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Best Posts in Thread: N00b's Building Tips!

  1. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Hello, I have a little secret that most don't know. I am a builder on mc! Yep, while on meep I only build for my own towns, and occasionally do small job here and there. I am ranked 'designer' on 1 server and 'builder' on 2 servers. One day I will show my work to Fuzz and hope for architect! yay! Anyway, below I have made some tips for people who are not particularly strong at building. enjoy!

    General Tips

    -Texture Packs to your liking can improve the way things look a lot!
    -Remember, you don't have to go for realism, let your imagination run wild onto Minecraft.
    -There aren't any physics in Minecraft, so don't hold back when building your creations!
    -Planning out your build makes it really easy and well put together in the end.
    -Symmetry can help make your creations look more neat and tidy but not everything has to be symmetrical.
    -It's easier if you know how or what you want to build so try and choose a theme to build around, like Defense, Luxury, Modern, Futuristic, Medieval, etc.
    -Before you start building know which blocks you will use, create a palette of blocks to build with as an artist chooses the paint they paint with. You should generally use about 3-5 blocks for the majority of the design.
    -Despite Minecraft being a game of blocks, you can also build many different shapes.
    -Location adds atmosphere, a wooden lodge just doesn't fit in a desert.
    -If you make structures more than 1 block thick you can make a different interior material and also use a different exterior.
    -You can use anything to build! Crafting benches, furnaces, especially even cake!
    -Use blocks in any way possible, slabs can create windows, stairs can make chairs.
    -Max out your space, bigger is better.
    -Remember, your structure looks smaller from the inside.
    -Exterior lighting is just as important as interior lighting.
    -Diagonal builds and curves contrast the blockiness of Minecraft, its a neat effect!
    -Switch up your materials!
    -Add in little details like flowers or trees, touch things up a bit.
    -Put glowstone behind your paintings. They are translucent and appear much brighter and more vivid with glowstone behind them.
    -Add frames around your windows. For example, if your walls are made of Planks, use raw wood to outline the windows.
    -Use different materials to make patterns!

    Hope these quick tips help! I am currently working on something special in creative, and when I am unbanned would be more then glad to help out with some builds! ty for reading! :D