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Best Posts in Thread: No, no, no, Noah

  1. Noahnda

    Noahnda Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey there!

    I introduced myself before but figured it might be appropriate to do it again with the "new" meep post launch.

    Anyways, I have played meep since the first reset so I am quite acclimated to the sever and how it operates. Originally when I first started playing I had a small town with my two brothers, which was an awesome time. It was very different back then before the reset, and overall I had a different perspective because of my age. Regardless it was positive then and still is now, encroaching on 18. One of the things essential to meep's survival, and what makes it particularly special is its community. The community on this server is like no other, largely due to the connections made year after year but also because of a deep care for the server.

    Now, onto a little about my personal life. I am currently in my junior year of high school so things are quite busy with college right around the corner. I enjoy camping, hiking, and basically anything outdoors. Above all I love helping other people and giving back to the community. There is just something really special when you can help others, and bring something positive into the world. In a world where there is so so much negative its always nice to take a step back and see what you can do for others. Other than that ive been currently working on teaching myself how to code and generally improving my knowledge in computer science.

    I am always open for conversation and would like yo get to know you all, so please reach out to me! Also, if you every need any help feel free to ask I am always willing to lend a helping hand! Happy meeping! :)

    Lemoh, Courtneyyy, Pmx728 and 9 others like this.