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  1. Videogames321

    Videogames321 Celebrity Meeper

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    A B, and a U, and a M along with a P! B-U-M-P!



    noun: bump; plural noun: bumps


    a light blow or a jolting collision.
    "a nasty bump on the head"

    synonyms: bang, crash, smash, smack, crack, jolt, thud, thump; More
    informalwhack, thwack, bash, bonk, wallop

    "I landed with a bump"

    •the dull sound of a light blow or jolting collision.

    a rising air current causing an irregularity in an aircraft's motion.


    a protuberance on a level surface.
    "bumps in the road"

    synonyms: hump, lump, ridge, bulge, knob, protuberance; swelling
    "a bump in the road"

    •a swelling on the skin, especially one caused by illness or injury.

    synonyms: hump, lump, ridge, bulge, knob, protuberance; swelling
    "a bump in the road"

    a prominence on a person's skull, formerly thought to indicate a particular mental faculty; such a faculty.
    "he was making the most of his bump of direction"


    an increase.
    "a slight bump in sales"


    a loosely woven fleeced cotton fabric used in upholstery and as lining material.


    verb: bump; 3rd person present: bumps; past tense: bumped; past participle: bumped; gerund or present participle: bumping


    knock or run into someone or something, typically with a jolt.
    "I almost bumped into him"

    synonyms: hit, crash into, smash into, smack into, slam into, bang into, knock into, run into, plow into; More
    ram into, collide with, strike

    "cars bumped into each other"

    •meet by chance.
    "we might just bump into each other"

    synonyms: meet, meet by chance, encounter, run into/across, come across, chance on, happen on
    "you'll never guess who we bumped into at the theater"

    •hurt or damage (something) by striking or knocking it against something else.
    "she bumped her head on the sink"

    •cause to collide with something.
    "she went through the door, bumping the bag against it"


    move or travel with much jolting and jarring.
    "the car bumped along the rutted track"

    synonyms: bounce, jolt, jerk, rattle, shake
    "a cart bumping along the road"

    •push (something) jerkily in a specified direction.
