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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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  2. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    He isn't a pedophile defender. He explained it in a press conference. When he said "Boy" he wasn't referring to any sort of underage person.
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I think it's funny how you actually think we're gonna go into a world war and the world is just gonna end. You say I'm uneducated but I need to ask you something... what would you do with North Korea? Just keep sending them goods? Just give them what they want?
  4. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    So if we deploy the military in NK like Rex Tillerson says we might, what do you think will happen.
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I know what can't happen. I would like to know what you and @Deinen would do? Instead of what Trump is doing, what should he do?
  6. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Can you answer my question first?
    If we take military action against North Korea what do you think will happen?
  7. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I guess I'll answer the question that I asked first.... So, North Korea for 30 or 40 years (before any of us were born) has been jerks to America. America just keeps taking it and taking it. America wants to stop North Koreas nuclear weapon program. So in order to have them stop the program we just send them goods. Including oil, food, etc etc. Well Trump and his Administration has said enough is enough. North Korea has threatened to destroy the west coast and parts of Alaska. So Tillerson said "all bets are on the table". Meaning if they want to continue being arrogant butt heads were not gonna take it and we will fight back. So! What America will do without killing and blowing up all of North Korea we're going to kindly destroy their nuclear weapons. So! You say China will attack us? How?
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
  8. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Attached Files:

  9. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    Remind me how Japan and America fought in WW2. Remind me how America fought in Europe during WW2.

    Understand that it's even easier to fight each other now without even leaving our soil. Trans-continental missiles and airplanes, and warships and aircraft carriers chock full of airplanes.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  10. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    The same f*cking way they did in the Korean War, you dolt.
    Pmx728 and Deljikho like this.
  11. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Yes, I know they can attack us. I deleted that part of my comment because A I didn't want to get into the argument and B because of how I worded it. They have nothing to do, what are we gonna give them? The money we owe them? We have none. We sent them like 12 billion dollars last year. We can stop sending it back tho. North Korea is just gonna back down. I mean they act like they are so above us because we've let them. Now that the dog (meaning the U.S) is gonna bite back. They'll learn. not to threaten us. @Deinen you can call me names and cuss and carry on all you want. Have a civil debate or don't have one at all. The cussing and name calling doesn't make you any smarter. :p
  12. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    They have nukes ya know.
    Nukes are these big bombs that kill tons of people.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  13. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I'm aware of this. However with our submarines and stuff, a war with China wouldn't happen and if it did it wouldn't cause a world war. IF it did cause a world war which I highly doubt it, we've been threw 2 of em.
  14. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    North Korea has like 10 nukes at most. Yes, that can destroy all of Asia. Yes, they've been shooting ballistic missiles to the Sea of Japan. Does that mean this crisis is urgent? Not really. What we could do is stop their artillery and food supplies coming in from China. That's why China is actually a very important nation in the North Korean problem.

    War with China could happen, and if it does, it won't end easily, but will cause devastating results for both sides. China has things against the US, as you can observe from the South Sea problem from last summer @Blue_marlin98
  15. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    C H I N A
    N O T K O R E A
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 19, 2017 ---
    Not with everyone knowing the capacity of nukes boyo.
    C H I N A
  16. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    It's also a verb, thanks.
    Yeah... But when it's on the public's dime, we should have some say in it.
    Can still be made in America, if they assemble it here.
    He's not doing much businessing atm, he's being a pretty good politician (or bad, depending on your viewpoint), and he isn't a radical nationalist. He's a populist.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 19, 2017 ---
    Do you know how big Asia is?
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2017 ---
    A war with China would definitely start a world war... It would probably be most of Europe, North America, Australia and some of Asia against Russia, the rest of Asia, and maybe Cuba/Middle East.

    Also, if we avoided Nukes, it could be a long, messy war, esp. if India goes with China (depends on whether they value Russia or US/France/Israel more), but a near guaranteed win for the West. Which is why China isn't about to start a war.
  17. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Lol thanks for pointing out something from 15 pages ago

    Even though Trump maybe spending public money, he isn't getting paid for his presidency if I recall right.

    He is a nationalist when he expresses the greatness of America and attempts to unite the American people. That's what nationalism is.

    Yes, airplanes can still be made inthe US, but then they would be expensive as the manufacturers need to invent technologies that match foreign innovative companies. And, labor in the US can never be as cheap as labor in developing countries.

    I'd say Asia is pretty big, I meant East Asia in my statement, where the war will most likely take place when it happens. Yes nuclear weapons have been improved and yes 10 nukes can destroy economies and civilization.

    I'm not saying that North Korea will destroy Asia.

    The world is too complicated to be taking sides now. India and China has been having problems, Russia and China are enemies, it will probably be fought by more than two sides if it does happen and the world will suffer a devastating catastrophe.

    A war can only be lost. Winning isn't a thing in war, even if one takes over another, great amounts of people and things are lost which cannot outmatch the positives from destroying other countries. War creates hate and misfortunes, hidden by temporary glory and triumph.

    @WeAreNumberUno thank you for telling me China it really does make the discussion interesting.
    qazini likes this.
  18. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    He says, like most other things - Has provided no evidence to his statement. So likely he isn't giving up his pay.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 19, 2017 ---
    If we invaded North Korea, war with China would likely be near 100%. Keeping in mind we lost the last war we had with china, except they are much more powerful now than in the 50s.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2017 ---
    Keep in mind, I have nothing against you personality, but when you publically say dumb things you are deserved to be called out as such, as prevention to further espouse dumb crap. The debate itself became uncivil when you kept posting uninformed, unsupported, and false statements based on the word of people who have been proven to continuously lie. When you're shown evidence of factual statements that have been made by quite a few people, you don't engage in them, re-direct or avoid them completely.

    Also the obligatory reminder, you've actually posted and believe that Hillary Clinton wasn't against Sharia Law. You've sourced infowars and Breitbart now in backing up your fantasical worldview.
    qazini, Erebus45 and Natsu like this.
  19. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    They have a maximum of 10, probably closer to about 5 but who's counting. The problem is Kim Jong-un is a wack a mole. America sends goods to North Korea so they won't use their nuclear weapon programs. When North Korea starts to run low they take their tiny nuclear weapons and attempt to shoot them towards America, as of now they are threatening to blow up the west coast and parts of Alaska. The funny thing is they could send all of their nuclear weapons over here and they would probably land in the water as they aren't powerful enough to make it to America. Kim Jong-un thinks he's above everyone and acts harder but the only thing he's got to save his idiot behind would be China. However, i personally dont think China would involve themselves. Plus its not like America is going to just start nuking North Korea and China, but if they want to play around, we won't back down and give them what they want like past administrations.

    28 vacations costing like 95 million dollars and 333 rounds of golf. Trump plays a game and he's "wasting tax dollars" or "promoting his golf courses" which all i can do is laugh... why would he use someone else gulf course when he could use his?? Thats besides the point though.

    Apparently Donald contradicts himself if he buys a T-shirt that was made in China. Who cares, what he wants to start seeing is cars made in America, steel made in America, etc etc. Putting the American workers back to work.

    We dont need a politically correct politician in office, we need a true American to run the country.

    Everything is possible but i doubt a small "fight" with North Korea would start it. North Korea needs to learn they aren't crap compared to half the other countries and needs to have their oil checked...

    Maybe he is playing catch up, dont be rude. Let him comment.

    Thats a good thing, not a bad thing. You shouldn't be paid anything to be a president considering they pay for all your expenses. It should be a volunteer job and you should not get retirement from it either. You worked the hardest job in America for 4-8 years congrats, its not a free run to a happy rich and lavish life.

    You are right he is certainly being paid, $1 a year that is!

    Hmm, Currently we have way more war heads then China, we have more aircraft then China, we have around the same amount of boats/submarines. They technically have more people on land as far as military goes but that highly unlikely to happen.

    Just stop the name calling. Im glad you think im an idiot, can we talk about Trump please?

    Deinen: Please cite your sources!
    Blue_Marlin: *cites sources*
    Deinen: I dont agree with your sources! They aren't valid!

    As i have said before, if you do not like my sources. Please find your own.
    There is no denying that Hillary Clinton has not admitted to liking some of what the islamic countries do, she may not have said it on purpose but she has said it before. Also, if you can say that Donald Trump is accepting a pay check then i can say Hillary Clinton supports Sharia Law.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 19, 2017 ---
    Hillary Clinton's Muslim Brotherhood Problem

    I will use a source I want to use, if you dont like the source you can use google too. ;)
  20. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    The Muslim Brotherhood sounds like a sick underground Islamic rap group. Doesn't sound like some right wing fallacy, not at all.

    Oh wait, yeah it does.
    Pmx728 and Natsu like this.

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