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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    I know this is off topic but do you play Rome 1 or Medieval 2 Total War?
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
    kwagscraft, Natsu, Erebus45 and 2 others like this.
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Nope, I've called him uneducated and stupid many times now, because he keeps saying dumb crap. Sorry, but I'm not going to smile and normalize stupidity, stop saying dumb things and I won't call someone dumb.
    Erebus45 and Pmx728 like this.
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Yes Deinen,
    Im an idiot because i love this country.
    Im an idiot because i chose to vote for a patriot and not a mean spirited, lying piece of trash.
    Im an idiot because i believe ObamaCare is gonna fail.
    Im an idiot because i believe that religious freedoms come over gay marriage.
    Im an idiot because i believe in radical islamic terrorism.
    Im an idiot because i believe in terrorism itself.
    Im an idiot because i believe the Muslim religion is not a religion built on peace.
    Im an idiot because i believe we should put Americans first.
    Im an idiot because i believe our veterans are more important than any other person.
    Im an idiot because i don't believe in political correctness.
    Im an idiot because i think you should be drug tested before getting any government assistance.
    Im an idiot because i believe you shouldn't be on unemployment for more than 3 months and should have to submit job applications and drug testing while on it.
    Im an idiot because i believe nothing in life is free.
    Im an idiot because i believe no on owes you anything except the respect you give them.
    Im an idiot because i believe we should have lower taxes.
    Im an idiot because i want a stronger military.
    Im an idiot because i want stronger border control.
    Im an idiot because i want all illegal immigrants deported.
    Im an idiot because i believe in the constitution.
    Im an idiot because i want my gun.
    Im an idiot because i believe that private schools are better then public schools.
    Im an idiot because i am pro-life.
    Im an idiot because i believe in freedom of speech.
    Im an idiot because i care about the safety of others.
    Im an idiot because i hate sharia law.
    Im an idiot because i believe in good morals.
    Im an idiot because i think you should be required to stand up in class for the pledge of allegiance.
    Im an idiot because i think anyone who disrespects our flag or police men, fire fighters, veterans etc should be put in prison.
    Im an idiot because i believe prisons should be pure hell and not a hotel stay with tv's, etc.
    Im an idiot because i believe anyone who rapes someone should be castrated and killed.
    Im an idiot because i believe gay marriage and single parent hood is bad on children.

    I can go on and on and on about the many reason im an idiot, these are just a few.
  4. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Lock this dumb piece of crap please, it's none of your business how rich or poor someone is, how mentally defective someone is, you don't need to be 10 get toxic here on meep people.

    Take it to pm ffs and I don't want to be in it

    @KlutchDecals @Courtneyyy @Klitch @CluelessKlutz
    SuperDyl, metr0n0me and Pmx728 like this.
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Natsu I was agreeing with Deinen, he called me an idiot so I told him why I was one. Now your mad?
  6. PandaBear711

    PandaBear711 Celebrity Meeper

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    @Deinen Do you support this man? [​IMG]
    MegaStufOreo and Natsu like this.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Good, we should all love our country.

    Are you talking about the patriot with five draft deferments from the Vietnam war?

    Agree to disagree

    I can accept you believe this but I cannot agree with pushing a worldview on other people. One should practice their religion to themselves and those like minded.

    I don't think anyone here discounts the notion the majority of terrorism in the recent times originates from radicalized people from the Islam faith. We just don't think it's enough of a threat to warrant a noneffective fear against an entire people.


    This is stemming from your misinformation of the Qu'ran, because it reads very much like the Bible, violence and all.


    Agreed, which is why we need to think more carefully before putting them in conflicts we ultimately do not need to / cannot win. This way they do not have to deal with a lifetime of mental disorders and the VA nightmare that exists all while costing a tremendous amount of money.

    I think we draw the line differently between political correctness and being polite.

    We do that in Michigan, it's found only a handful of people taking drugs on assistance, but it's cost a hell of a lot of money. It would have been nice if they put that money into the roads or something. Aside from this, it's illegal to drug screen someone to get assistance without actual suspicion of them using drugs.

    Unemployment benefits vary by state and do require you to be looking for work, including putting job resumes on their internal system. I would absolutely agree to requiring citizens putting in community service to earn their benefits relative to their position in life. (Working full time / part time / student)


    Except elected officials owe us their honesty

    Taxes pay for services, roads, etc, etc. Why do you think all nation-states have levied a tax in forever?

    We overwhelmingly have the strongest military in the history of human species on this planet........We can literally end humanity at anytime we want.

    Not everything is about strong and weak, having smarter immigration laws is the first step in border control.

    Can you imagine how much economic devastation that would cause to the many, many, many communities they contain illegals currently? Most of them pay taxes via fake SSN's, so they can't receive the benefits and then think about the money that would cease going to the local businesses. A smarter way is setting up a reasonable and achievable way to convert the illegals into citizens, assimilating them into our population and economy so we can better compete with the nations with 1,000,000,000 people and are quickly industrializing.

    Except further down you write this:

    "Im an idiot because i think anyone who disrespects our flag or police men, fire fighters, veterans etc should be put in prison."

    This is you literally calling for the restriction of our freedom of speech.

    Hasn't Obama taken your gun away yet? I'm from Michigan, an open carry state, I don't worry much about being disarmed.

    They usually are, except I don't want my state's public money going to them.

    Then don't get an abortion, stay out of other people's business.


    "Im an idiot because i think anyone who disrespects our flag or police men, fire fighters, veterans etc should be put in prison."

    This is you literally calling for a restriction of free speech, to be imprisoned none the less!

    Care about my safety, don't try to legislate it.

    Couldn't care less what other people do so long as it doesn't affect me negatively.

    These are all very conflicting statements and two of them do not respect the Constitution, or freedom of speech.

    I encourage you to look at the rate of violent incidents and recidivism between prisons in the USA and Europe. Europe, a much nicer atmosphere prioritizing rehabilitation suffers far less violent incidents inside the prison and far less people coming back into prison due to recidivism. MSNBC's lockup show did a couple episodes of prisons inside Europe, you'd be surprised at the amount of prisons that suffer 0 violent incidents that year.

    I suggest reading: Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

    Maybe, but the legal path to the death penalty is far more costly than imprisonment for life not to mention the potential of killing an innocent person. I'd prefer the cheaper path and using that money to better society.

    Ok, believe it, but you shouldn't push your beliefs on anyone else. Stay out of their business.

    No....I keep calling you an idiot because you're saying stupid things publicly, nothing more, nothing else.

  8. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Please take this to PM and work it out, it's much easier

    We don't want to see people constantly calling each other idiots

    Talked out in PM
    SuperDyl likes this.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Then don't read it, but someone needs to call a skunk a skunk.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 30, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 30, 2017 ---

    Flynn offers to testify in Trump-Russia probe in exchange for immunity

    Why would Trump's former advisor want immunity and what is he offering to testify? :)
    metr0n0me and Pmx728 like this.
  10. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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  11. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    If none of you can debate without resulting in name calling and multiple posts just insulting each other then I'm locking the thread. Please be civil, I don't care if you don't like what someone else is saying, that's what debates are for, but don't resort to insults.
  12. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I mean absolutely no disrespect, but I feel your assessment of the situation isn't inherently fair considering the context of the debate itself. You are correct, a debate is a exercise of opposing ideas coming forth in a genuine spirit of discussion. The issue we have here is the debate isn't filled with participants engaging in a genuine spirit of discussion. One notable participate has posted numerous claims that are not verified at best and demonstrably false at worse. The logical assumption is you present him with factual information backed by legitimate sources. Except in this case that person replies with more unfounded and false statements nearly each and every time he is presented with actual factual information.

    Nobody forced him to be here, nobody asked for his opinion. He of his own free will and volition began posting unverified and false statements and yet it's frowned upon to call a spade a spade? This worldview of unverified and demonstrably false opinions has just literally elected a sitting U.S President just two months ago, one that allows his resort guests to take photos with the guy who carried the nuclear football. A sitting U.S President who has lied more than I've seen anyone else lie before. A sitting U.S President who has seemed intent in passing bad laws and crippling our domestic programs and policy.

    Quite frankly it's our duty as Americans (whoever is one in here) to call out this worldview based on conspiracy and conjecture, it's like an infection that if let fester will begin to rot the body, it must be rooted out. Not a single person was insulted because of their political ideology, religious beliefs, nationality, or anything else other than the literally spouting ignorant (As in lacking facts) arguments in a debate, which is usually founded on rational and verified claims.

    In an age where we have literally the entirety of human knowledge in the palm of our hands, it's irresponsible, nay, dangerous to be this uninformed and out of touch in your worldview. It's immediately dangerous to us rational people if we're already seeing a sitting U.S President claim more than once about wanting to change libel laws so he can sue newspapers over negative coverage. It's time this worldview is rooted out and exposed as the uneducated dribble that it truly is.

    Nobody here is being bullied but learning that what one believes isn't relevant in the world of facts and reality. Nobody here is insulted kids for being kids, but a grown man is being called on his crap.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  13. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    I absolutely agree with you, mate, I'm not disputing that. It was a general comment for everyone, better to argue with facts than with insults. What was said was uncalled for and I'm keeping my eye on the thread.
    SuperDyl and Natsu like this.
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Could you, for my own clarification, show me an example of what was so egregious, to better avoid it in the future?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  15. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    I could tell you

    "Nope, I've called him uneducated and stupid many times now, because he keeps saying dumb crap. Sorry, but I'm not going to smile and normalize stupidity, stop saying dumb things and I won't call someone dumb."

    "someone needs to call a skunk a skunk."

    This is just from this page

    I'm not saying that these insults are coming just from you, but it is coming from both sides and it's disgusting, so please stop. Kids come here too and it should be a good environment for everyone.
  16. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    If someone can't handle being called dumb by a stranger on the internet then they shouldn't be in the debate section. They could always go to a different part of the website.
    SuperDyl likes this.
  17. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    That's true, but Meepcraft shouldn't be a place where people call each other names, but the complete opposite. At least that's what I believe.
    SuperDyl and EllieEllie like this.
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Erebus45 can we drop it? I have been called names and I took it, then I insult someone else and it's an issue? It's not that I can't handle it, it just gets old. When your debating someone and constantly being called "dumb" and he's calling Trump names, it's not a mature way to debate, especially a 32 year old to an 18 year old. If he truly believes my views are wrong then shouldn't he teach me and guide me to the "right belief"? Who's to say his political views are correct and mine are wrong? Do I not have the right to have an opinion? I'm still learning a lot in the political field and I don't know everything, so yes a lot of things I don't know the right answer to. However, I self taught myself everything I know (except the help of asking questions). Did I say something mean? Yes, did I mean for him to take it to heart? No. But in my defense Deinen was name calling, on top of I'm pretty much the only person on Trumps side so I have 5 or so people constantly going against me. My time here was not to change the mindset of anybody, I simply wanted y'all to know why I voted for Trump. That is the name of the thread right? Anyways, I agree 100% with @EllieEllie and @Natsu the posts in this thread have gone too far and it needs to stop. I'm going to stop. I ask the rest of you to do the same. :)
    SuperDyl and EllieEllie like this.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Oh I'll tell you right now that was me. I said those things.

    Bringing this back to politics (Since we are in this debate thread), this is the issue with those on the left, since we've been discussing the right so much here. Instead of recognizing the situation as something they personally don't want to be in, they feel the need to police the behavior of others making sure people are nice to eachother.

    I'm not a child, nor in Bluemarlin, and neither is the topic of this debate.

    What else do you call it when someone continually speaks their opinion and nearly all of it is uninformed and factually wrong? What do you do when this is a sentiment held by 20% or more of the nation you live in? Are you suggesting we listen, smile, nod and move on our way? What do you think has enabled them to delve this deep into their brainwashing, us smiling, nodding, and then moving on our way.

    This uninformed and outright dangerous worldview is something that should not be tolerated nor should the people to hold this backwards, irresponsible and uninformed worldview.

    Exempt nobody forced you to come here and post your opinions without almost every posit of opinion lacking any verifiable factual information behind it. Nobody has forced you to dismiss almost every single post people make and rebuke it with your beliefs, also generally unverified. Nobody has forced you to reject facts and reason during this entire debate. My friend is a massive pro-trump guy. MASSIVE. He's DEEP into the conspiracy theories and we argue about three times a week for a few hours. By argue we begin yelling, cursing and getting upset. When it's all over we smile, shake hands and resume being friends and move on. I've called him way way worse and he's called me things unmentionable. But when it's over I don't dislike him as a person nor he me, we just have opposing ideologies, and he's insane.

    Our ages have nothing to do with it, you're an adult partaking in an adult discussion about an adult topic. Nor has anyone been talking about what is right or wrong regarding political views and worldviews. There is such a thing as uninformed and buying into the propaganda that comes from Breitbart and Infowars is among generally being uninformed.

    What do you think I was doing by linking article after article to you? Did you read and digest any of those articles or any single piece of factual information I've submitted here? What about when I began to post single posts of an individual lie? If I can show you Trump is a liar, then maybe we could begin to crack the brainwashing you have for this gentleman. If I can show you Trump lies about things so insignificant, like his inauguration crowd size, then what will he do when something significant happens?

    But by being a Trump supporter and talking about it, you'll often find yourself in the minority, well, because you're actually in the minority. You'll always face more people in any discussion that are vehemently against your viewpoints, but if you've noticed I've stayed clear away from the gaslighting done by those on the left.

    I haven't called you a racist or a sexist or a bigot of any kind and I insult Trump because it's shocking the level of infatuation his supporters have for him, taking to heart every knock against the man that they don't even know, but voted for. You have the inherent right to vote for anyone you want @Blue_marlin98 - Be proud of that as an American. You're not wrong for voting for him, but it's concerning the amount of just pure blind trust, even in face of mounting evidence Trump may be in serious trouble. But this thread wasn't who did everyone vote for any why, it was a debate regarding Trump and people's opinions of him. Debates are between opposing parties bringing up points in order to win the debate.

    But how does someone debate with someone who has been fed his opinions on the world his entire life by his parents and conservative media? What do you do when they have an inherent bias against liberals (If you've noticed, I've tried to avoid smearing conservatives much, if at all, in this thread) and chalk up to points and rebukes as being a liberal, or being anti-trump? This is as disingenuous as outright lies and accomplishes much of the same thing.

    And quite frankly, this isn't just about you having some worldview. This is about someone walking around in the world who believes courts should discriminate based on religion. This is someone wanting people to be imprisoned for disrespecting our flag, or police. This is someone in the world with the potential to begin wanting to force other people to behave in a way that fits their worldview.

    This is a threat against us as a population or to my children having to grow up in a world with these types of people. I'm not afraid of Muslims terrorists, I'm afraid of far-right government trying to legislate a world where one is imprisoned or fined for lawful protests, or as blue stated, imprisoned for disrespecting our flag, cops, firemen, etc, or a world where my children are forced to pledge allegiance to a government from an age where they can't understand the implications of such a thing.

    It's not about you @Blue_marlin98 - It's about there being a large enough group like you that are already working to crumble America from the inside. Look at the budget that is being proposed and the god-awful cuts to all those departments that serve a purpose in society! The white-washing of scientific information across almost all agencies in the government is another frightening thing.

    The issue is that we have a group of people led by a fat orange oompa-loompa, who generally aren't that informed on the facts of the policies they are advocating for. Look at all the EPA regulations being just destroyed now, ya'll are ok with it, but it's going to end up destroying our planet and our entire human species. It's not that Trump people are wrong on every single aspect, they made good points and have pointed out broken systems, like immigration. It's just the solution is not the destruction of everything they dislike, the ways they are proposing to solve the issues are almost more frightening than the issue.

    Quite frankly that ideology and the lack of education/information behind it is amounting to a quantifiable threat to my children and that's why it has to be opposed man. I get you have real concerns on society, but your ideology as is is not legitimate anymore in the 21st century. It needs to be forcefully pushed against every opportunity otherwise we normalize it, enable it and risk it growing even bigger.

    (Look: Analysis | GOP lawmaker: The Bible says the unemployed ‘shall not eat’)

    It's not just Trump, this behavior is staggeringly common in both houses of congress and it needs rooted out there.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 31, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 31, 2017 ---
    Flynn and Nunes fallout grows ominous for Trump White House

    I am interested in the story Flynn has to tell, according to his lawyer. (The lawyer works at the firm ran by Eric Holder too)

    I'm curious on what crime Flynn is seeking immunity for.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
    Pmx728, qazini, Natsu and 5 others like this.
  20. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Michael Flynn Failed to Disclose Payments From Russian Propaganda Network

    If Trump is so incompetent he cannot even vet his own administrative team, what makes anyone think he could implement a policy to vet thousands of immigrants and refugees?
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 2, 2017, Original Post Date: Apr 2, 2017 ---
    Trump Calls for Cuts on Medical Research and Infrastructure to Pay for the Wall

    Wait, medical research and infrastructure doesn't sound like Mexico.

    Also, why we cutting the budget we plan to invest 1 trillion dollars in? (infrastructure)

    Is this....could it be....

    another lie?
    Pmx728 and flabbadoodle like this.

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