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Denied (My ban appeal) I'm sorry my younger brother...

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by lostsurviver, Oct 16, 2013.

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  1. lostsurviver

    lostsurviver New Meeper

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    While I was helping my parents (we are trying to move out of the house we live in right now) I was afk and I was helping packing up and then my younger brother played and used mods without asking me. So I told him to never do that again (he understood) so from now on... there wont be any more x-ray used used in your server and also I know its my fault leaving my computer where he could use :(. So can you please unbann me ?
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2013
    Myoshino and _Rigel like this.
  2. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    Huh. Seems every person who is banned for xray had a younger brother who did it while they were afk - what I never understand is how they managed to install the mods and do the amount of xraying they did in such a short time, a time in this case which was simply packing.

    Regardless of whether I velive your story or not, your account used xray, which is a bannable offence. This appeal is denied, we have no way of knowing who did it, only that this account broke rules and faces the consequence.
    wayzata20 and Netrarc like this.
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