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Denied MKrulz' Ban Appeal (Updated)

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by creepersonvenus, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. creepersonvenus

    creepersonvenus New Meeper

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    IGN: MKrulz
    Date/Time: 11-23-13, can't remember time
    Reason: X-Ray
    Ban Length: Permanent
    Staff Member: DianaB72
    Why we should consider your appeal: I promise I will never use any mods again, and I am sincerely sorry for using the x-ray. I deleted Nodus so I wouldn't get banned on any other servers. I want to go back on MeepCraft really badly, it's a real piece of work. It would be great if the mods can just give me a second chance to play, and I will never make the same mistake again. I apologize.
  2. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    As you know x-ray is a permanent ban. After a couple months we consider giving people a second chance however as of now you must face your punishment.

    This appeal is denied.
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