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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Neither of my parents have served this country via the military, they serve in a different way. However my grandparents, and my great grandparents as well as my cousin have all joined and or served in the military. I know many Veterans that are not taken care of, I have seen Veterans be denied, they do not wish to be poor, they try to get their benefits and I have personally seen them get denied. It is not their fault. They did not choose poverty. Poverty is not like homosexuality. It is a choice to be lazy and not work but Veterans should not have to work, ever again!
  2. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Veterans get payed to be in the army, when they leave the army, they stop getting payed for being in the army. they could choose to not be lazy and entitled after they leave the army and get a job, or they can chose to be lazy and become homeless. Poverty is just like homosexuality, its something only liberals have, its a choice, and its annoying for everyone around you.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  3. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    You were justifying Trumps bans on legal residents not illegal immigrants. Of course, everyone can agree that illegal immigrants should be deported. You were saying that it's right to deport completely legal immigrants.

    I don't know where you get your stats from but I agree that our security checks should be strict. And it is.

    Now, you are really stereotyping about Syria. I've explained this already but they have multiple governments in the area and yes, terrorists and anti-American forces will torture you but pro-American forces will not. Most of the immigrants are the just victims of the civil war and do not represent terrorists or antidemocratic organizations.

    Illegal immigrants cannot follow the law. They are forced either into illegal immigration or death. They will be tortured, like you say, in Syria. You need money to legally migrate and they don't have money.

    Imagine America having a civil war, and all your property is destroyed. You have no money, so you run to Canada. Then they say you need to wait a year and pay $20000. Can you do that? No.

    What is wrong with you, @WeAreNumberUno . This disrespect towards homosexuality and veterans is nasty. I'm not going to go to deep into homosexuality but it is not a choice. Just like you aren't chosen to be born a boy or girl, your sexual orientation is NOT a choice. Being poor is not a choice either. When you are poor, you cannot receive proper education, which means you won't be able to get a well paying job that you like, which means you are poor and unhappy. You just don't choose to make money and be rich like you do in meepcraft.

    Now, you are valid about the military part. You get paid for serving and you don't need additional pay unless you get wounded/mentally disordered. Serving in the military should not be a way to an assured retirement. Now, it's great to show patriotism and help your veterans. This topic is irrelevant.

    Also @Blue_marlin98 I've already explained my opinion on how the veteran and immigrant support are two different things.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  4. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    shhh, its a troll m9. the guy sighted infowars, theres no hope of this thread being productive, so why not?
    Erebus45 likes this.
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @WeAreNumberUno i knew you were trolling because your 3rd grade mentality can't handle this much information at once, just like being gay and poor isn't a choice neither is being stupid and for that I'm sorry you didn't choose that.

    @Natsu i do respect your opinion and you do put up a good fight, for that I applaud you. However we do not see eye to eye on many. To start I will go back on immigration, I know it isn't the easiest thing to do, I do not agree with everything on the ban but a temp ban isn't as bad as everyone is thinking. Could there be better ways? Yes. But Trump chose this way. And for that, I respect his choice and now that it is not longer in act, he said he will try to have another ban but he will "think about it more" before he does it, maybe he realized it wasn't as good as he thought, I think if people would have given him the 4 months he could have gotten what he needed done, such as knowing who's in our country and who isn't. Now something I hold dearly to my heart, military families. I think they should get a hefty retirement, as many of them do. But no person that fought for this country should ever be homeless. Period. Their medical and housing should be paid for. I do not think they should live the lap of luxury but food on their table and a roof over their head is a must, in my eyes and in many others. You may disagree but no one will ever change my mind on that.
  6. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    I dont care if you troll but just dont post crap like that just don't
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    You are dead wrong. To get a job you must provide some sort of SSN, whether it's yours or someone else's. In the cases where illegal aliens provide the SSN of someone else this means they are paying taxes, both income and FICA, just under another name. In the cases where an illegal alien is working for cash only or the business is directly hiring illegals they still are paying taxes in terms of sales tax, sin taxes and gasoline tax - Not to mention any other tax that may apply.

    I can agree with this, illegal immigration is an issue. The answer, however, is not the insane ideas being floated by the currect administration. They aren't going to work, cost an insane amount of money and clog up the courts with eminent domain cases.

    I agree, Veterans are a great asset of this country and our massive defense budget surely has enough room to house and educate all veterans. Perhaps not re-ordering the hundreds of tanks we don't need would provide the initial funding for this.

    So? 2000 people is nothing, almost literally. We have a country of 350,000,000 people, crap happens.

    Trump's ban was illegal - And he couldn't support his reasoning with logic and evidence so your defense of it is moot. Those 7 countries listed do not pose a threat to us, and the order ignored several other countries who in the recent past was a threat to us. It's not logical
    Erebus45 and CluelessKlutz like this.
  8. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Someones triggered, also before you accuse someone of being in the third grade, make sure you capitalize you "I" buddy. Its whats known as a proper noun, I just wish we had a proper president... If you knew I was trolling, why react? thats literally the only reason people troll.
    Natsu likes this.
  9. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Deinen, it is averaged that illegal immigrants receive more money from government agencies then Americans and legal immigrants. And immigrants receive more then Americans. On some stuff I can keep an open mind too and some things I agree with you on. But I do strongly believe immigration is a problem especially illegal immigration.

    @WeAreNumberUno you obviously did not understand what I was saying. Stop being an idiot.
  10. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Source on that?
  11. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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  12. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    The study this article is referring to makes a few statements as well, these are the premises of the numbers found

    1) The study found all immigrant headed household, legal and illegal, receive an average of $6,241 in welfare compared to the native household of 4,431.

    2) The study states that illegal immigrant households receive an average of $5,692 in welfare

    3) The study states that much of the welfare to immigrants supplements their low wage jobs.

    This doesn't necessarily show that illegal immigrants are taking up the welfare from citizens because the key factor is jobs and the wage they pay. How do immigrant headed household's welfare assistance amount compared to U.S citizens if you take into account they both work low wage jobs? Wouldn't welfare subsidize them equally and if not, why?

    Even if we deported all the illegal immigrants and U.S citizens take their low wage jobs, how does this change the welfare equation other than who gets it? Wouldn't it change the equation in just the same way as giving illegals a pathway to citizenship, without damaging the economy by removing all these people from it.

    Coming from Michigan, a fairly large agricultural state, I can tell you with certainty that hispanics are not working on farms and in the agricultural business because of it's generous paying jobs. My family owns a greenhouse and their employees are mostly hispanic work 12 to 16 hour days for crap pay and get treated like nobodies. The same applies for many businesses here whether it's apple harvesting, livestock butchering and many other peripheral jobs in this state. They take the jobs because we don't want them - They don't offer enough for us to reasonably do for the amount of work required.
    Natsu and Erebus45 like this.
  13. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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  14. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I'm aware they don't make a liveable wage, my family used to own a ranch working with cattle and they paid their employees around minimum wage plus fed the lunch. However their employees were all legal citizens. Now, coming over here illegally I still can't get over them abusing our government funding. They still in my opinion shouldn't be allowed any government aid. They get free healthcare, and much more. Really isn't fair. I guess my problem is their are Americans (when I say American I include immigrants that have come here legally, wether you migrated here or were born here, if you came here legally, work, and live the American dream of not try too then I count you as a citizen) so us Americans and legal immigrants that are homeless, and in need. Until we're taken care of, don't help anyone else, and I will always stand by that.

    @WeAreNumberUno quote me and quote klutch all you want you literally said you were trolling and your being ignorant, please go on with your life.
  15. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Lol don't get triggered on a minecraft server forums mate

    Whether illegal immigration is bad or not is not the topic of this debate, as this topic is nearly undebatable.

    My only concern is you trying to legally justify Trump denying entrance of 60,000 legal immigrants, not illegal immigrants.
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I'm not triggered, @WeAreNumberUno is making me mad but I'm having a regular debate on my political view between y'all. I see it differently, doesn't mean I'm triggered. Illegal immigration plays a huge role in this conversation as it's the topic most anti Trump supporters bring up. So the 60,000 people were stopped from entering because they were coming from the 7 countries that Trump temporarily banned. What's the point in a ban if your gonna let people in? They were not even supposed to be allowed in and weren't supposed to receive a visa. Obamas administration allowed them in. Trumps administration said no. Trump didn't know who they were and their background so again in lead into who's in our country? Who's coming here? Why are they coming here? What is their background?
  17. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Triggered - from urban dictionary:

    Getting filled with hate after seeing, hearing or experiencing something you can't stand.
    Person 1 posts something on the internet.
    Person 2: "Relax mate, don't be mad"
    Person 1 gets triggered, or angered.
    Person 1 continues to bash on Person 2.

    It doesn't really matter who the person is from if they were previously let in because they possess no threat to the country.
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    Thank you so much Nat for defining the word "Triggered" I totally did not know what it meant. However, now that I know, I can certainly say again, i'm not triggered. So, back to the topic. Those seven countries can potentially be a threat to our country. Trump did not know their background so he TEMPORARILY stopped them from coming in here. He said "Im sorry they were inconvenienced but i need to get somethings under control". Sorry Trump loves America and wants to put America first. From what i take in i understand you are an immigrant? this might be why you are not seeing it the way i am seeing it. maybe? idk? (no im not racist but im sure ill be called that).
  19. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    We have responded to this before and it's factually proven that these countries possess no threat to us. Previous checks were done by certified officials. What you are saying is illogical and I'm sorry that you guys have a president that cannot base his opinions off of actual facts.
    I'll explain the reason why most people in the world has opinions that oppose Trump's.

    I've been living in the US legally for more than five years and I know how America works, and I have sources from the perspectives outside of America too, and from the rest of the world, you are just another person in this campaign to sacrifice the betterment of the world for a national propaganda.

    Whether it is correct to serve your country and die in war or serve the world and establish peace, I think that we need to worry about global peace and work together on other topics such as human rights and global warming. That is why it is sad for me to see that America is rejecting the rights of the people that it accepted.

    Japan is actually one of the only countries that are not nationalistic, care about world peace and safety, and the future of the world. We have been the #1 funders of the United Nations after America stopped funding it. And yet we never talk about how great our nation is. That's why I can be speaking from the perspective of making the world a better place, and not to understand how we should serve America's self interests.

    I hope that cleared stuff up and I don't have a say in you guys deciding things but Trump banning legal residents was illegal. Did it protect America? Probably wouldn't have made a difference, but if you feel safer, then Trump is doing a good job.
  20. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    you just contradicted yourself m8.

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