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Moderator Application: Deinen0

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Deinen, Nov 8, 2014.

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  1. BobJonCreeper

    BobJonCreeper pie

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    Deinen. Although I personally haven't seen you as Staff, I've heard some remarkable things about you. You're easily said one of the most knowledgeable Staff members on the team, and deserve this more than anyone.
    +1 All they way. Good Luck!
    Deinen likes this.
  2. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 today is opposite day.
    No reason to say it
  3. CinnamonTiny

    CinnamonTiny Popular Meeper

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    Although you haven't been helper for very long, I'd agree that an exception should be made for you in this situation considering your prior experience.
    buildmaster1000x likes this.
  4. Nman830

    Nman830 Celebrity Meeper

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    Helpful all the time
  5. Soudafat

    Soudafat Popular Meeper

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    -1 Some of us refuse to be fooled twice. :cigar: #DeinenwasAdmin
    Netrarc likes this.
  6. Smshortstack

    Smshortstack Popular Meeper

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    +1 you are really nice and kind
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    +good helper
    +reliable and friendly
    +takes responsibility
    -Ate my stickers

    +1 dein. Can't wait to see you as mod.
  8. buildmaster1000x

    buildmaster1000x Popular Meeper

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  9. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    Just hoping here that you won't resign again.
  10. Woddorl

    Woddorl Popular Meeper

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    What's your end goal here? In your helper application you made it sound like you were only applying to help out while the staff numbers were low.
    I don't know the details about you spawning in gold blocks, only what you yourself said...
    Personally, I'm surprised you weren't banned for it, but I obviously wasn't there or know the full story.

    I wouldn't trust you with a staff position with any real power. You had your chance to be a leader, to set an example for both other staff members and the community but you choose to abuse your power. You're knowledgeable and are both generally liked and respected but I think that would give reason to be more cautious, not less.

    You obviously have a head on your shoulders, are mature and want to prove yourself trustworthy again. I just don't think two weeks is enough time to prove anything.

    Honestly, if the staff is willing/does trust you already, they should just go ahead and promote you to whatever position you are planning on ending up at. You were admin before, if memory serves me right, and you can fill whatever roll they might need you for with minimal training.

    GL, either way.
  11. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    As spammy as you are I do agree, you have some very good ideas which speed up processes and make things better.
  12. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    +1 You help me a lot and you're on a lot and I think you really deserve it because you're an awesome guy.
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Good questions, I'll attempt to cover them one at a time. I did spawn in quite a lot of gold, and I was subsequently banned for that action. While not going into multi-paragraph answers about it, as I'm sure they can be easily found on the forums, I can say that this was a terrible mistake, one that I have surely learned from, and will not repeat it, nor will I over-step my bounds or abuse the trust again. Pretty much, I totally screwed up, and then I moved on.

    When I applied for helper, I had no immediate plans to apply, nor was it outlined to be applying 2 weeks after. However, once I truly realized that the limitations of helper are binding, I decided to speed that process up quite a bit. As many know, Helpers are mostly the front line worker, they handle the questions and complains, but all in all have very little say in policy, recruitment, and many other areas. It's not that helpers are worse than any other rank, the role is just different. However this is where my strength really shines, as a moderator, I will be able to more easily influence the direction of the ship as helper.

    To explain what I mean I'll use an example, when I first joined as helper, I immediately began flooding the staff with suggestions on things to change, while I may not always be right, I always try to take the time to explain why I think a certain change is beneficial, or a hindrance. One particular advancement I've had is suggesting a way to reformat the suggestions thread. With a simple addition of a sub-category, and the change of another, we are now more easily able to convey our progress to the greater player base. Before we had a couple folders where it essentially became a purgatory, good suggestions would sit there for long periods of time with no update on progress. What we have now is a series of steps a suggestion can take, from going into Under Consideration (Good suggestion, but most likely cannot/will not be done), to Accepted (These are great suggestions that probably can be done, but there is no ETA on completion), and then finally Pending (These are suggestions we are currently working on with some reasonable, perhaps not accurate, ETA on completion).

    This is certainly not me trying to brag, but to point out this is the area where I really excel. I always try to analyze processes, try to drive out inefficiencies, and add in standardization, for the most part. Another thing I'd love to do as a moderator is set up a true mentoring program for new helpers coming into the fold. This is where an experienced helper, or a moderator takes helpers under their wing and monitor them more closely to try to reduce the gap in interpretations of rules, and subsequent ban times. An additional benefit to this is that with a standardized program to show new helpers the ropes, we'll be seen as a much more unified, and solid force in the eyes of the players. This is also not to say that this staff is bad in any way, shape, or form, but there are ways to decrease inefficiencies, or instances where staff are sending two different messages, more or less, we should be in lock & step with each other.

    Another reason I wasn't planning on applying for moderator right away is because I wanted to re-confirm with myself that I was capable of still doing the role of helper first. To this end, I have satisfactorily shown myself that I still excel in the areas I feel are most important to the job, which are customer service. It is not enough I can do a massive amount of modreqs, but that I also give each individual one my utmost attention, this includes not just answering the question they originally asked, but to make sure they have a firm grasp on the answer, and that there is no other information they are confused on. The goal for me was to put a smile on each person who modreq's face, I wanted them happy they filed a modreq and got a quick answer, in addition to a friendly face, and someone who genuinely wants to help them out to their 100% satisfaction. Sometimes that even includes a friendly little chat with players who just needed to know we see them in the wider Meep world, and they aren't in the background. These are the qualities I want to bring with me to the next step up, making sure all our helpers provide the same 110% service (and they do) that I've tried to provide with the players myself. Not only that, but as a moderator I will have a greater role in who we recruit, policy in general, and many other things that I can use to try to bring as many suggestions I feel will benefit things to the table. Again, all my suggestions aren't the answer, and some are quite bad, but I think the minute we stop suggesting is the minute we degrade.

    Hell, let's be honest, because of my past, I do not expect to go above Moderator, and that is fine for me. When I said as a helper, I wasn't concerned about the next step, it was the truth, at that time I wasn't. It was only until I saw the limitations and they came into conflict with how involved I want to be in direction of the server, at that time I had decided the next step will allow me to better accomplish what I want to accomplish. The same applies now, I'm not going to worry about the next step until I have cause to worry about it, and at this time I simply have none. And as I said before, even if I wanted too, I have no real expectations of actually being able to do that, and that is fine because it was my own doing.

    I hope I've answered at least some of your questions to your satisfaction, if not, or if there is anything else you'd want me to clarify, do not hesitate to ask here or in a PM.
  14. Soudafat

    Soudafat Popular Meeper

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    #ppldontchange #DeinenwasAdmin
    oh and u consider 30mil in gold bars spawned in as a mistake? laugh out loud sir, laugh out loud
    StopResetting, Netrarc and Courtneyyy like this.
  15. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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    1. Abused gold twice as an Admin - both with pigmen spawners and by spawning in gold blocks
    2. Verbally abused players in game and on forums when not a part of the staff team
    -1. These are two serious indiscretions I can't move past and I'm surprised so many people are willing to gloss over. These are not the qualities I want in a staff member, I'm sorry.
  16. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Super Mod before? Helper? Back? Well Deinen, I will give you a +1 cause you are a nice guy and people who say you have only been it for 2 weeks may not know about your staff history but is has kind of gone viral on the server. Anyways +1 because you were great staff and you brought lot of stuff to the server. Also you helped bring Meep back to what it is now from MeepNetworks. Anyways, good luck and I believe you will get the position!
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 10, 2014, Original Post Date: Nov 10, 2014 ---
    Bass he was SMod not Admin :p
  17. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    Deinen was an admin in the past?
    BobJonCreeper and Cherrykit like this.
  18. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    To clarify, there was no abuse in anything related to pigman spawners. When we removed jobs, we also installed the gold bank. However, in protest, and as an opportunity, people noticed they were able to buy such a massive amount of gold, they rendered gold @ 0. The position at the time from staff is we were not going to fix the gold bank once the players made gold worth 0. After I talked to Onis, and gotten his permission, I enabled pigman spawners for players, with the idea that since gold was worthless, and it would take hundreds of thousands of gold nuggets to restore the gold price to what it was. However, the day after, Onis did reintroduce gold back, at nearly 3x the price it was originally introduced in.

    That was not an abuse, but making a choice with invalidated knowledge.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
    Khafra and Cherrykit like this.
  19. numpty04

    numpty04 Popular Meeper

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    +1 you are really helpful :D
  20. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Oh Well, I know his statue was in the MN spawn
    Toostenheimer likes this.
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