupid chart Politico let out. Especially with the way they generalized Trump having ties to Russia (even though they never mentioned how Trump himself had any ties) and they used the most ridiculous reasonings. Let alone that they referred to someone as "the mystery man".
  17. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    It does not need to say the word Muslim to be a Muslim ban!!!

    Sure, it doesn't ban all Muslims, but it DOES ban all citizens from countries that are basically all Muslim!

    Put it this way: my friends and I had a town, and someone else decided to ban my entire friend group from their /pwarp. They posted a sign that said: "All members of the town Albion are banned from this /pwarp."

    Now, they didn't say: "Metr0n0me's friend group is not allowed here," did they? But they basically banned my friend group, since my friend group was in my town, and they banned members of my town from entering their store.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 28, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 28, 2017 ---
    nah I'm pretty sure he and Starnes were/are my least favorite parts of Fox. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree there.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Okay so it's a Muslim ban even though it doesn't ban all Muslims and it doesn't say the word "Muslim" in the executive order?

    Trump kept referring to it as a "Muslim" ban because of the "Islamic" terrorism. Look what is going on in them countries. Look how they are treating people. Their own citizens. Look how they are treating Christians. They don't have a "proper government" in some of those counties. What I mean by this is, if someone wants to come to America from those countries. America has no way to find any crimes they have committed or anything about them. They don't have it recorded in a system. They even said "this is not a ban on religion but safety". Even though I don't think it's a ban....
  19. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    Blue, here.

    The countries banned are Iran, Iraq, Lyban, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

    The definition of muslim is "a follower of the religion of islam"

    Those countries are muslim countries.

    Its a muslim ban.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 28, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 28, 2017 ---
    Simple, right?
    Erebus45, Natsu and metr0n0me like this.
  20. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    A muslim ban is a good thing. Have you seen the polls? let alone the stuff that happens in germany and sweden and the government literally covers it up.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2017

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