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My Staff Application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Ninja_AssassinZ, Jul 20, 2013.

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  1. Ninja_AssassinZ

    Ninja_AssassinZ Popular Meeper

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    IGN: Ninja_AssassinZ
    Skype: Ninja_AssassinZ
    Teamspeak: Ninja_AssassinZ

    In Game Hours
    Weekdays: 6 Hours +
    Weekends 12 Hours +

    Hello staff my name is Ninja_AssassinZ or also known as Austin, I’m Four-teen years old and is currently in the 9th grade and is living in California. I have started to play Minecraft since the 1.2.5 update which was last year on April fourth. As some of you know I been staff in the previous server Meepnetworks. I been staff for roughly three months and I wish to continue. Some of my favorite hobby's to do is play basketball. Ever since I was introduced to this sport back in the first grade when I was six years old. I been playing and practicing on a team. Throughout my time playing basketball for nine years I have many skills that I can transfer over to the online community. Such as teamwork, having fun, and being serious when necessary.

    I Believe you should consider me for this staff position because I been playing this server since December. I feel the need to take this position because I know the community very well and It feels that Towny needs more mods because I have been in the teamspeak with other mods and they were having a tough time doing all the mod requests. Also I why I feel qualified for this position because I have been a Moderator in a server called “Arcadecraft” for about six months because it started to go down hill, I managed to keep a server with around 400 players in top condition. Some of my qualities is helping the community I don’t treat a certain rank with more respect than a person that doesn’t have a rank, if you put it this way if we can treated all players with equal respect we would get more donations. This is because many people like to go around searching for the best possible server they can find, so if we were to pay a little more attention to the non-ranks than they would think this is the perfect server for them. Some of my specialties are going to have to be /shout helping people, some people I have seen have put mod request as there specialties when they have no experience at all doing them. How I think of myself is that I am mature for my age and take situations very seriously. Like a said above that I used to be a Moderator for another server I have caught many griefers, X-rayers, people stealing, and people using hacked clients. Everyday and see people shouting “I have been greifed please help” well if I could I would assist them is to figuring who griefed them and make sure they pay the consequences. To add on to my past experience I have been a Moderator for Meepnetworks for about three months like I said above I know the community very well because I know who in the server has a bad reputation or not. During my time as a Moderator I have caught various amount of “dupers”, and all around rule breakers. Many of the previous staff can vouch for me for my activity and my communication with the staff. I am online for at least six hours a day and on the weekends for at least twelve hours. When I am not online or at home I try my best to get on to teamspeak on my phone just so I can communicate to people on there. I show my dedication for being as active as possible and I will do my best. I say that I know this community very well because I have been in this server since December and I have seen many players come and go. I know most people's reputation they have such as if they are a known x-rayer, duper, hacker, and much more.

    I would say one of my weaknesses is fighting/ arguing. I dont get angry very often but if someone is talking smack to me I take the situation to whole new level. Things may get out of hand but after a few mintues I calm my self down and just play the game like nothing ever happened. Another one of my weaknesses is I dislike to talking to new people that a never spoke before on teamspeak or skype. Type chatting is fine but when it comes to voice it makes me uncomfortable to speak to them. But after a while of talking to them in game I have no problem to talk to them in teamspeak or skype because I feel communication is key to growing a friendly community.


    All in all as I stated above I hope you consider this application because this would be a huge achievement in my life. I enjoy to help people thrive in life and as my time I have been in this server to know how the community acts in situations. I don’t like to make situations a big deal but if further moderation is needed then it has to be done.
    To summarize why I believe I should be a staff member is like I said above is I would like this server to Thrive with many players such as 600+ of players, also I have been a Mod on another server so this gives me experience in controlling a massive amount of players and in assisting in other players. Thank you for reading this resume and once again hope you consider this application. Sincerely Austin
  2. The_Squirrelman

    The_Squirrelman Popular Meeper

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    First, your application. I loved the amount of effort you put into it, and how well thought out it was. You addressing your experience as a staff member, and supporting the different aspects of it, such as knowing the community, catching cheaters, and being fair. As a moderator, you did your job, a fair amount of modreqs, and were involved with staff activities and investigations. Overall? I'm for an interview. +1
  3. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    Agreed with Squirrel on this one. You have put a lot of effort into the application, and Addressing your previous experiences enable us to consider the respectable modreq count of your previous position, along with vast server knowledge and maturity. Personally, I am also for an interview. +1
  4. TheJohnseyClutch

    TheJohnseyClutch Popular Meeper

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    Being staff you can't argue with each other. The above comments I agree with, thou I am undecided, -0.
  5. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

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    Lol. Yes you can.
    If you couldn't, it would be impossible to find a staff group that wouldn't argue.

    Arguing/debate creates solutions.
  6. The_Squirrelman

    The_Squirrelman Popular Meeper

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    Agreed. Although I am supposed to do my job, so Davy, no commenting on staff apps please. Thanks for the take though, couldn't have said it better myself.
    LR_Davius likes this.
  7. TheJohnseyClutch

    TheJohnseyClutch Popular Meeper

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    It depends on HOW you argue.

    Arguing for server reasons is fine, but arguing because you don't like each other isn't efficient.
    steviefiveo56 likes this.
  8. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    I am for a total +1, nice app and nice past experience
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