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Best Posts in Thread: Party Chat!

  1. LordInateur

    LordInateur Deus Ex Machina Staff Member Administrator

    Likes Received:
    Thanks to the efforts of @Vamp1re_Man, we have implemented a new cross-server party chat!
    • New Command: /pchat [subcommands] -- create and invite players to join your party, and when you're done, leave or disband the party! Do /pchat by itself to get a full list of available subcommands.
    • New Command: /pc [chat] -- chat with your party, no matter where they are on the server.
    Special thanks to the following people for testing: @Kling, @CluelessKlutz, @NinjaRoxy, @MasterofBoom

    As always, if you happen to find any bugs please report them on our Bug Report Forum.
    OKNEM, SillySilver, iKitten and 11 others like this.