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On a serious note; what is this staff?

Discussion in 'Denied' started by nhjed, Apr 18, 2016.


Should we loosen the restrictions on chat? (e.g. swearing, sex refs, politics)

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    It would (in my opinion) be a good idea to see what may happen. Things are going on in Meep. Last time things were 'going on' there was a GIANT wave of new players, and events were AMAZING. :) I think something like that just may happen again.
  2. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

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    I liked the idea of having a command where you can enable / disable the chat filter. Of course, there should still be a rule that still makes really offensive things / excessive swearing bannable. I can live without saying swearing in chat, but I couldn't care less if I saw some swearing in the chat.
  3. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    This is a good idea, if when it was released then it was auto off until players decided to toggle it on :) I also agree with the idea that vulgar things that have went over the line to far should get a simple warning if it's offended people, or a ban if it's WAY TOO vulgar or it's their second-third offense.
  4. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

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    No, there is no need to swear in Minecraft, absolutely non.

    However, the way I see it if someone says "poop" they aren't going to get kicked/banned, if someone says "shit" they will. For me it's just a way of growing up, if my step-dad hurt himself or made a mistake he wouldn't say "Oh poop", no you guessed it he'd say "shit". So that rubbed off on me. It's virtually the same thing. Something like that should not be considered as a kick/ban-able offense. Of course just with anything using it excessively or in a derogatory manner would still be a kick/ban-able offense.
    BooBear1227, Klitch and Burritoh like this.
  5. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    I've seen 3 threads like this in 2 days ; -; (possibly four) not saying you shouldn't have posted, there's just a lot of these :)
    Llamazon likes this.
  6. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    I agree :) (chat toggle would be great for this still ;) )
  7. iMelXP

    iMelXP bean team

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    things i think should be allowed in chat:
    1. references in relation to tomorrow's date on any day of the year
    2. sesenta y nueve
    ten year olds say it ANYWAY and I'm an immature pos so i want to as well cmon y'all let me live a little here
  8. iMelXP

    iMelXP bean team

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    @ admins please let me make 420 & 69 jokes thats my whole life you dont understand the emptiness i feel without it
  9. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    kys should be a perm. The fact that your going to stope as low to tell someone to go kill them self is horrible. And some people even find it funny. How messed up do you have to be to make a joke about suicide then laugh at it.
    CluelessKlutz, Llamazon and Burritoh like this.
  10. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    Many people throw the question of "Why is it necessary to have swearing or inappropriate references in game? Can't a game be enjoyed without the constant need of swearing etc?". People who agree with the idea of having a filter don't just want to have fun and goof around. Having the filter makes chat feel so dull and almost limited. Chat doesn't need to have swearing to be fun, but it's not just that. Politics, religion, and other topics are excluded for many reasons. One of the reasons is someone may get offended, or hurt and toxicity can break out. Sure, if there is toxicity and people are getting offended I'm all for staff steering the chat in a different direction. It's just that the moment someone get's uncomfortable, the conversation must automatically shut down. I feel as if people should be able to take things better and shouldn't get hurt at the most benign things. I know that everyone is different, and that one thing may offend someone greatly and the next person could really care less. It's just that people really shouldn't really take the smallest things in a horrible way. Another reason why these topics are excluded is because the focus of meep is to achieve an atmosphere where it's family friendly and welcoming to a younger audience. That's not a bad thing, but there's a solution to avoid it getting to younger ages. An idea was thought of where you can disable the filter, and put it back into place. Here are some ideas of what the filter would potentially do.

    1) Delete words:

    If someone happened to be swearing in chat, all it would do is just wipe any of those bad words. All though the sentence may not make sense, it deletes any possible curse.

    Example: Example12345: Go home you son of a *****! (Note: this is an example username that I made up, and if it exists I'm not targeting that person).

    What the filter would do is just take that word out. *Pop!*

    Example: Example12345 Go home you son of a

    Now you see, the sentence doesn't make sense, but it removes any language or harmful content. Now there is a flaw with this, because even if you remove the swear, someone can easily guess what someone said. If a parent sees this, they can definitely assume what the person was trying to say and could close down the device.

    2) Edit words:

    Here's another idea. What this would do is just change the word into something more harmless.


    Example12345: Oh ****

    Example67890: He's such a ****** like am I right or what?

    What the filter would do is just change that word. *Bloop!*

    Example12345: Oh fudge

    Example67890: He's such a jerk/goof like am I right or what?

    For some words, it would be challenging to make a replacement. With the last example, a word that shows the same idea but is better is "jerk". But sometimes, the word jerk can still be not approved by many audiences. So beside that I said "goof". Even though it's not that accurate, it's more benign then the two words.

    Another idea that was thought of was if there's a conversation in shout that appeals and relates more to adults and older teens, the filter would remove all the language or words that are inappropriate to a younger age. However, what would happen is if there is a large grouping of these words, a message would pop up in chat saying:

    The conversations in global contain plenty of topics and words that aren't very appropriate. We suggest that you do /gtoggle just in case.

    The message would definitely be different, but that's basically the point. The message would warn you to /gtoggle just in case.

    In the end, I think that a command should be implanted and that it should be allowed under circumstances. These aren't really my ideas, but I thought I would clump some ideas in a post. I don't really remember anyone who whipped these up, but you probably know who you are. Too-la-do~
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    There is no reason to swear. Totally agree.
    There is no need to be so tight about controversial topics and obscure references, though.
  12. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    Yeah lets lighten the chat filter. Lets not let straight sex refs but 69 is fine. Lets let minor cursing like ass but no f bombs. And guess what you see something you dont like? f3+d is your friend
  13. Klitch


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    You guys are making all these discussions but that's all it is, a discussion. Make something in suggestions if you really want to.
  14. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    I like the idea of being able to actually talk about issues, etc.

    I know it might seem far-fetched, but how about a plugin that would set a quota of swear words per hour? It would ensure that any cursing would be light.
  15. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    This sever has basically turned into drama center. You know the staff team is bad when they just say "Oh dont say that again" when someone says "kys" to someone.. They dont even ban which is pathetic. I received a 24-hour ban earlier for calling Diamondtigertd "Saltytigertd" but I saw someone say "kys" to a citizen and staff acted like they didnt care. Then you got those "Mini-Staff" members who act like they do good when they are just as bad.. @legendcaleb is right on this one this server is not even close to a family friendly server. Its all about drama now basically. The only "good" staff right now that actually help out would be @KlutchDecals @Versus @Cooleysworld @Jess_4Ds @PainCakexx1997 and @Miku (Not counting helpers because they are still "new") Then you got those people like Blendycat who no one knew then just got accepted. I think the staff team needs to start banning for joking about stuff like suicide and stop freaking out when someone gets called salty or something.
  16. LIAHKIM55

    LIAHKIM55 Popular Meeper

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    Burritoh and LadyCassandra like this.
  17. 00000

    00000 Guest

    well yeah they said you were warned and asked to stop multiple times
    Burritoh likes this.
  18. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    Yeah, every time someone said it staff would give warnings the past few days..
  19. Acceleradiance

    Acceleradiance Celebrity Meeper

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    I got a 3-day ban for sexual reference by saying "I suck," and I didn't even mean to say the phrase in that sort of context
    Lady_Hestia and Llamazon like this.
  20. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    this thread kinda makes me glad i was demoted.

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