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Best Posts in Thread: Opinion on the LGBT community?

  1. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    they're nice and smell better than any of you Straights
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Literally couldn't care less about who people want to bed. Imo, if your religion is against it, then don't do it. Once you begin trying to force people's behavior due to your fairy tale religion, then that person needs to be removed from the gene pool.

    The worse thing about it all is religion trying to impose itself, Sharia law amirite?
    Courtneyyy, Cherrykit, Natsu and 4 others like this.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Keep in mind I'm not just referring to a friendly "Have you heard about Jesus?" conversation, that's fine. What I am talking about is attempts by you religious folk to try to force your views on us rational folk. This includes any attempts to legislate your religious worldviews and any attempts to try to direct people's behavior by force.

    So trying to nicely convert people once and backing off when they say "No", then that's cool, have at it. But the second you try to force me to act in any way guided by your religion, regardless, is unacceptable and unAmerican.

    That's not a fair assessment because we almost literally have a major force in the government who has actively tried to legislate against a sub-group of people. It took the Supreme Court to make it law of the land that two people can get married. Who was the opposition in this? Religion