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Best Posts in Thread: Now Accepting Towns & Looking for Nation Staff! *MeepNation*

  1. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Welcome to MeepNation

    I am opening the servers newest Nation for towns to join this evening! The nation is MeepNation and will be open to all towns on the server to join.

    There will be no charge to join the nation and no daily tax to stay a member of MeepNation. Donations by Towns are accepted but not required.

    Once up and running with a nation staff selected by the Mayors of the towns we will have monthly events that will result in prizes paid by the nation.

    The nation will also (once we reach and maintain a 10 town min for a period of one month) do two rank upgrades per month which will be selected and voted for by all Nation Mayors & Nation Staff.

    the Nation will also have it's own TeamSpeak which each town will get 2 channels on allowing for a town channel and maybe a town staff channel. The channel names will be selected by the town mayor and must fall within Meep rules. There will also be general chat rooms for the whole nation to enjoy.

    We will also allow Custom Titles in the Nation as long as they don't break server rules, or are used to troll another player on the server. (Mayors will control who gets custom titles in the towns and will have to approve the titles.

    The TeamSpeak will also have one room called Allies which will be used to communicate with Ally Nations.

    All Mayors and Nation Staff will also have access to TeamSpeak Music channel and the BOT in the channel. The Music channel will have general courtesy rules.

    Nation Staff

    The Nation will need Staff and I am counting on experienced Mayors and Town staff to help me develop and maintain the strength of this great nation.

    If you are interested in joining MeepNation please message me on discord or on forums with a PM. Once a staff is put together we will have many more players able to add your great towns to the nation.

    All Towns will have a say in how the nation is run. We will all work together not to make this the biggest nation or the "best" nation. We will make the Nation what we want it to be!

    I look forward to ideas, thoughts, suggestions, and many great players to be apart of this great nation.
  2. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    Hornemans also has a dream to remove all the meebles from the economy... and put them in his Hornemans vault! Let me know if you need assistance with this. Thanks.
    Muunkee, lanekids40, iKitten and 5 others like this.
  3. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    That is a great question Vexena but to be honest with you I do not have an answer. I decided to sell some ranks in between giving some away with the hopes of removing the meebles gained from the eco. When time allowed and I got to /baltop page one I decided to use some of the meebles for a contest and then decided to buy a Nation which as you know removes a bit of meebles from the eco.

    I have had the Nation for about a month and decided a couple days ago to open it and to let it be run fully by the towns in it. I wanted it to be a place towns could join for what ever reason they decided. Some would join just for the plot bonus yet others may join to be apart of a nation from the ground up and help with what it will become.

    I added the TeamSpeak idea so all the towns could at times get together for contests, giveaways, or just general Town help. I also thought TS would give the member towns a place to get together for town only chats for builds, planning, or just hanging out.

    The rank giveaway part of it came to mind because I do ranks at times and nothing is more fun then helping people who cant for reasons beyond our control get ranks. I know most Mayors have town residents with no ranks and I thought making it so a couple times a month those mayors were able to submit who they think should get it. We would then pick one of the submissions twice a month for an upgrade. (Also the towns could have contests within themselves as to who they submit for the chance). I thought it would be helpful and fun!

    Also as stated above this Nation is fresh from the ground up so the towns that join will all be apart of how it grows and the directions we go.

    I also want to say upfront, this server already has 2 Great Nations. I see almost daily the Nations working for the towns and being run by great Teams. Our (Not My) Nation is not in any way made to lure Towns from the great Nations we have. Its made as another option. I honestly think more Nations equals more time for the Towns in them.

    Thanks for listening to an old mans rant.
    SuperDyl, iKitten, Trexy and 4 others like this.
  4. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    it will open tonight! The only town currently is my town!
    SuperDyl, iKitten, Pmx728 and 4 others like this.
  5. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    MeepNation was started for the same reason Mystical was to give towns another option. Mystical is a strong Nation and a large Nation and I don't agree that it's spiralling. I didn't make this Nation to compete. It was made as Myticals first post says to be another option.

    Much respect for all Nations, All Towns, all Mayors, and all players.
    riri30, Pmx728, KyloMeep and 3 others like this.
  6. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    Please, let's be kind. The new Mystical capital is a large project which is supposed to present itself as a beacon of the strength the Mystical Nation can muster, while also just being something cool. It isn't supposed to be practical.

    Second, there's no reason to slander or degrade any current nation. There are enough options for towns to choose which nation they want, so no coercion exists. All current nations have presented themselves as free, fair places for people to gather their towns under and receive the plot bonus. No nation has thus far gone out of their way to degrade any other nation, only to show the potential they each hold individually for their residents.

    Let's end the rude comments and instead focus on what these nation owners have shown themselves to focus on: working together.

    Under these wise words I end this post:

    PS: Sorry to pick on you @CasualMow , I know you aren't the only one who posted a bit rashly. This was a message for everyone.
  7. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    you aren't setting a good example for the nation already, are you now?
  8. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Welcome! Let me know when time allows and we will get you added.