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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    What you said against Muslims is enough to prove that you have prejudiced opinions lol
    Pmx728 likes this.
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    She wants to allow kids to go to the school they choose to go to instead of being stuck going to one due to address, money, etc.
    wasting tax dollars.

    Not really.

    I believe i have stated that it wouldn't happen in America (Which Hillary Clinton wasn't against it for a a little while) but we have people protesting to have it here, they want that law in America.

    He literally said it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with danger. These are real, educated and experienced people saying those countries pose a threat! The judge said "If they dont want to take their criminals back then we shouldn't allow anyone of them to come here", its factual. They just keep sending their unwanted people to America and America goes "dont worry we can take ya, we will educate ya, give you food, housing, a drivers license! oh your not legal? who cares! It would be different if they came here to work but they are criminals. (again im not saying Muslims are criminals im saying the people coming here are) (again, not all of them but many)
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 18, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 18, 2017 ---
    That has to do with religion, not race. I am allowed to dislike a religion based on hate. Which i have said many times not all Muslims are bad. Somehow me saying i didn't like the Muslim belief (pointing straight at sharia) made me a racist towards blacks and hispanics!!?? WHAT?
  3. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    You literally said all Muslims believe in Sharia Law so they must be bad
  4. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Doesn't mean he is biased against black people. This is the type of SJW stuff that turns reasonable people off from mainstream liberalism.
  5. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Never said he was racist against African Americans??

    Never said I was liberal? Never said I was conservative? I actually think Trump is a good president for America, better than Hillary
  6. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Then why tf did you respond to his asking if someone could produce a quote that said he was racist to black people.

    This is his question:

    This is your response:

    What you said here is that because he is prejudiced against muslims, he must have the same prejudiced opinions against black people.
    Blue_Marlin likes this.
  7. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Because, he said he has nothing against any race and that doesn't really seem like it's true. (Yes, Muslim is not a race, but it is still opinions against a group of people) I never specifically mentioned any racism against African Americans or Muslims whatsoever.

    My question is: why do you post meaningless posts whenever I post something lol
  8. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I also agree with school of choice, my kids use it currently to go to school. She is also for allowing public education money to be given to private institutions with little to no oversight and has actively sought to reduce regulations for chartered schools. I'm for public education money to be given to charter schools but she always want it to go to religious schools.

    Why would you push for less oversight on the private institutions that education the next generation?

    If we're looking to root our wasted tax dollars why would we cut programs that benefit society, instead of cutting purchases of things that are useless? For example, the public money being used to secure several Trump properties full time, have you seen the amount of money that has been spent on his trips to Mar-A-Lago thus far? It's enough to save several programs currently and getting larger. What about the tanks congress keeps ordering despite objections from the Pentagon, because they won't use them.

    Guiliani literally said Muslim Ban -- On TV. He literally said it

    literally said it

    literally said it

    -- Also you keep lumping in Muslim immigration with immigration from Mexico & South America, it's a disengenous charactarization, as both provide two very different sets of issues. The reason I know this is because the US has like a 1% muslim population and it's simply not enough people to make any impacts of the sort you're characterizing in your reply - which happen to be the talking points against immigration from Mexico / SA.

    But Guiliani literally said Muslim ban so there isn't much argument against it, he literally, literally, literally said it.

    You're an idiot if you truly think Hillary Clinton wasn't against Sharia law. The amount of ignorant you must have to actually hold this thought to be true is insurmountable and I have no words to describe how saddened I am by that. Holy god, you actually think a person running for President would hold a position of not being against Sharia law is the dumbest thing I may hear this year. Re-enroll in school and please learn anything to debunk this insane myth.

    People also protest for a variety of crazy and stupid things. Please show me a protest demanding Sharia law. (Did you also know you'd have to change the constitution to allow for this law?)
    Pmx728, Erebus45 and Natsu like this.
  9. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    So wait, you think he's a racist (He has something against a race) but you don't think hes racist to black people?

    Listen, you responded to him asking for someone to prove he is racist to black people saying that he is prejudiced. Please, make your opinion on him clear in your response to this question:

    Yes or no question.
    You can say yes or no and then elaborate, but answer with a "yes" or a "no"

    Now on to your second point, which disgusts me.
    "Why do you post meaningless posts whenever I post something lol"
    Are you referring to my response to your post on this page of this thread? If not, please quote my responses from other threads here. I will respond to your question once your more specific. I've noticed you are hostile towards me, and if we could work through some of this in this thread (or if you post on my prof) I would greatly appreciate it.
  10. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    No I do not think he is racist against African Americans or Hispanics, I just noted an example of him having prejudiced opinions against a group of people, because he stated, "I have nothing against any race."

    I said your posts are meaningless because it is in fact, has nothing to do with yourself or the topic of this thread, and I observed that you frequently comment things that drive the topic of thie discussion to a wrong way, so all I'm asking is that you stop that. No I don't have anything personal against you. Just saying, please post something more productive and worthy to read. Take this to PM if you still do not understand how your comments on my posts lead to nothing but time consumption.
  11. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    You are delusional if you are threatened by it. There is now way in hell sharia law can surpass the constitution no matter who is president.
    Just because something is scary, doesn't mean it is automatically a threat. I mean a poisonous spider is scary, but as long as you smash it with a shoe it isn't threatening.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  12. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    First I will start by saying Thank you to @WeAreNumberUno despite our differences he still stuck up for me, knowing what was right.
    Now to continue about Trump,

    Correction: Not all Muslims are bad, all Muslims believe in Sharia Law as it is their "gods" law, what I meant by this was the Muslims who want to bring their practices to America are the Muslims I have an issue with. (I am sorry if I worded my previous comments on Muslims badly to misguide what I was trying to say).

    @Natsu was not the one who made that comment, but still thank you for trying to clarify it.

    Religion is a choice, Race is not. I have an issue with certain religions pushing their practices on society as a whole. I do not have an issue with a black person being black. If you stabbed us both we would still bleed red, we are the same human being. People who are racist towards a race are ignorant people who are against a practice or political view are just human.

    I am glad your kids have the opportunity to go to a school that is better fit for them despite your house location, money, etc etc. She is a religious person but I do not feel she is pushing religion on anyone, she made it pretty clear that it was "private, charter and religious schools"

    You have people acting ridiculous towards him, look at what anti-Trump supporters did to his gulf course? seriously? what good did that do? He wouldn't have to pay so much money to have Melania and Barron in New York if it weren't for people literally trying to kill her. Even if she did live in Washington DC, you do realize he is going to have to have people guarding his New York pent house in order to keep the people out of it trying to vandalize it.

    If you paid attention and took what he said to its true meaning he clearly said "Muslim not as a religion but as a danger" Yes Trump said "Ban Muslims" but its for a danger not a religion.

    HILLARY: “I think Sharia Law will be a powerful new direction of freedom & democracy for the women of Libya. All my life I’ve fought for women’s equality & NOW THAT I’M THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN AMERICA, I’m proud to have brought about this change to the repressive Khadaffy regime in Libya….” When reminded that Sharia law means complete & barbaric oppression & enslavement of women, Clinton responded “Isn’t that the other one, the shiite thing?”

    You act as if I am an idiot or something, I know what would have to happen in order to get Sharia in America, and I have faith it will never happen as it does violate the U.S Constitution.

    You can be threatened by it, Muslims are coming to America and using Sharia Law and fighting for it. Not all Muslims believe that Sharia Law should be in America but many of them do. A Muslim told Sean Hannity that other Muslims need to learn you cant practice the stuff they do over there in America and until they learn that you cant do that then the ban should happen.

    Ill end this by saying I am not a racist, against certain religions in the states? Yes! against any race or person in the states? No!
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    FALSE: Hillary Clinton Touts Sharia Law as 'Powerful New Direction' for Women

    Your words have no value and your worldview holds no facts. You actually have stated now, in this thread, Hillary Clinton was for Sharia law. I'm not only acting like your an idiot, I believe in my heart you truly are one, because of the things you have said.
    Pmx728, Erebus45, Natsu and 1 other person like this.
  14. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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  15. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey look, I can post things that are clearly not true without fact checking too! Seriously though, do you just share everything that fits your views from Fox and facebook without looking into it? Stuff like this is why no one takes any of your arguments seriously.
    cnkropp and Pmx728 like this.
  16. cnkropp

    cnkropp Popular Meeper

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    Fox News is fear mongering and it appears as if you have fallen victim to it. You keep making blanket statements to generalize Muslim's opinions. Use legitimate statistics if you want to prove your points. (and actually cite it, I'm sick of you saying you will cite in a couple of hours without following through in doing so)
    Pmx728 likes this.
  17. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Yes @Erebus45 I love getting information from Facebook, it's gotta be true right? lol give me a break.
    @cnkropp i don't allow the media to tell me how I feel about a topic, I do my research on my own. And create an opinion on my own too. :)
  18. benster82

    benster82 Celebrity Meeper

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    My kind of Green Party:
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Go educate yourself.

    Keep in mind nowhere have I ever said all ideas originating from the right aren't valid. They have legitimate criticisms and they have legitimate points to make but going about it with ignorance only takes the validity away from those criticisms and points.

    Using lies and half-truths to stop immigration under the guise of safety isn't making us safer nor solving anything, it's political theater. Especially when just this week the Secretary of State talked about a pre-emptive strike against North Korea being on the table, which would inevitably lead to full-scale war with China. This administration is talking about massive cuts to the U.N and the possibility we will not back up a nation in NATO if needed, which serves to further lower our standing in the world. Trump's budget is designed to cut programs that benefit us socially, leading to a more fragile nation domestically.

    I'll continue when you've made it evident you've read and comprehend this first paragraph. I honestly don't want to waste the time when there is a risk of being outright rejected for not conforming with a worldview.
    Natsu, Pmx728 and Erebus45 like this.
  20. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    I mean, I don't see where else you could get something so clearly false and tout it as fact. Just googling "hillary clinton on sharia law" showed multiple news sites confirming that quote as fake.

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