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Accepted My ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Grandblue, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN: JonnehboiDaMon
    Date/Time: November 4th (I think)
    Reason: Hacks
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: MrHollyWoot
    Why we should consider your appeal: Hey so on my last ban appeal, I was quite confused. I had been banned in August for 'creepers alt' by Cooleysworld, and I got unbanned. That solves that confusion. On the other hand, my appeal is very sincere. I admit to once using hacks a long time ago during the Summer. Dart_Knight caught me, and I lied. I am admitting to using hacks then, but I took them off, and promised to never use them again. You all may say as in my last appeal that one can not change in the course of 1 month. I find it disturbing because I was at the brink of changing when I was banned. BirdVarv's video looks much like proof of a hacker, but I do not remember too many details. I remember glitching back, and logging out, but not to take the hacks off. From my past experiences with nodus, I know you can take hacks off by using the esc button, and clicking 'nodus off' or something like that. I was not using hacks, and if there is any way to prove it, I would. This server, I would used to say, is my life. It brought me happiness when in the most depressing times (ex: my dad sent my older bro out of the house for the night). I have always had many friends on here, and it really cheered me up. I am now 13 as my birthday was November 22, (and I know staff you do not need to say: that information in not needed. I have heard this many times) but I have changed. I learned to admit to my mistakes, and I man up to it. You all staff can temp ban me till Christmas, which is my favorite holiday, and I would love to be on MeepCraft then, but please un-perm ban me. I love MeepCraft, and I still remember the pimp stick from the top of the Christmas tree in the old old spawn. The one before the last one. If this is denied, please unban me from the spawn and disallow me to go to the centrum and other places. At the very least, I want trust, and friendship back. Well, this is the end of my appeal. Bye for now!
    Flamedemond and Empoleon_master like this.
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    This video was in response to his first ban appeal, it clearly shows how it is NOT possible to block, run, sprint, etc. Even with potions on.

    Don't know the full relevance of this anymore but, this is for reference.
    BlackJack, Qwikin and CyborgZeroX like this.
  3. MrHollywoot

    MrHollywoot Popular Meeper

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    I wont handle this appeal but as the one who banned

    +1 for unban

    Let the next mod handle this best o lucks man
    Grandblue likes this.
  4. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    Yes... I have see this before. Will you ever take it as a glitch? Do you think I am lying? Please respect the fact that I am saying I did not hack and it was most likely a glitch. Many people told me they have seen in happen to their friends before, and they were not hacking. maxyman002 told me this, and I think flamedemond also did.
    Flamedemond likes this.
  5. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    1. Your history has caused a lot of players and staff to distrust you!
    2. I feel we waste to much time on the same offenders and not enough on the player base who needs us and respects the rules.
    3.IF I accept this ban appeal it will come with two stips.

    * You will not be allowed in Centrum* at all, I will not make it so you can't get there but you will be watched, and if you are in there *ever* Perm ban from game, forums, and TS. (Once you prove you are here to game and not harm the game this "could" be changed) Never ask when!

    * You will be on a probation for 30 days, meaning any game infraction resulting in a temp ban or ban will be final if in the 30 day period.

    Now I want you to comment here if you understand this and agree!
  6. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    So I am basically partially unbanned? A 30 day partial temp ban? Just I love pvp, so would I ever be allowed to go in? Either way, I totally accept! Thanks Cooley! I will do my best to be a great and loved player on Meep!

    (Details on my restrictions should be posted on here please)
  7. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    Also, could you maybe block me from the centrum. I really sometimes need support. Please make it so I can not go in there.
  8. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    These are the terms, which ALL staff members know of:

    1. You can have no time in Centrum! Don't say I fell in, I was pushed in, etc.

    any offense will be perm ban, no exceptions.

    2. No offenses that call for a temp ban or ban for 30 days. (they will result in perm)

    This is a chance for you to prove the "love" you say you have for Meep and the Community.

    The Centrum ban will be reviewed weekly by me, do not ask staff when this will happen.
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