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Discussion in 'Denied' started by Coelho, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Problem, This would phase out /pwarps.
    Empoleon_master and Owen Powell like this.
  2. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    Your point is?
  3. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    I could set up a Cheap Shop and leave it with no /pwarp and people would still buy from me taking much less making it cheaper than owning a /pwarp.

    Also, do not make it so that the player covers the 20% Fee or whatever that could create Super-Monopolies.
  4. Vamp1re_Man

    Vamp1re_Man Celebrity Meeper

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    Maybe you could make it so that the orders says if there's a pwarp nearby so that you don't have to pay the fee and that there are more reasons to make a pwarp
  5. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    This is a misconception. Players will get everything for cheaper by using pwarps and ChestShops, not having to pay the fee.
    Klitch and RaidByNightOnly like this.
  6. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    Say someone covers the Fee, then what??
  7. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Nice job, Onis! +1
    EDIT: I noticed you mentioned about players unable to purchase things from the spawn shop because it's overpriced.
  8. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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  9. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    what about for donors, the extra percentage goes down every rank. so say vip is 25% and premium is 20% and exclusive is 15% elite is 10% supreme is 5% and ult is free.
    Empoleon_master likes this.
  10. semiblind

    semiblind Active Meeper

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    I dislike the suggestion because it is an extremely complicated and clumsy way to prop up the lousy chestshop system at the expense of the buyer.

    It doesnt matter if it was 6 months or 6 minutes (i was around then and there were valid arguments against it then, just,as there are now) it was and still is one of the most terrible ideas ever.

    It was broken because there was, and currently still are too few sinks for players to use.

    Fantastic. The sooner, the better.

    If the goal is convenience, yes, it will absolutely do that. But taxing the buyer ends up as a pretty heavy sink, which is why i mentioned other, more fun ways to do that.

    You asked for opinions about it, and not using it is part of that opinion. If the tax were much smaller, i would use it, but the tax vs the convenience and the fact that new currency is super limited makes this quite unappealing.

    Well, from my statement about not using it, it seems that your goal would be acheived. Tho sinks are relevant to the conversation when the tax is 30 percent.

    I never likened this as a fix all solution, you did in your original post. Claiming that the current setup is unsustainable and this is intended to fix that, and thats something i completely disagree with. Players are holding onto money right now, even when most shops are stocked full. I dont see how this being implemented will change that. If you see it, id love for you to shine the light over here. More that there are other, bigger, economic issues that really should be fixed. Whats the point of adding onto a system that isnt working without fixing whats making it not work?

    Im not specificially asking you to "listen to me", i am asking you to listen to the criticisisms that players have voiced, myself included. Some have been more constructive than others, but the age range of players here makes it difficult to get 100% constructive feedback.

    I am also asking you and the rest of the staff to be more open and sharing with information. Maint outages, updates, what they will include, what plans are for the direction of the server, giving more than a "denied" when people post suggestions... i have seen plenty of good ideas and suggestion shot down with only "denied", status of bug fixes and accepted/in the works suggestions would be awesome as well.

    Since you mentioned my suggestion about sinks/perks for ingame currency... i am curious when that has been tried? Its nothing ive seen in the suggestions or talked about in past tense. Putting one of the shops back in was more along the lines of "if it looks like vshop, and acts like vshop, why not just go back to vshop", i guess the sarcasm of it was lost in the text.
    Erebus45 and Dockson like this.
  11. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    its like a little bit of vshop + little bit of chestshop + little bit of meepshop
  12. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    And you fail to provide any reasons why.

    And you fail to provide any reasons why and purposely ignore the issues behind it.

    You either have no clue what you're talking about or are incredibly ignorant.

    There is no sink involved. The player can choose not to use it (as you stated), and choose to go directly to the shop.

    In your original post, you never said "if the tax was smaller I would use it." You said: "this is a bad idea, do this other stupid thing instead."

    Making items easier to buy makes more people buy them. This is the most simple of concepts in any commerce business.

    To my dismay, I do read posts like yours. My decisions are highly influenced on the opinions of others - but of course you can not expect me to listen to someone that discredits themselves as much as you.

    If there is nothing posted, then there is no current status. The staff is completely transparent in this regard. Your paranoia simply makes you believe that we hold information for some reason.

    MeepCraft has been active for almost two years now? There is a lot of experience and a lot of reasons vshop was removed. Listening only to the people for vshop is naive. Listen to the people against it for real reasons as to why it didn't work.

    The staff are fully against it for reasons that we've stated time and time again.

    If you have nothing to comment on the idea itself - please leave the thread.

    The fees still need to be worked on, but I don't want to favor donators too much.
  13. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, thanks for responding :)
  14. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    It's VShop but mostly buying in bulk and you have to manually build a scarecrow to add to the vshop. I like it. What if it took a while for it to be delivered like someone was actually carrying the item to you? Like 1 minute? It will encourage people to go to actual shops if they want immediate items.
  15. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

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    I think the whole point of paying the fee is that it is instantaneous - and the point of going to the shop is to avoid paying the fee.
    Cherrykit and Username like this.
  16. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    TBH I didn't read the entire suggestion so I didn't know there was an extra fee. lol
  17. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    Staff feedback like this helps us so much, thank you.

    In addition all things permitting, do you think there is a way to make /pwarps searchable?
    Like a system where we could assign tags to them as owners, and players could search tags like shop/pvp/xp and be greeted with a list, order could be easily sorted by newest first giving players a reason to continue setting up new pwarps and paying the fee to sit on search result page 1.
    (Trying to capitalize on open dialog)

    Edit: I forgot to add the obligatory +1 for forward progress. yay
    Dockson, Username and Deinen like this.
  18. xXJoshXx

    xXJoshXx Popular Meeper

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    Hmmmm......it sounds good, maybe a little complicated, but im sure when we start using it it will be easy to use.
    Sounds good +1
  19. Vamp1re_Man

    Vamp1re_Man Celebrity Meeper

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    No. Dunno why, but I disagree with this.
  20. semiblind

    semiblind Active Meeper

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    Shop sales are low, people dont want to spend huge amounts because of the choked cash supply. 20 and 30 percent tax is excessive.

    Issues were too much imcoming cash, inflation, too many items, exploits, and in general too easy to get rich. Im paraphrasing here, but thats the general idea of why meepshop was removed. Right?

    Why was it a bad idea? Exploits aside (i cant speak about something i dont know details about) It was a very efficeint system... convenient, easy to understand, and had aspects of supply and demand. Huge economic shocks are rarely, if ever, a good thing. Was it a perfect system? Absolutely not, but it was far and away better than what is there currently.

    Prices are low, and most shops are only selling, the ones that are buying are generally full on stock. The poorer players cant really sell items they dont want/need, and its just not fun to go to 87 different shops to try to sell off your extra stack of lumber.

    Currency sinks...
    1) Buying a town and its upkeep/expansion.
    2) Buying a pwarp and its upkeep.

    Thats about it... so yea, there wasnt, and still isnt a whole lot for players to spend large amounts of cash on. In the old system, large currency sinks would have helped balance the incoming flow. Large currency sinks will still needed no matter what economic system is on the server. I hope that you guys will put fun ones in rather than adding or changing taxes.

    A tax in games is just one form of a currency sink. Saying it isnt a sink and wont remove money from the economy is simply not true.

    "As a customer, i would not use this service as you have outlined it. I wont pay 20 or 30 percent just to buy something, ill pwarp and get what i need instead."

    Thats my original quote. I also said if you are seriously considering this, you should consider adding one of the other 2 systems back instead.

    Now, if you read "i wont pay a 30% tax, ill pwarp instead" as me flat out refusing to use it, even at a lower rate, then im sorry... ill make it more clear. I wouldnt ever use it at 30%. 5% i would, and possibly 10%, but anything above that is just shooting yourself in the foot.

    This assumes that there is incoming currency on the other side of it. If you arent collecting a paycheck, you arent going to go out and spend money like you were. The same goes here. Money isnt flowing, people arent buying. It wont matter how easy it is to buy stuff, they have little to nothing coming in to replace what they are spending, so spending constricts.

    If you listen, then answer me this. If the vocal bunch on the forums would have been against a change, would you have went ahead and done it anyway?

    I dont believe you hold back info out of malicious intent. But communication about when things are going to happen, if there are server issues, ect is lacking. Its more like you guys get around to it when you do rather than being out in front of it.

    Listening only to those against it is just as naive as listening to only those who are for it. Again, no system is perfect, but there are plenty that are better.

    My opinion: for whatever its worth... a tax is a tax, and shouldnt favor one person more than another. Donators dont pay less for towns or pwarps, they shouldnt pay less for this.

    And now, a suggestion for this system since it is destined to be put in: If you can do this system as a "buying from shops" setup, why not do the same for "selling to shops" and have a fee on top of it. Same idea as buying, with the convienience and tax factor... whats not to like?
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2014
    Erebus45 and Dockson like this.

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