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Best Posts in Thread: Old spawn from 2014

  1. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    But it's not good and we should not be forced to use a product simply because we paid for it
    we paid for the last one too
    +1 any of the previous spawns are better than the current one imo
  2. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

    Likes Received:
    $20,000 was the investment that I willingly lost by choosing to terminate my partnership with CG.
  3. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    I'll tell the tale.
    CrueltyGaming was added to the staff team during a merge with his server. He became an owner with Fuzzlr, and started adding a lot of new features. The server player count plummeted, due to excessive banning and terrible server management. It went from an average of 1000 players online down to around 300. Finally, Fuzzlr decided to terminate the partnership, after discovering that Cruelty planned to wipe all of towny and that he planned to take away everyone's ranks. Fuzzlr managed to stop cruelty from taking away the ranks, but not before Cruelty did wipe towny and other things.
    Cool fact, if you were online, Deinen gave everyone OP while Fuzzlr was stopping cruelty. So the server crashed from people spawning thousands of enderdragons in spawn. I remember watching from the donor spawn as the whole server crashed. Beautiful.
  4. _YouDontKnowMe_

    _YouDontKnowMe_ Meeper

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    Yes this would need a few modifications to it but it would still make meep at least 100% more fun because the 2013 spawn was easily the best spawn for navigation and access to areas no matter how close or how far away they are from spawn and even any of the spawn before this one would be an improvement and even brining back one of the old ones that people like and enjoy would mean that you wouldn't have to spend all this money on new spawns, the 2013 spawn would last for at least another year by itself before people start to complain about it. It was the best spawn because it wasn't complicated and it was very user friendly to all ages, it wasn't meant to be anything but now meep is trying to make space stations an stuff it is pointless, meep was popular because it was unique not because it had a big fancy expensive spawn, the spawn we had before was perfectly fine you didn't have to go and make it some big ugly futuristic "thing" that is too big for me to even render in.
    All I am saying is bring back one of the old spawns and all these complaints would go away and all you would have to do is update one of the old spawns to include new features you don't need a whole new spawn to do so.

    Thanks for you time.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 29, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 29, 2016 ---
    Oh and also
    This was one of the best minecraft server videos ever made and it has over 2mil views because of how unique meep was at that time but now its the same as every other big server.
    Its pointless.
    I could go on but really watch that video and if you remember these times you will smile everytime you watch it and how much positive energy there was everytime you went to spawn and how there was always someone there that would say Hello and have the nicest conversation with them and that is something I have not experienced since then.
  5. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    A spawn shouldn't be used just because it has everything close. A spawn should be based on a community decision especially when it comes to appeal. This new spawn in my opinion looks like crap. I love the spawns from 2013 and 2014. We shouldn't be forced to use something just because we paid for it.
  6. CasualNuker

    CasualNuker Celebrity Meeper

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    please bring back the old spawn it's much better than our current junk haven spawn that one was actually cool I feel like more people liked that spawn then our (new one) it looks like someone threw it together in 1 hour it literally has no character it total garbage the old spawn had my favorite warp it was warp lol it was so fun and the shop so much better and it actually had working minigames and spleef it's ruined now please bring it back
  7. Enron

    Enron Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Ever heard of punctuation?
  8. DancingQueen33

    DancingQueen33 Popular Meeper

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    +1 I loved the old spawn, not just cause I was use to it but because it was MUCH better.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 29, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 29, 2016 ---
    Also the old spawn had a /warp heads :p
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 29, 2016 ---
    I hate the Villager. I love seeing how the heads look, before I buy them.
  9. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 it's probably unlikely, but still going to vote.

    The spawn with the ice cream truck in the donator spawn was my favorite. Enjoyed that the most since it was a good size, and it actually looked pretty decent...
  10. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    It showcases the wrong things. It showcases airship, but not towny, one of the biggest deals of this server? There's also little telling you where to go. You can just drop into a portal. That's nice and all but it's uninteresting.