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Men hitting women.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by nhjed, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    If someone hits you first off you determine if the situation you are in is even appropriate to hit back. If yes than yeah upper cut them. It shouldn't be a issue with gender a girl hits a man, boom hit em back. A guy hits a girl boom hit em back.
  2. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    You're free to do as you please, but I have 0 respect for any man who hits a woman. I don't care the reason. If a woman is mad enough to hit you, you had plenty of time to leave.
  3. fasehed

    fasehed Celebrity Meeper

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    Let's talk about say a girl mugs you. You have a shopping bag they hit you in hopes you drop it. What do you do? Not hit back because you had enough time to leave? No because you got jumped. Domestic abuse often people don't want to admit to it right away because they don't want to accept it. Say they have you in a corner beating you. Just sit there and get hit until there tired? No you hit back to defend yourself and ultimately leave until they have calmed down. And yes you are probably gonna say then break up. But it's hard for people to because they may have been together for awhile until just recently she started hitting or maybe you're embarrassed. I could add on dozens more things but I need to get back to my homework.
    KyloMeep likes this.
  4. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Even Ronda Rousey?

    I know a girl who's 5'11'' and looks like she's 170 lbs (she's an athlete/not fat). I wouldn't want her to hit my friend (a dude) who's 5'6'' and 105 lbs.

    I don't think it's Ok for her to hit him. It's even less OK than for him to hit her.

    But I do understand the point.

    It's frustrating when your friend (girl) slaps you (8 times) and you (guy) feel like you can't hit her back.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 18, 2016, Original Post Date: Oct 18, 2016 ---
    Women can get really mad, really quickly (at least apparently. In hindsight you realize they've been steaming about that time you left your cup on the coffee table 6 years ago.)
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Whoa grampa.

    Women are not ignorant or mindless, if they make a decision to strike somebody, they deserve the reprocussions. Would you strike a 300 lbs 6'7 guy? If you did, would you not deserve his hamfist in your face?
  6. Supreme_Overlord

    Supreme_Overlord Popular Meeper

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    Just because... she's a woman?

    I can only think of two ways to interpret your argument: 1. Women are deity-like beings that can do whatever they want, while men are so inferior that they don't have the right to protect themselves if a woman attacks/abuses them. 2. Women are helpless, inferior beings that pose no threat to men. I assume that you're going for the former of these, as you're hopefully aware that there are plenty of cases where a woman is stronger than a man. So, assuming that you're going for the former, can you explain why you think that's a good stance? How is that any different from someone claiming that men are superior to women and that they therefore deserve special treatment?
    funkyrainbows, cooey, fasehed and 5 others like this.
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    This seems kind of ridiculous depending on situation
    If it's domestic.... sure I guess they have time to get out? But so do men, how is that different?
    If a girl is mugging you are you just gonna let that happen cause she's a girl? If she's holding someone at gunpoint ad you just gonna stand there and/or walk away?
    Why should women be given more freedom from defense and being hurt than men?
    cooey, KyloMeep, Splendy and 2 others like this.
  8. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    To answer everyone, Its not about thinking about it for me. Its how I was raised. Thats it.

    If shes a prize fighter, she isnt in my weight class.
    If Im mugged by a woman, Ill shoot her.
    If shes holding me at gunpoint, Ill shoot her.
    If its my wife, I did something to deserve it.
    If its domestic or a woman strikes me, I take it like a man and suck it up lol. Hitting her back isnt going to do anything.

    Take a lesson here. Hitting someone back doesnt usually do anything unless its in defense to get out of the situation.
    If you have to do something to get out of a life or death situation, do what ya gotta do. Perks of carrying a gun is not many people want to fistfight.
  9. Supreme_Overlord

    Supreme_Overlord Popular Meeper

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    That doesn't justify raising women up to an infallible level (that doesn't justify any stance, for that matter). There's nothing different from your argument and somebody saying that, "Viewing men as superior to women and supporting them having ownership of women is not about thinking about it for me. It's just how I was raised. That's it." Furthermore, a Muslim terrorist could use the same logic and say, "Killing Americans in terrorist attacks is not about thinking about it for me. It's just how I was raised. That's it." If someone is raised with a harmful belief, that might make the belief more understandable or forgivable, but it doesn't justify it or make it correct.
    So.. If a woman is attacking you, it's wrong to hit her (which is something that might hurt her a bit, probably at most knocking her unconscious), but it's okay to shoot her (which is something that can be likely to end her life)?
    First of all, I don't think that anybody "deserves" to be hit by their significant other for a mistake. Second of all, you can't apply your relationship to that of others. Even if you want to claim that you might deserve to be hit in your relationship, that does not mean that you can claim that situations are the same for others. There are plenty of cases where men are literally abused by their girlfriends/wives (well, I'd regard anyone who hits their significant other to be "abusing them," but there are plenty of cases where men are completely beaten, not just slapped).
    So, if a very strong woman is dating a very weak man, he should just "suck it up" if she beats him, but it's wrong for him to just defend himself by hitting her back?
    That might be true, but assuming that it is, you should be advocating for not hitting anybody back, not specifically refraining from hitting women back
  10. Imperfectly

    Imperfectly Celebrity Meeper

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    Weird ass relationship they got going on.

    I think that if a woman hits a man (and it's harming you), He should be able to hit back, DEPENDING on the situation.

    Theres no real solid answer for these type of questions, It all just depends on the situation.
    Ranger0203, Muunkee and Cherrykit like this.
  11. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    You clearly dont know a joke from a serious statement.
    Photoave12, Muunkee and Deinen like this.
  12. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    You're older than him...
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Yeah but he's all wrinkly and stuff, like Benjamin Button, you can't really tell.
  14. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    Klutch confirmed?
  15. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Uh, even if the women is very strong and can probably kill you with her bare hands?
  16. Ranger0203

    Ranger0203 Celebrity Meeper

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    Ah, I think that everyone was under the impression that you thought a man shouldn't act in self defense.

    I agree, if it's a one-strike-and-done, don't hit back. There's no point, find some other way to get back at the person, after you've cooled off.
  17. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I will hammer throw that child.
    Photoave12, Hyori and Splendy like this.
  18. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

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    I genuinely took that as a poor joke until I read the rest of your posts.... you're actually serious?
    That is an extremely sexist remark you made against men and women alike. You're trivialising every single case of domestic abuse against a man from a woman. I have witnessed, first hand, what a woman can do to a man not willing to fight back and it ended in a hospital trip and scars to this day. So don't you dare say that he doesn't deserve to be in the presence of a woman if he is simply saving himself, I wish he had struck out instead of just letting her hit and cut him. On a slightly less serious side you also called every single woman weak and pathetic not worthy of holding their own, so chivalrous!
    Cherrykit likes this.
  19. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Yeah me. A police officer. Nope not me ive never seen domestic abuse. Never.
    Photoave12 likes this.
  20. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm awfully confused, you make a "joke" and then back up your joke with more "jokes" which defend the initial one. Either you are perfecting the stereo type of the american humour or it's not a joke?

    If it's not a joke I don't understand how you, a police officer, can say that women are defenseless and could never hurt a man. So please spell it out to me. Was it a really bad joke or a statement which makes me question your judgement?
    Ranger0203 likes this.

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