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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Ok I finally got off my phone and onto my computer, so ima see if I can be a little clearer. In debate there are things called logical fallacies, they are essentially a set of rules that are frequently used to get around having to come up with a logically valid response. One of these logical fallacies is called "Ad Hominem" and It consists of when you attack a person, instead of said persons argument.
    Blue_marlin98: the wage gap isn't real
    Random liberal: you are a sexist.

    see? the random liberal didn't tell you the wage gap wasn't real, or cite any contradicting evidence, they just called you a sexist without invalidating your argument.
    (I quoted all of this post, but relative to my message only a specific bit is relevant)
    So in this post, instead of contradicting his argument, you said "You are acting just like a typical anti trump democrat".
    I have participated in numerous public forum debates in middle school and highschool, so for me not understanding Ad Hominem is hard to comprehend. I can understand how someone who doesn't have that hobby might not though, sorry for any confusion. I'm not trying to get you blocked.
    Natsu and Erebus45 like this.
  2. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Fact: reporter is disabled
    Fact: Trump did not make fun of him.
    watch my video
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 1, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 1, 2017 ---
    Sir I am replying to the comments as they come in, and answering them. I am not going off topic. I am not being irrelevant. I am simply answering the questions, voicing my opinion, and bringing in new questions and comments. Please stop telling me how to "debate". I have also been in grade school and have been in many debates, I know how they work.
  3. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Lol this thread has become a big meme
  4. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I would like to say that my first comment on here was simply answering the thread question as it was asked. Somehow it turned into this mess.
  5. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Its a debate. If you make a statement in the debate section, expect to have it... debated.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  6. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    No I'm debating that it's not a debate therefore it shouldn't get debated because it's not a debate so you should expect to have your statement not debated.

    What am I posting these days
    Erebus45 likes this.
  7. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    If its in the debates section its a debate.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  8. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    No its under the meme section :)
    Erebus45 likes this.
  9. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    lol I'm debating in the Donald Trump section I'm not debating in the "how should I debate" section. Now if you want to talk about Trump I'm all in but I don't need to be schooled on how a debate works, carry on with yourselves.
  10. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    You can't debate if you don't know how you should debate lol
    WeAreNumberUno and Erebus45 like this.
  11. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Can we not?
  12. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    No, because its a barrier to having any productive conversation.
    Erebus45 and Natsu like this.
  13. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    Did you forget that we have boats and airplanes?

    If that's the case, lets add Saudi Arabia to the list! To quote The Lorax (in reference to the ban list), "Let it grow". Maybe, if we can get enough tweets at Trump, we can get him to further expand his "Muslim ban" and get it supposedly closer to a complete shutout.

    I believe you lefties call this sort of view, which you apparently hold, "Islamophobia"? I'm not saying that is what I would call your opinion, just letting you know that your views contradict themselves!

    Ah, I have misspoken! Obama only slowed down the refugees admitted to a near stop, not a complete stop. Very smart of Obama actually. He had the same objective, but was subtle so that people wouldn't call him out on it. Because of this tiny seep of refugees into the country, he wasn't accused of the same thing. (source) I guess that's the difference between a career politician and Trump. Obama was sneaky about it. Trump was direct.

    Howso does it put us into more danger? Perhaps because it is being portrayed as a "Muslim ban" to the world? Leaders of ISIS don't even need to make their own propaganda to recruit at this point; the horribly liberal media (that he so enjoys calling out as such) is doing it for them. Perhaps if it was reported as a temporary suspension of immigration from 7 countries (what it actually is) rather than a "Muslim ban", these international security experts and military personnel would be telling us the opposite. It's too bad that everything the man tries to do is immediately slandered.

    Looking at the video of the speech this came from, I like how he starts by saying, "they won't report it properly". I wonder where you got your quote from. I suspect a source that snipped the statement in half. Let's complete your quote, shall we?

    "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on." (transcript) (video) I don't quite understand the purpose of bringing this point up though. He didn't ban all Muslims from entering at all. He analyzed the situation, narrowed down the culprits (based on information provided by the Obama administration), and is now working to secure the safety of the American people.

    To address your question, the reason I call this "fake news" is because it the publishing of propaganda/disinformation purporting to be real news. They took his words out of context.

    If you have any other quotes you would like to bring up, I can find you the second half! Cheers!
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 3, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 3, 2017 ---
    @Blue_marlin98 Care if I jump in? So @WeAreNumberUno, what questions do you have that I can answer? I'm sure they are intelligent based what your debate with Blue_marlin98's degraded into.
    WeAreNumberUno and Bob4444444 like this.
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    You can't just get on a boat or plane without people asking questions, as opposed to walking on land to where you want to go. This topic is moot, you simply cannot provide any real evidence that anyone that originates from those countries pose, or have posed any threat to us. I wouldn't either bother replying until you've found a real source study that points out that people from those countries can:

    A) Get into our country anonymously en masse.
    B) Actually pose a real threat to our national security, government, or way or life.
    C) Completely banning all travel makes us more secure, as opposed to making us less secure which all leading security experts say it will not make us more secure

    I'll just start this by saying I can automatically assume you're an idiot when you make blanket claims on "lefties", it also applies to those on the left that make "rightie" claims. Don't be an idiot ok, otherwise you're just wasting my time.

    Additionally, there is no Muslim Ban, because it was struck down in court twice due to Trump not being able to supply the courts any shred of evidence to back up his claim. After he tweeted in all caps "I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT", he decided to not push the suit any further.

    Lastly, no, I would not want to add Saudi Arabia to the list because it doesn't provide any further security and it helps give radical groups the ammunition to further their recruiting drive.

    Trump travel ban makes America less safe, say ex-diplomats and security officials
    Hundreds of U.S. diplomats warn that travel ban makes U.S. less safe
    Opinion | Trump says his travel ban will make America safer. Our research shows it will do the exact opposite.
    Take it from history: Visa bans make us less secure
    Trump Immigration Ban Makes U.S. Airlines Less Secure
    Ex-top U.S. officials to court: Trump's travel ban could endanger troops and hurt national security
    Captain Sully on Trump’s Travel Ban: ‘This Makes Us less Safe’

    -- I can keep giving you articles

    Jesus Christ. I'm going to slowly explain this one

    Stopped the VISA Waiver Program
    Stopped administrating new VISAs
    Freeze all travel
    Freeze refugee travel

    HE DID
    Increase the background checks
    And the vetting process
    For those that originate
    In those 7 countries

    Did you get it this time? Will I need to prepare a coloring book for the next time I explain this?

    See above articles stating the exact opposite originating from U.S Diplomats and security experts. You haven't provided any sources to back up your claim.

    But, I'll bring up one of the most important aspects of this, in my opinion. Who was it that helped our troops when he invaded Iraq in order to communicate with locals, introduce them to top players in the region, and to better help them understand the culture in which they are operating?

    Iraqi's helped them, and now they are under threat of being unable to run to the one place they are safe from the radicals that want them dead -- For helping U.S soldiers.

    One way it makes us less safe is that it decentivizes them from helping our soldiers further, which puts them at a disadvantage.

    Tbh, I don't care about a Muslim Ban or w/e they want to call it. Ban them all, ban all of Asia, Europe, or Africa, don't care. What I care about is an incompetent person hastily and incompetently put forth an order which he didn't communicate, nor set up the structure for. - This lead to legal visa holders and legal green card residents not allowed to come home. That is unacceptable.

    Natsu, Erebus45 and creepersareokay like this.
  15. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Aarett please do jump in, i can't even properly argue with @WeAreNumberUno and @Natsu they keep getting upset with my words.

    @WeAreNumberUno lol

    @Deinen Do you feel smarter when you bold your text?

    Lets start by saying : The "Left" actually said when the wall topic was still a huge issue that "Most illegals travel here via boat and or plane". Did you hear about the "Wet foot dry foot" law? It means that when you swim here or jump off of a boat and swim to shore that you can have 1 foot in water and the other on land and America will give you free stuff. Although thats one of the only smart things Obama did was stopping that, Thanks Obama i found one good thing about you! and also @Deinen Obama did everything Trump did pretty much? just worded it nicer? because Trump didn't really ban legal residents, that 60,000 people y'all keep bringing up.... turned into about 200. if that. and they were only stopped for questioning... "Why did you visit that country and then come back?" you know so they could find out if they were involved in anything stupid over there...
    The problem with this generation is they are A) Gullible (Believe all the fake news out there) and B) get butthurt at the "harsh words". mainly because they were always taught that "Even if you lose you get an award" for "participating". Trump just tells it how it is. He isn't a "proper politician" he's just an American.

    @Aarett Id be okay with adding more countries/people to that list. The left keeps calling it a "Muslim ban" I think we should show them what an actual "Muslim ban" is... right?
  16. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    So in regards to land transportation, can we pose a similar circumstance to illegal Mexican immigration?

    A) I'm not saying get in anonymously (en masse), why is the even a credential? Anyone can carry out a terrorist attack, regardless of anonymity.
    B) Sharia Law opposes our way of life. This is how many Muslims (from numerous countries) want Sharia Law
    C) So why are you arguing with me? Get Donny T on the twit and spam him!

    "Don't be an idiot ok, otherwise you're just wasting my time." Nice, call the opposing side an idiot because they have different views. That REALLY makes me want to agree with you.

    I'm honestly having trouble finding info about his first proposition at a "Muslim ban" because the articles are titled the same. Could you do me a solid and provide sources on this?

    The articles written, calling it a Muslim Ban are what furthers their recruiting drive.

    I believe you put these in out of order in terms of your argument. If I were to reformat for you, I would go around your first reply bubble, although it appears they also reference lower down in your reply? Please give your argument structure if you want to debate me and refer to that segment for my reply.

    Your insults don't belong in a debate. I agree, he did not do any of that. What he DID do is slow them down to a near stop. What he DID NOT do is completely stop it... because he would have had the same backlash that Trump is having now. He made it effectively the same as Trump in every way without triggering liberals.

    Who pulled the troops out of Iraq making it unsafe for the Iraqi's that helped us? Oh right, Obama. Thanks Obama! So should we put troops back in Iraq then? I think we should put troops back in to restore order, but I don't think you would be up for that, would you?

    Now how about that quote right there? @Blue_marlin98, I think you should like this

    But to address your two concerns of this travel bam. exempt visas, green card issue, both resolved. What are you arguing if that's all you care about? You got the information you want from the debate. I propose an offer. I will not think any less of you, nor will I even consider this debate a win if you simply walk away. I only extend this forward to save us both some time. Otherwise, keep up the replies if you are enjoying our discussion. Cheers!
    Blue_Marlin likes this.
  17. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen One last question... are you saying that you are okay with everyone being banned as long as its not Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen and Sudan?
  18. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Maybe you should actually respect other people before debating lol I am not mad, but only disgusted by your stereotypes. Thanks for the memes
  19. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I have respected y'all

    Muslims believe in Sharia Law and want it in America, wasn't stereotyping but stating FACTS .

    your welcome??

  20. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    No, some muslims do, in the same way that there are dominionist christians. You can make a very strong argument against muslim immigration without saying "everyone in a group has this belief/behavior"
    Do you see how saying every muslim believes in a radical immoral set of laws is stereotyping.
    Erebus45 likes this.

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