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Best Posts in Thread: MeepFactions - MeepKingdoms - MeepEmpires

  1. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    Although there isn't much competition for towny servers, there has been a huge decline to Meepcraft for whatever reason (currently there are only 23 people online at the time of writing this suggestion at 8:30 PM GMT) and now, there are Towny servers with more active players than Meepcraft at it's current state - therefore Meepcraft needs something that can bring towny back alive, there always used to be talk about everything on the server being unique but that was never really the case, but risks and new ideas are critical to raise the servers player count up and bring it back to it's former self. I feel my idea would be beneficial to the server as I haven't saw anything like it before and in my head; it seems that it could be pretty fun.

    I really don't know how to propose this idea in writing but i'll try my best and if anyone has any further ideas to add - I'd be glad to add them in.


    MeepFactions - MeepKingdoms - MeepEmpires
    bringing towny, factions and rpg together.

    To start this off, this is entirely based on the Towny plugin with some aspects of Factions in it; this doesn't need to be a brand new plugin as these suggestions could be added to the current plugin.

    Upon starting your adventure to the towny universe, you will be prompted with a GUI (or just chat based) with a few options;

    • Their race
    • Their philosophy/religion
    • Preferred jobs
    • (more to be added..)

    After creation of their player, they will begin a single quest/job which will be the tutorial (this plugin would work greatly for this

    After the tutorial, assuming they learn the basics of the server they will be prompted with yet another GUI (or again text based) asking the player to select which lands/part of the world they would like to start off in; players can change town/area at any time, just like the current towny. I'll try explain the whole world areas down below

    The map/lands - The map would be split up into various different areas, each area will have it's own king and whatnot (and a general overseer/king of all the kingdom)

    Area examples (these were just pulled from a generator)


    What exactly are the areas?

    Like I mentioned above, the world/server is split into different areas (which will be known as empires; all with different towns within them.

    What is the king?
    The king is more or less the nation leader, they will earn a small tax percentage of earnings from all players within that nation/area/empire (maybe 1.3% or lower like 0.3%). The king would have to be a town mayor and for the player to be the king, he/she has to have a castle (something 4-6 plots) which will be the same as townys current plots (embassy, shop, outpost etc) however, these plots will have PVP on whenever the king is on so that people can try kill the king and take the throne (not too sure exactly how this is going to happen yet, as just killing is pretty easy). The kings will also be able to set jobs/quests for their empire (will be explained further below) if the king is offline for a long period, the kingship will be passed onto a high up member in the kings town, this will also be done at random.

    What is the purpose of the king?

    What is the overall king/overseer?
    Similar to the empire kings, however instead of the kings getting a tax percentage of earnings from the players, they will be receiving it from towns; again, the throne can be taken from this king and i'll explain how in a bit below)

    What other changes to the map?
    The wild/no mans land, this will be somewhat like the current wild server and could either be between the areas/empires. The terrain will be custom and will have many ruins, on top of that there will be real time events (info to be added)


    -----------------------Towny RPG/Jobs (Town Quests)-----------------------

    What are Towny Jobs/Quests?

    - Towny jobs are jobs/quests within the towny plugin, partially similar to the servers old /jobs plugin but has been enhanced to hopefully play a vital role in the servers towny system.

    How can I my residents partake in these said jobs?

    - Town residents can participate in these jobs by issuing server commands to start them. There will be two sides of the jobs, there will be set vanilla jobs implemented by the servers staff/administrators and jobs issued via town staff and mayors.

    What can my residents achieve/be rewarded for completing these jobs?

    - There will be town ranks (not to be mistaking for town staff ranks) and a levelling (xp) system, on top of general rewards. Your residents can earn xp from completing the jobs and by earning xp for simply, just being in the town! (which can be toggled off) which will allow the residents to gain enough xp to level up. The players will not only get to compete to climb up the ranks....TO BE CONTINUED

    Town rank ideas -

    Starter/Newbie (I,II,III)
    (more to come)...

    How can I expand on the rewards/levels?


    How can I benefit from this as a mayor?

    - First of all, you are always going to be needing help regardless of your current worth and what better way to get help than from your loving residents?
    You will be able to check and monitor your residents jobs activity and if you see that one of your residents is actively participating in these jobs and is being an overall good citizen, you can then recruit them as town staff.
    Reducing the constant rely vshop gets.
    Helping make towny a better and more fun place for everyone :)
    Reward your residents with items, money, bigger plots, houses..anything you want.

    What are some of the jobs?

    - Job ideas issued by town staff: no set jobs, so maybe jobs such as..

    retrieve 3 horses for the town farm
    bring 5 stacks of cobblestone to the chest in town spawn and so on
    brew 13 fire res potions and return to one of the town staff members

    Vanilla jobs: only the basic /jobs plugin as of this moment (these jobs could be tinkered or changed to suit the server staffs needs-


    Special/Occasional jobs: jobs issued by staff, usually daily/weekly/monthly challenge type jobs e.g -

    ?successfully complete 8 jobs this week
    ?earn a total of 25,000 meebles this month from jobs
    ?participate in at least 3 jobs a day

    Why would this be worthwhile implementing?

    - Reduces the rely on vshop
    Enhances the towny experience
    Allows town mayors and residents to get to interact more.

    What are all the commands?

    - /quests check: Allows residents to check current job offerings, job popularity and job pay-outs. (more information could also be displayed.
    /quests daily: Allows residents to check current daily special jobs offerings
    /quests weekly (extra, not really needed): Allows residents to check current weekly special job offerings.
    /quests monthly (and again ^): Allows residents to check curr..you get the drill by now.
    /quests stats (self explanatory, shows your quest stats)
    /quests start (jobname)
    /quests cancel (jobname)
    /quests recieve: Allows residents to claim their rewards from jobs (not sure if this would be better than automatically recieving the rewards)

    Why is this different from the vanilla jobs plugin?

    - The servers vanilla/old jobs plugin was only based on making money and players had nothing to look forward to or anything to gain from it (except the money). With this enhanced jobs/quests plugin residents can participate in the jobs, earning xp, leveling up, gaining meeble/item rewards and generally helping your town out.

    How can the server staff further expand on this?

    - Quests info Scoreboard
    - Rewards for things such as: "Most jobs completed by player this month!"

    What will show up after entering commands? (This is how it would somehow look in-game)

    For residents: "/quests stats"
    Quests Info

    Resident: (player)
    Town rank & XP: (e.g Newbie II, XP: 3452)
    Balance: (shows players balance, not really needed)
    Total jobs completed: (shows amount of jobs you have completed)
    Total amount earned from jobs: (shows your total earnings from quests)


    For mayors: "/quests cp, /quests checkplayer"


    Quests Info

    Resident: ohDraqq
    Town rank & XP: Expereinced I, XP: 9452
    Total jobs completed: 43
    Town life: 4m, 7d (shows how long the player has lived in the town for, in month/day format)


    For any town member: "/quests check"

    Quests Info

    Current Job vacancies

    Job: (issued by town staff) Retrieve 14 book shelves for me
    Pay: 3000 meebles (random number)

    Job: (issued by town staff) Retrive 2 horses for the town farm
    Pay: 2000 meebles (again, random number)

    Job: (issued by server staff) Complete 5 towny jobs within this week
    Pay: 3000 meebles (same again)

    "/quests check 2" for page 2

    QUESTS INFO SCOREBOARD (Easier way for players to check basic quest information without having to enter in a command.

    | Towny |
    | |
    |Current Quest: |
    |Meebles: |
    |Rank/XP: |
    | |

    Basically, the jobs plugin implemented into my suggestion ^

    *An MCMMO type plugin could also be useful to add to this idea.

    Empire/towns war

    Both empires and towns can go to war, they will be broken down into two types of war;

    Town War - Where a town goes to war with an enemy town.
    Empire War - When multiple towns within an empire go to war with an enemy empire.

    No one is forced to participate in these wars, for the town war; some of these towns who plan to go to war will most likely have residents who are all ready for the war and if not the members can join in on the war at any time with a simple command, this also goes for the empire wars; however it will be towns as a whole that can join in on the wars.

    How do towny wars work?

    Pulled directly from the towny wiki.

    During war Nations fight each other. Towns without a nation are not included, cannot score points and cannot have their townblocks griefed.
    Nations can also pay a daily Neutrality cost to avoid taking part in a war.
    While war is in effect, each competing town has a health points property attached to it. Normal townblocks have an HP of 60 while Home Blocks have 120 points by default. This can be changed in the config. A townblock loses HP by enemy-nation residents standing within the townblock. When a townblock has lost all HP and fallen the town which the attacker belongs to gains one townblock and points to their War Score. A Town can be knocked out of a war when their Home Block falls or if their Mayor is killed. A Nation can be knocked out of a war if its capital city is knocked out of the war, or if the King is killed.
    Points in war given for the following:
    • A enemy killed: 1
    • A townblock stolen: 1
    • A town knocked out of the war: 10
    • A nation knocked out of the war: 100
    Towny war ends when there is only one nation who's Home Block has not been conquered or when the admin toggles war off. Although the townblocks are restored at the end of war, the damage from any griefing is permanent.

    But if anyone would like to know more about towny wars, the information can easily be found via a google search (or watch a video on youtube).

    Towny war will be adjusted to suit with this suggestion.

    I'll edit and add on to this whenever I have time, I only simply posted the bare basics of my idea to see what feedback the suggestion gets at this state.
  2. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    So a few years got it
  3. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Just a side note, I do not think we should be focused on such fine details now; this idea would require such a radical revamping of the system as we know it that speculating over matters like this is almost pointless. I appreciate the points, but I think we should concentrate more on shaping the original idea so that it is more ready to implement as a whole.