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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    When did he say anything about firing everyone? He was pointing out that Trump only said it to try it out and stuck with it because the crowds liked it.
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Aren't these the sources you get all your information from?

    FBI Reportedly Looking At Breitbart, InfoWars As Part Of Russia Probe
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 21, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 21, 2017 ---
    Bank that lent $300m to Trump linked to Russian money laundering scam

    Hacked text messages allegedly sent by Paul Manafort's daughter discuss 'blood money' and killings, and a Ukrainian lawyer wants him to explain

    Former Trump aide Manafort hires crisis communications firm
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 21, 2017 ---

    I apologize, it seems there was wiretapping going on with Trump Tower from 2011 to 2013

    FBI wiretapped Russian gambling ring headquarted at Trump Tower


    Well if anyone would know, it would be Nixon's lawyer. Lol
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 22, 2017 ---
    Lawyer for Russian whistleblower's family falls out of apartment building before court date

    Interesting. I'll add links throughout the day


    Preet Bharara - Fired by Trump/Sessions after being promised a continuing position under the administration by Trump. In early March, a watchdog group asked Bharara to open an investigation into Trump's international business dealings. He may have also been investigating Trump's cabinet pick for Health and Human Services over potential financial violations. This report has not been verified.

    Nikolai Gorokhov - Russian attorney. He's the one who was thrown from a roof or fell while helping winch a tub (maybe a jacuzzi) up to the roof, but no one else was hurt. He's been representing the family of anti-Putin lawyer Sergei Magnitsky. He's also a witness in a separate money laundering case in NYC that Bharara was investigating, the one the primary article from OP is about.

    Sergei Magnitsky - This source seems questionable overall, but gives this summary of how he got involved. "The generally accepted narrative of the Magnitsky affair is that lawyer Sergei Magnitsky was employed by the American-born owner of Hermitage Capital Management, William Browder, in an effort to investigate the theft of assets from his companies by the Russian police. Magnitsky then courageously exposed these actions, was arrested and died in pretrial detention in a Russian prison after being tortured, beaten and denied medical care. It is this story of heroism that Nekrasov set out to tell, leaning heavily on Browder for the details of the case." There is more of a timeline that backs up that summary here. It's believed he was ultimately tortured to death in a Russian prison. The US Congress passed the Magnitsky Act in 2012 and it was signed into law by President Obama. This resulted in a number of Russian officials being banned from entering the US. Russia responded by stopping adoption of Russian children by US families and with a list of other people who were banned from entering Russia. Preet Bharara was among those banned from entering Russia. But why???

    Viktor Bout - Russian arms trader. Convicted in 2011 on four counts of conspiracy to sell antiaircraft weapons and other arms to purported Colombian rebels to kill Americans. "The jury convicted Bout of all four charges, including conspiracy to kill Americans, conspiracy to kill U.S. government officers and employees, conspiracy to acquire and use antiaircraft missiles, and conspiracy to provide material support or resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization." The case was prosecuted by US. attorney for the South District of New York, Preet Bharara. This case is unrelated, as far as I can tell, to the rest of the story, but it provides a bit more information about why Bharara was on Russia's list. This is just context.

    USA v. Prevezon - This is the money laundering case that Gorokhov was scheduled to testify in this week. This case begins with Sergei Magnitsky and his investigation with Bowder. This article dives deep into both investigations, so I don't want to get too far into it here. So now we see that Bharara and Magnitsky are linked back to the same original crimes in Russia. When Bharara opened the money laundering case, it connected an investigation from eight years before in Russia and pulled Gorokhov in to represent Magnitsky's family in his wrongful death case against Russia.

    US Justice Department -- Here's their summary of the money laundering case and its history.

    Russian mob - The Russian mob operated the money laundering scheme. Trump has a well-documented history of connections to the Russian mob in NYC, including them living in Trump Tower, the same one the Secret Service now guards. I cannot make any connection at this time between the mob in this case and Trump. Again, this is just proving bigger context.

    Denis Katsyv
    - This is the man at the center of the Prevezon case. He is a client of the same firm behind part/all of the dossier, or at least the more salacious portions that have less credibility. This article gets into more information about Katsyv and Prevezon.

    Further links become a bit muddier and certainly hard to show evidence beyond loosely circumstantial. The Russian arms dealer, Viktor Bout, hired former US AG John Ashcroft's firm to defend him for his appeal. Ashcroft was on the board of Constellis Holdings LLC, which purchased/acquired Blackwater, which was founded by the brother of Betsy DeVos, the new Secretary of Education, hand-picked by Trump.

    Also just to state, these are the higher level Russian officials who have mysteriously died recently

    1) Russian Diplomat; Sergei Krivov. On Election Day- found dead on the roof of the Russian embassy- First responders reported "head bashed in." Later reported as a heart attack. Nov 8/2016

    2) Russia's ambassador to Turkey; Andrew Karlov- shot Dec 16/2016

    3) Russian Diplomat; Petr Polshikov- shot dead Dec 20/2016

    4) NATO auditor general; Yves Chandelon (Belgian) Involved in counter action against terrorism financing, shot himself? Very suspicious circumstances. Owns his own guns. Shot with a different gun.Shot Dec 27/2016

    5) Former KGB officer; Olev Erovikin. Dead in the back of his car- Jan 2/2017 (Involved in leak to British MI 6 agent, Christopher Steele about Trump and Russia connections.) Jan 2/2017

    6) Russia's ambassador to Greece; Andrew Malanin- found dead Jan 9/ 2017- Police investigating.

    7) Russian Ambassador to India- Alexander Kadakin; Died of a heart attack Jan 26/2017

    8) Possible US Intelligence asset and top Russian Cyber crimes agent; Sergei Mikhailov. He was dragged out of a Russian meeting with a black bag over his head- Jan 25/2017

    9) Vitally Churkin- Russia's ambassador to NATO - found dead Feb 20/2017

    In the Last Six Months, a Number of Russian Officials Have Reportedly Died Unexpectedly

    --- Going back to Clinton and pedophile rings

    Acosta questioned over deal with billionaire pedophile | Daily Mail Online
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 22, 2017 ---
    OH MAN @Blue_marlin98! The smoke is getting closer to fire now

    For a refresher: Paul Manafort was the Trump campaign manager during the campaign, and while Manafort was campaign manager, Trump pressured the GOP to drop all anti-Russian rhetoric on the party platform.

    Trump campaign guts GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine

    AP Exclusive: Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government

    "Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin...

    Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse. Manafort pitched the plans to Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close Putin ally with whom Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006, according to interviews with several people familiar with payments to Manafort and business records obtained by the AP."

    So we now have Trump's campaign manager acting as literally an illegal unregistered foreign agent of the Russian government who was actively trying to influence not only U.S, but Europe and former soviet republics, to influence policy to be more pro-Russian.

    I've been putting off saying this...but....but.....

    I'm really looking forward to watching some traitors get shot.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 22, 2017 ---

    Ivanka Trump's lavish family ski holiday is taxpayer funded
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 22, 2017 ---

    I did notice you've shown Biden some deference to his opinion.

    Biden on Trump, Russia relationship: 'What in the hell are we doing?'
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    "Accidentally monitored Trumps team and possibly Trump himself" - Devin Nunes.

    Please stop tagging me, your being ignorant and I'm tired of talking to you. We clearly see differently on Trump I will continue to stand by Trump no matter what you say. Besides that, why are you still trying to argue with an "idiot" anyways? Because I see differently than you I'm just an "uneducated idiot" your words. So I kindly ask you to please stop tagging me. :) have a blessed day!
  4. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    This is coming from the guy that literally said this:
    Pmx728, Natsu, Deinen and 1 other person like this.
  5. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    "lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated."

    Considering you support this guy Trump after all the abhorrent things he's done, I'd say you're ignorant far before I'd say Deinen is. Go debate with Deinen instead of backing off and playing the victim, that's your only hope at this point.
    Erebus45 and Pmx728 like this.
  6. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Well boys! I'd safety say the anti-trump side clearly won this debate.

    Would anyone else like to try and defend Comrade Trump? Preferably with facts, though.

    But @Blue_marlin98 what did you think of Comrade Trump's campaign manager secretly working for Russian interests?

    Bringing shame to his German heritage
  8. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    Relying on scholarships and grants to fund for college isn't a dependable option. "Only about one in 10 undergraduate students in bachelor’s degree programs wins a private scholarship, on average about $2,800 a year." Also the average federal grant in 2015-2016 was $3,724. Now if we assume someone receives both the average person grant and scholarship, that is a total of $6,524 a year which isn't much considering the average in-state tuition of a four year public college is $9,410. (Which is not considering housing, books, food, etc.) Also just .3% of students received enough funds from grants and scholarships to be able to cover the cost of a full ride.

    How Rare Are Full-Ride Scholarships?
    Maximum and Average Pell Grants over Time - Trends in Higher Education - The College Board

    I don't think that you understand that they grew up in a time where people didn't need to go to college to make a stable living. My grandpa never went to college and he also made six figures, and owned a successful business. Times are different.
    So are you saying liberals are idiots because they are willing to sacrifice for the greater good? That was the difference between the two examples.
    Was going to say to cite a source that says free college caused the national debt, but you are done.
    It's impossible to get off of government aid when you need it to live.
    Yeah screw the kids. They don't need sesame street.
    We are arguing with an "idiot" in an attempt to get you to leave the sheeple.
    Erebus45, Pmx728 and Deinen like this.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Nice! This means a judge signed off on a warrant to place a wiretap, which means sufficient evidence of a crime being committed. :)
  10. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    Could a new poll be added about what people think now?

    (This isn't saying we shouldn't respect Trump as a president, but should watch carefully and know what to ask from representatives and future presidents.)
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    We should not automatically respect Trump because he's President. If we recall, Trump was quite disrespectful to Obama, remember the continuous birther claims? You reap what you sow

    Trump thus far has been sowing that he's a traitorous lying scumbag of a person.
    Erebus45, BlackJack and Pmx728 like this.
  12. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I am not saying college caused the national debt, I'm saying those countries don't have near as much debt as America does, therefore they can give free college. When America is out of debt or is barely in debt then yes I could maybe see free college.

    @Deinen if it helps you sleep better at night you can say you won, however Hillary Clinton lost the election sooooo, who truly won here? I think it's safe to say the Trump Supporters did! :)
  13. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Actually Russia won.
    SX1, Pmx728, Deinen and 3 others like this.
  14. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Are you mentally okay?

    1) we aren't supporting Hillary.
    2) this is not about how many states Trump won it's about whether Trump is factually doing good in office after he's been elected.
    3) you weren't able to provide adequate evidence to back up your claim and Deinen did?
    Pmx728 and Blue_Marlin like this.
  15. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    Oh definitely, I don't respect him as being a decent person in any way qualified to represent any country. However, we should still support his position, president, even if we don't support the man. So, against the man but still supporting the government and it's systems.
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen you can always move to North Korea.
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    1- The modern world economy is primarily driven by debt, debt isn't inherently bad.

    2- I didn't vote for Clinton

    3- Trump won the electoral college, but he lost the popular vote. You're currently a minority trying to rule over a majority, history can show you how well this goes.
  18. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Actually you'll have to obtain a visa to China, then move illegally over the guarded border.
    cnkropp likes this.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Hit me up on discord. I have an honesty story for you that is probably innapropriate here, but it will inform you of where I'm coming from in my arguments. I completely understand your worldview and I understand where it comes from and I can tell you more about your worldview than you'd expect.

    It wasn't my intention to hurt your feeling or belittle you, but to jar you into some reaction and drive you to look a bit further into your views.
    Erebus45, cnkropp, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  20. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen im not offended and my feelings aren't hurt, I enjoy talking about politics wether or not people agree with me and or "win" the argument. I'm only 18 and have ALOT to learn. I voted for Trump, was my first time voting. I pay attention and have pretty much self taught myself (with some help from my grandparents) I just don't see the point in arguing anymore, I wanted to stop this debate not really because of you Deinen (although I may have made it seem that way) but because of some other people on here. I enjoyed arguing but have gotten tired of it on here. By all means message me on discord Deinen, I would love to continue talking about it one on one, the only thing with discord is that I only get on by my computer so my respond time will be a bit longer.
    SuperDyl likes this.

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