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Best Posts in Thread: Net Neutrality

  1. LordInateur

    LordInateur Deus Ex Machina Staff Member Administrator

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    Unfortunately, I've found that individuals living in the United States tend to be for or against Net Neutrality based on their party lines. I, for one, was extremely disappointed in the FCC's decision today. Though, I hope that this change prompts the People to pressure Congress for a more permanent solution in the form of US Law.

    I fully support Net Neutrality for the following reasons:
    • The Internet should be equally available. We are currently living in the Information and Telecommunications Revolution--that is, we are living in a time when we are refining how to define the practices and procedures around information technology, and I believe that we are going to be the most successful as a society if we treat the Internet like a public utility--something that is treated as a necessary item for the progression of the individual and the community.
    • Net Neutrality drives innovation. Without Net Neutrality, internet service providers (ISPs) have the potential and ability to throttle the websites of start-up companies that don't pay them, while larger companies who are able to pay these costs will become better known. A lack of Net Neutrality will eventually make it difficult for small businesses to grow as we continue through the Information and Telecommunications Revolution.
    • Content should be free. I don't mean free in cost; rather, I mean that it should be free-flowing. ISPs should not be permitted to control the (legal) content that individuals are allowed to view. Without Net Neutrality, ISPs now have the ability to limit content based on whether or not that content comes from a competitor, whether or not the content is explicitly paid for, and even whether or not the content comes from a source that contrasts with the views of the ISP as a company itself. In a world where various media outlets are referred to as "fake news" it becomes incredibly important that our sources of information are diverse.
    Again, it is important that such laws go through Congress to make them more permanent. I will, however, be interested in what the Meep community has to offer in regard to opposing views.
    J055Y_, KyloMeep, Pmx728 and 6 others like this.
  2. Epicdude141

    Epicdude141 Celebrity Meeper

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    yes that is correct but however...
    • With a Republican Congress that is hell-bent on destroying anything even associated with "Obama", that won't happen
    • FCC doesn't need congressional approval on their decisions
    cooey, Adam34falcon, Adrian and 3 others like this.
  3. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Obviously this has been a hot topic as of late, figured I might as well start the debate thread for it. If you don't clearly know what net neutrality is, I'd highly suggest doing some research of your own before listening to all the ads for and against it.
    KyloMeep, Adrian, qazini and 3 others like this.