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Pieluver2001's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Jon Vered, May 11, 2014.

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  1. Jon Vered

    Jon Vered Active Meeper

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    Hello "Meepcraftians,"
    My name is Jon, my Skype is Jon.Vered, my teamspeak is Jon Vered, and i'm interested in becoming staff on this wonderful server. I live in PST and I do have a mic, and on week days I can play one to two hours, weekends u I've enjoyed my time playing for over a year and finally applied for staff. This has been my life mission since I have started playing Meepcraft. I am currently 14 and love to play Soccer. I live in L.A. and am in the Jr. Galaxy. When I first joined I felt very welcomed. They were all nice and caring and because of that I stayed. I continued playing and found myself enjoying my time on it for hours without even noticing. I want to give every new player the same feeling and make every player be happy and enjoy there time on the server so much, that they would stay on for long periods of time having fun. I feel that I am very mature and can handle the job that is given. I feel that I can improve the server in many ways that will not only help the server but improve me as a person. I have become a better and more mature person in my year of Meepcraft and like I said, I feel that I can handle any job given. However, I do know that I can't do EVERY job but I will try my best and put all the work I can to complete the mission. I would like to become a mine craft helper since the last few weeks on the server, they have been the best time I have had on minecraft so far. I am a very trustworthy person when it comes to a job like mod/helper/admin. I can point out people who hack and break the rules. I also have a lot of experience on minecraft and how commands work. My position change would be Vip to helper.

    These are some little things about me that will help you get to know me…. I have been a helper mod co owner and even an owner of multiple servers, I will not list them in respects to everything. However what I will tell you is that I am well experienced, very mature and I definitely know how to handle a group of people. What I view moderation as is a job that you most likely volunteer or fill out an app for, and your priority is to keep things in order, have everything running smoothly in game and take care of ALL of the players needs and questions. I owned my own server a while ago with 20+ players on it and they were all satisfied with my leadership. So as I tell you this, I am not writing this to sound good or fake anything but I am writing this to tell you that I am in fact a leader who knows how to work with teams and groups of people. As a middle school student I play team sports and I know how to work co-operatively with others to achieve a better foundation of success.

    You should accept me to be a Helper because I will help this server to become the best it can be. I am an honest player, and I don't mind helping other players with there questions and concerns. On the previous servers I have been on that I was staff not only for the staff but also for the players we created a safe and enjoyable server. I can also help do that on this server by, recording anytime I'm online to prevent hacking and scamming, or by suggesting ideas to the staff. I will also make the server an enjoyable and a safe environment by explaining to our Meepcraftain players that there is nothing to worry about, if they are how ever, I will be the one to assist them to their needs. Im planning on doing a lot for the server. To become a helper is a great honor, but great honor comes with a great responsibility. I think as helper I can help this server strive. What I like to do on the server is usually help out our players and go on towns. I enjoy this server it is very entertaining and the staff and I will just make this server the best it can be. When players are on, we will help them and introduce them to the server, make them feel welcomed. I will also make the server less stressful on the staff and the players knowing that we can change the servers future. The server's future is in our hands. With me as helper thats one more hand helping out.

    I think together we can make Meepcraft an much more enjoyable place for everyone, just like it was for me when I started. I would like for all the players that are on and will join to feel safe and know the server is fun. Meepcraft is like a seder that doesn’t get shrink Meepcraft only grows. I love to build statues in Meepcraft and have been payed quite a few times to build different objects for other players. They were ALL satisfied with my work and are all now my Skype friends. I've also helped build a town with a staff member and am now the assistant of that same town. What I am trying to say here is that I am a good builder and can help with problems like this. I also love just chilling out and talking to other players. I tend to be very mature and sometimes like to just "let it go" and go with the flow. I am a very fun person and play various mini games on the server. I also love to work with commands. I have excellent memory and use it as an advantage because I can memorize different commands in order to help me become a better staff member.

    I certainly am sure I have the capability to handle any problem including players, questions, and concerns. I also know I have the capability to help staff member when they need it. If a staff member needs help, I know I will be there regardless of the problem. I also think I can manage to help many players at once. I am a very fast typer and can do many things in order to help players. I feel if I was accepted onto this team I can truthfully say that I also love working together with other staff members and really being able to be apart of a growing and well developed community.

    Jon Vered, Pieluver2001
  2. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    You're new to Forums , Weak app , Never seen you in game , Never seen you in ts , No ts , YOU DIDN'T FOLLOWED THE RIGHT FORMAT :eek: so -1
  3. discdog1000

    discdog1000 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You didn't follow format
  4. Splasho

    Splasho Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 Reasons Above.
  5. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

    Likes Received:
    You didn't follow the format, but I understand that you tried to incorporate it all, but you need to use the format. This is one of your first posts, and forum activity is required. Also please make you ts name incorporate your IGN. Good luck in the future but I'm going to -1 you.
    In the mean time, please try to get you ingame, shout, forum and ts activity up, as well as trying to help as much as possible.
  6. Oo0gumonster

    Oo0gumonster Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 Reasons stated above
  7. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

    Likes Received:
    You sort of followed format but the way in which you did showed professionalism.
    You need muuuch more forums activity (as in I know who you are)
  8. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Denied please refer to the format. Re-apply in no less than 2 weeks
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