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Best Posts in Thread: MeepShop

  1. Sjoeppappentrap

    Sjoeppappentrap Sjoeppappentrap Elder

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    Hey Meepers!,

    MeepShop was introduced into the MeepCraft server yesterday, June 16th, 2015. With this update to MeepCraft, we’ve given players an easy way to earn meebles and trade with their friends. For more veteran players on MeepCraft, this may remind you of Virtual Shop, or “VShop”. There are several large differences between the two. Firstly, we now have a /stock command. /stock allows you to see everything you or another player currently has for sale, and the amount of each item as well as the price. We have also added the /sales command, which does the same thing as /stock but allows you to see sales made by yourself or another player. The largest difference is the implementation of taxes into the shop. You are taxed 5% on each item you list on the shop, and buyers are taxed 3% on the purchases they make. These taxes were implemented to avoid having players hold all their items in /shop, using it as an infinite bank, and to lower the amount of money currently in the economy. Buyer’s tax, however, is Citizen only. Donators do not have to pay a buyers tax on their purchases.


    /shop - view /shop commands
    /buy <amount> <item> [maximum price per item] - buy items
    /sell <amount> <item> <price> - sell items
    /cancel <item - remove items from your stock
    /find <item> [page] - find offers for the items
    /stock [player] [page] - browse through offers
    /sales [player] [page] - view transaction log

    Seller’s Tax: 5% - MeepCraft will charge 5% on the value of your listed items.
    Buyer’s Tax (Citizens): 3% - MeepCraft will charge you 3% on top of the value of your bought items.
    Buyer’s Tax (Donors): 0% -Tax-free buying is a donor perk.

    You want to sell 100 stones for 1 Meeble each
    • /sell 100 stone 1
    • MeepCraft will charge you 5% of 100 Meebles to put this for sale. (5 Meebles)
    • You’ll receive the money when other players buy your items.

    You want to remove your 100 stones from the MeepShop:
    • /cancel stone
    You want to buy 1000 stones for maximum 1 Meeble per stone:
    • /buy 1000 stone 1
    • Citizens: MeepCraft will charge you 1000+ 1000*5% Meebles = 1050 Meebles
    • Donors: MeepCraft will charge you 1000 Meebles

    Please report any bug you find as soon as possible. We'll do all we can to resolve them asap.

    MeepCraft Crew - Sjoeppappentrap
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
  2. FillylandingXD

    FillylandingXD Popular Meeper

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    tbh i think the taxes part is kinda stupid.
    but on the other hand, it keeps people from making a huge profit by like do /sell 100 stone 1000
    cooey, Ace, Toostenheimer and 2 others like this.