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Opinion on the LGBT community?

Discussion in 'Other' started by Badone817, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. TheTastyNacho

    TheTastyNacho Celebrity Meeper

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    I personally am not gay, and nobody (well, some do) means to be judgemental. People just think that if you do something different than the majority of people, it's wrong or weird. I'm not against it though. If a man/woman wants to have an intimate relationship with another of the same gender, who am I to tell them it's wrong or weird. If that's what they like, who are we to tell them that it's weird or different. I think that it's good that we have the LGBT community. It shows the diversity of our world and how much we've grown. It shows how the world evolved from the "You must be this way or else" to "Difference and diversity is good. Go be yourself."

    You are discriminating against a group of people simply because they are different. If you don't believe that BLM, you are being racist. If you don't believe that women should have equal rights as men, you are being sexist.
  2. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    I know that people think that people are always trying to push their religion onto someone else, but people in many countries of the world have representatives who should consider what most people want. Just being passive about everything can ignore what most people want. There are differences between voicing your opinion, casting your vote, and pushing your religion onto someone else.
  3. jadenPete

    jadenPete Code Writer & Meme Trader

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    I don't really like the way LGBT is being pushed in our faces. I'm a Christian and I don't really give a f*** but a lot of people just point out that they are gay and say they are "discriminated" when nobody really cares.
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Keep in mind I'm not just referring to a friendly "Have you heard about Jesus?" conversation, that's fine. What I am talking about is attempts by you religious folk to try to force your views on us rational folk. This includes any attempts to legislate your religious worldviews and any attempts to try to direct people's behavior by force.

    So trying to nicely convert people once and backing off when they say "No", then that's cool, have at it. But the second you try to force me to act in any way guided by your religion, regardless, is unacceptable and unAmerican.

    That's not a fair assessment because we almost literally have a major force in the government who has actively tried to legislate against a sub-group of people. It took the Supreme Court to make it law of the land that two people can get married. Who was the opposition in this? Religion
  5. Badone817

    Badone817 Well-Known Meeper

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    this thread went outta hand
    SuperDyl likes this.

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