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New mini game idea: King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Mjr_Minor, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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    This idea has spawned from a bunch of us going into kitpvp and just messing around as a group, all trying to overtake the top of one of the snow/ice hills and bashing each other around with kb swords. It's really fun, and I find whenever I jump into the arena I end up playing it with some friends at some point. So let me outline the basics for how I see this progressing as a full fledged Meep mini game:

    1.) All players spawn in an arena with a 'hill' point - either an actual hill or some location marked out in some fashion. The longer a player/team can control this point unopposed, they gain points. If one enemy player enters the hill point, you stop gaining points until you regain unopposed control. Similar to ctf (when it was working), after a player/team collects enough points, they win the round.

    2.) All players are armed with knockback 2/3 sticks and iron armor, just prevent the possibility of them dying. The point here isn't straight pvp, it's about controlling an area of importance. Plus, no killing should make for a more fast paced game type.

    3.) Meeble prizes can be given out either as a straight total for a win, or an amount that varies depending on how quickly you/your team can win. Win fast, earn more meebles. Win slowly, earn fewer meebles.

    This idea is just in it's initial though stages, so feedback/further suggestions are more than welcome from the community.

    I think this game type would just be a little fun, not of serious consequence to the server but could provide entertainment nonetheless.
    Paaaauuuullll and Cherrykit like this.
  2. Cherrykit

    Cherrykit Being myself

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    +1 this can be really fun :D
    SpongeyStar and LadyCassandra like this.
  3. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    You need to address how the game will know whether one player is an enemy or teammate.

    An example: legendcaleb and Iate are teammates. Legend reached the top of the hill and defends til Iate gets there. When Iate gets there neither get points because they are classified as enemies. Then Chaase5 comes out of nowhere and majestically slaps them both off.

    Basically you just need to make this completely free for all (no teaming) or teaming (only teaming)
  4. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    Ok, here is what's I am thinking. The admins have been really busy working on some other projects. They have mentioned several times that we are NOT a mini game server. This is a clever idea, but the admins have been busy working on some things for the popular parts of the server. Also, these mini games do not make people want to donate. The mini games on this server (I hope are being fixed) are good and fun. We don't need any more mini games.
    Acceleradiance likes this.
  5. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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    I agree, but I was hoping for the communities input on that. I'm all for it being free for all, but if they had a team system like ctf that would provide a means for tactics to get involved.
    And yet the most recent addition to the server was a mini game.

    I'm also not saying it should be implemented right away, just a thought to be considered if new mini games are thinking of being introduced.
  6. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    What about having it like the halo hub (dont h8 on me for saying hub) So you can just have two portals, one for tdm and one for ffa
    Mjr_Minor likes this.
  7. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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  8. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

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    I like this, but I would also like some pvp in it :p

    With TDM, we could have colored leather helmets and colored names.

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