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Denied mrli1's ban appeal v3.0

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by mrli1, Jan 7, 2014.

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  1. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    IGN: mrli1
    Date/Time: 12/22/13
    Staff: Devilspawn112
    Reason: Xray/Glitch exploit
    Length: Perm
    Hi, mrli1 AGAIN. Sorry for posting early, but I miss the server s([​IMG] amount of o's) much! I believe I deserve a second chance. I vow never to do it again. I know it was wrong to team with jrocker even after he did the xray thing (sorry jrocker, not trying to hurt you here) and it was a mistake for me to try the glitch in the first place. Please, I beseech upon all of the staff to take mercy on me and let me get on my favorite server. I will be willing to accept all consequences, including but not limited to: a 1 week temp or 2 from now, a permanent watch list, etc. I can deal with everything being reset of mine but my rank. once again, I am truly sorry for doing the glitch, and It will never happen again.
  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    I greatly appreciate that you can admit to this, but is a very serious punishment. Seeing as it has only been 2 weeks, this is not near long enough for this type of ban. I would suggest keep up the good forum activity and re-appeal a bit down the road if you wish to have another chance. Denied
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