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Accepted please i am sorry

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by ryano314, Aug 29, 2014.

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  1. ryano314

    ryano314 Meeper

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    my IGN is ryano314 i was banned about 1 yea ago, I was banned for X ray. please unban me i realize what i did was wrong. please unban me i will not use it again i have learned the errors of my ways and i miss the server so much. Thank you for your consideration.
  2. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    Hello ryano314,

    I just wanted to let you know that we see this appeal and Ill have a talk with some other staff members before coming to a decision on this.
  3. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    Ryan, I'm obligated to give you another chance however there are some conditions.

    1. Any new X-ray holes found with your name on them will result in your instant permban.

    2. These conditions will last for a month and then punishments will go back to normal.

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