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Men hitting women.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by nhjed, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

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    It is sexist though... we've already been through definitions so I don't think I need to reiterate it but that is using a stereotype to discriminate against men so therefore, by definition, it is sexism. In my opinion, it's disgusting that when going into a domestic situation the male is always seen as at fault but I know that statistically the male tends to be the abuser and sadly the officer is usually correct.
    Ranger0203 likes this.
  2. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    No. If my friend punches me in the arm, it hurts, but I am not harmed. If I punched him in the arm (because he's small), he'd probably have a pretty decent bruise, and even that isn't really harm. If he hits me in the stomach, it probably hurts. If I hit him in the stomach, he will probably be harmed.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 23, 2016, Original Post Date: Oct 23, 2016 ---
    "While aggression in heterosexual relationships is believed to stem from men, a recent study presented on June 25 at a symposium on intimate partner violence (IPV) at the British Psychological Society's Division of Forensic Psychology annual conference in Glasgow, found women are more likely to be “intimate terrorists,” or physically aggressive to their partners than men."

    It is sexist, and it isn't unfounded, but you should probably arrest both of them.
    Cherrykit and Splendy like this.
  3. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    But that goes back to the who can really harm who argument. Unless the woman has something to use as a weapon, she isn't likely to harm the man. On the other hand, a man striking back could do much more to harm the woman than what he would do by hitting back.
  4. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    I mean. Kicking people in the groin seems like a pretty good way to harm them. *shrug*
    Ranger0203 and Splendy like this.
  5. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Like I said, I'm not against fighting back. Its just a better idea to use your best judgement and only retaliate if you're in actual danger of harm
    Ranger0203 likes this.
  6. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    if someone hits me then i made a mistake because i shouldnt be giving anyone a reason to hit me
    and if they hit me i will leave
  7. Inkfy

    Inkfy Celebrity Meeper

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    I agree like, don't hit women, but women shouldn't be hitting men either! You don't have the right to be hitting somebody. If a woman is hurting you, punch her in the throat;However, do remind y0urself of the face that men do have more power in their punches, and their knuckles are more like hardish(idk how do describe), so if you do decide to DEFEND YOURSELF don't hit hard, be gentle, just hit them once to just get them off and to make them stop hurting you. However! If a man is just hurting a woman for no reason, I advise the woman to kick him where it hurts most and leave the relationship, if you feel like you are in danger of leaving call the police while you are trying to leave, they will get you out safely.
  8. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    You know that that's against the point of self defense right
  9. Supreme_Overlord

    Supreme_Overlord Popular Meeper

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    If someone is hurt, they are inherently harmed. If you're punched in the arm, you might not remain harmed, but you are harmed for the few seconds that you are hurt. It doesn't matter if the person is only harmed for a few seconds, as long they are hurt, they are harmed. As I said, harm is defined as, "physical or mental damage or injury: something that causes someone or something to be HURT, broken, made less valuable or successful, etc."
    Splendy likes this.
  10. Garde7

    Garde7 Popular Meeper

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  11. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Low quality post, you not only generalize women by saying that they are all weak and men should inherently not defend themselves or they are wussies in your mind. Very unhealthy view on the world indeed.

    This is probably the one issue where I don't agree with the conservative side, gender making an effect is outdated. If someone hits another person, they have no inherent protection due to gender, and it is ridiculous to say that they do. Anyone who truly wants gender equality will agree with that, as it is gender-neutral.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 26, 2016, Original Post Date: Oct 26, 2016 ---
    oh no but lol he was just kidding XD

    >I made a point that was rightfully picked apart, but I was kidding so it's alright eh guys
  12. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    It's still illegal to strike someone, whether you harm them or not, if it isn't in self defense.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 3, 2016, Original Post Date: Nov 3, 2016 ---
    Yes there is an overlap, but not all hurt (that is pain) is harm (physical injury). Not all harm is hurt either. I managed to give myself a hernia yesterday (whoop, second one in four months). It doesn't hurt, but it is arguably harm. On the flip side, I scraped my leg. It hurts, but isn't really harm.

    You are not harmed for a few seconds. Harm= long lasting (being like, a day, week, etc) injury (actual, physical damage, or in some cases mental.) It affects how your body (or mind) functions. Hurt=Pain=a sense. It can last anywhere from a millisecond to years. It often stems from physical (or emotional) damage (harm), but doesn't always.

    I found a book that explains it pretty well: "Another distinction may be important here: hurt vs harm. The difference is most apparent for physical aggression. It can cause pain, which quickly graduates or diminishes, leaving behind no tissue damage; this is hurt. Or it can cause not only pain but a loss of teeth, a broken bone, or damage to a limb; this is harm."

    Either way, we're arguing about semantics, which don't change reality.

    A woman trying to hit me will do far less physical damage to me than me trying to hit a woman. All this depending on the circumstances, and the woman.
  13. Supreme_Overlord

    Supreme_Overlord Popular Meeper

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    I think the Merriam-Webster definition of the terms takes precedence over the book that you found.
    Yes, it depends heavily on the circumstances, which is why it is important to realize that there are many situations where the woman can do more harm.
  14. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Ok, if you like. That still doesn't change reality. You're just distracting from the actual issue.

    And we're back to where we started...
  15. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    In my opinion, if anyone hits you with the intention to cause harm, you should use the necessary force to defend yourself. This is in no way based upon legality or laws, but my own beliefs.
  16. Supreme_Overlord

    Supreme_Overlord Popular Meeper

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    I mean, you're the one that brought up the difference between the two terms ("harm" and "hurt"), so if anyone is distracting from the actual issue, I don't think it's me.
    Perhaps we're back where you and I started, but we're not back where the debate itself started. Some people disagree with the claim that it depends on the circumstances and instead argue that it's never okay for men to defend themselves by hitting a woman back and/or that men can always take any damage that a woman inflicts.
  17. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    I do not agree with hitting woman at all, I also do not agree with a woman hitting a man. I would never hit a woman unless she hit me first. If she hits me twice you best believe I'm hitting back. has nothing to do with being disrespectful or not she shouldn't think she has the right to hit you because shes female. just my opinion.
    Ranger0203 likes this.
  18. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    This is a really good method of self defense, actually. If you reduce it to it's most basic element, self defense is: "Identify threats to my safety. Remove those threats with as little risk to myself as possible." That's pretty much it. Of course, you might in some situations be mindful of laws and other such things, but on a primitive, survival level, none of that matters.
  19. ZestyWheathin

    ZestyWheathin Celebrity Meeper

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    A little sensitive of a thread but... Protect yourself and end the fight if you have to.
    Garde7 likes this.
  20. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    But is it worth the risk of join to jail for murder? Punching someone in the throat is very hard to plead self defense to.

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