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Neil_ww's Helper App

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Neil_WW, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Neil_WW

    Neil_WW Celebrity Meeper

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    In Game Name: Neil_WW
    Skype Username: neil.warming
    Teamspeak Username: Neil_WW
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 13
    Timezone: gmt +1
    Hours online per weekday: 3-6
    Hours online per weekend: 5-9
    Position Changes: Citizen - Helper

    Hello! My name is Neil, I come from a country called Denmark, and started play MeepCraft in 29th june 2012, that is around 22 months now. I usually play meepcraft everyday, when I have time. I like to hear music while I am playing, I also like to be with my friends in game. In my spare time I am playing handball, make homework or hanging out with my friends, and of corse playing Meepcraft.

    Why I should be helper:

    · Experience

    I have the abilities to become a helper because I almost know every command in towny, and in other worlds, but sometimes I'm forgetting 1 or 2 of them. I have almost 2 years of experience from MeepCraft.

    · Performance

    I have a lot of time, to do modreqs if I'm getting accetped, and help people with their problems, also sometimes when I get off from school, is there no staff on, and people are asking if anyone could check their modreq, I wish I could help them, but I trying so good as I can, so I ask them in shout if I can help them.

    · Involvement

    Another reason for I should be helper is, that I am active, I am on when I have time for it, and I do have a lot of time, to do staff stuff, when I get off from school.

    · How I am

    I'm very mature in real, and in game, I never swear to other, and I'm always there to help other people. I am also very friendly when you know me, maybe does people think I am evil or something, but when you start knowing me am I a very nice person.


    One of my weaknesses is my grammer, I'm trying to work at it, in school and when I am home. I am also happy when people tell me if I did something wrong with my grammer.
    Another is my teamspeak activity, I am rarely on, but I am trying to be more active at teamspeak, I do stay for a while there, when I am.

    I hope you guys want me to be a helper, also after what I did, I think we all should get an extra chance, because people can change their mind, if just they get time for it, and I am one of them who changed their mind, I am a new and good person now. Please write a constructive comment with or without the +/-, I will hope I can learn more from the comments.

    Thanks for reading
    Draqq likes this.
  2. adtheren

    adtheren Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    We can tell...

    What I dislike is that you do not include your lengthy ban history (if I remember correctly) in your weaknesses. I also think you're rather immature. I have not been online much recently, this is all from what I've experienced with you.

    Neil_WW likes this.
  3. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

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    I don't really know much about you, but I've seen you in game and forums quite a bit, but not team speak.

    I don't know if I've ever seen you helping much, but I have seen it once or twice.

    As I said I don't know you, but you seem mature and nice.

    Your app was good, you weakness showed what you were struggling with and I like how you pointed it out, there are a couple grammar mistakes and a few spelling errors.

    At this point I don't know what to say. Help a bit more in game and shout lots, I may change this to a +1.
    Neil_WW likes this.
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    The app was alright.
    I've seen you in TS maybe once
    You're definitely famous IG, not sure about the helpfulness
    I'm with Lysseal here. If I see improvement I'm at a +1.
    tight now: +/-
    Neil_WW likes this.
  5. Neil_WW

    Neil_WW Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the comments!
  6. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Hmm this is a very tricky one.
    For me this is going to be a +/- for the following reasons:
    1. Not too active in game. Ok I have seen you a couple of times and I go on Meep quiet a lot
    • Not active with /shout. Never seen you do /shout and help a player
    • Forum Activity. Good you are a Well Known Member which is good but you need to be like that In game
    • Team Speak. Yes Your team speak Kinda Sucks. People may no ave seen me on team speak very much because I don't get the chance that often and My house is normally full with people. In the times I have been on I Haven't heard you speaking. Try and be more active with /shout and on team speak for us all to go put our answers with +1. For now it is a +0 maybe even a -1. Good luck though
    Neil_WW likes this.
  7. Neil_WW

    Neil_WW Celebrity Meeper

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    It could be the time zone, because I am on like 5 hour + every day.
  8. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

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    I know it will be something brought up at least a bit in the comments of this application, your ban history is mediocre. The last time you were banned was two months ago which is good. I have only seen you on TeamSpeak a few times, though this isn't really something you can judge on since most of the current staff are hardly on TS. To add onto this, usually a player only gets on TS when it's time for their interview. When I see you online, you will sometimes help out in shout with questions and have what seem like a great personality, you are someone who is easy to approach.

    • Banhistory +.5
    • TeamSpeak -1
    • In game helpfulness (/shout) +.5
    • Activity +1
    My final vote is a +1
    Neil_WW likes this.
  9. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    -1. You're immature, spend a lot of your time in pvp, your ts activity est trés horrible, and you don't help often.
  10. TrommerBJ

    TrommerBJ Popular Meeper

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    Hey Neil
    -You are a great friend :)
    -Forum active :)
    -I don't see you help much in /shout :(
    -I see you a lot on Meepcraft :)

    Good luck from here :)
    Neil_WW likes this.
  11. 053514

    053514 Popular Meeper

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    martinq17 i don't use teamspeak, I see him on often online, he isn't immature and I can guarantee you he does help maybe not in shout all the time but he does help and teach things to people. He is active while in pvp that doesn't mean he is immature... I don't know about ban history but I got permed before for no reason and I was scammed so the ban history has to really be looked into. Overall I give this 1+
    Neil_WW likes this.
  12. Klitch


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    He is not immature because he is active in pvp. I never said that. He is immature outside of pvp. And I really don't care if you use ts. You're not exactly applying right now are you?
  13. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    I am actually very happy to see this application.

    While I haven't talked much with you myaelf, I've definitely noticed a lot of improvement with your maturity. You've obviously been trying hard to outrun your ban history, which shows you are dedicated to getting better. I do see you generally being friendly and more mature in /shout, and sometimes helping out. While your application wasn't the best, I don't think its too big of an issue.

    I whole-heartedly think you should have a chance at Helper.
    MrsMegan, Neil_WW and JaMiiE_Londors like this.
  14. kdocherty7

    kdocherty7 Guest

    You live in a time zone basically the same as mine, so I see you on all the time.

    Neil_WW likes this.
  15. gabe_strikes_

    gabe_strikes_ Popular Meeper

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    -1 What this guy said.
    Neil_WW likes this.
  16. xEmilWWx

    xEmilWWx Popular Meeper

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    +1 Because he has a great activity and have seen by myself that he helps people out everyday :p
    MrsMegan and Neil_WW like this.
  17. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    I haven't had much experience with you, but when I do it usually consists of you asking me to team with you, me refusing, then you spamming me with messages like "Why do you hate me". I honestly find you pretty immature, but that is from a limited experience. -1
    Neil_WW likes this.
  18. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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    Had a good time with you when I have seen you online, which is quite a bit to be honest.
    Friendly and helpful to us.
    Sweet TS activity
    Good luck!
    Neil_WW likes this.
  19. emmettz24

    emmettz24 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I was very excited to see this application

    Although I don't See you ingame (Complete different time zone)
    I'm giving you a +1
    Good Forum Activity
    Good Ban History
    KyloMeep and Neil_WW like this.
  20. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't think you know a lot about other areas of the server as I only see you on pvp.
    Neil_WW likes this.
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