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Best Posts in Thread: MeepCraft EULA Compliance

  1. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

    Likes Received:
    The End User License Agreement contains rules that Minecraft servers need to follow. Minecraft's EULA is designed to prevent pay-to-win situations and taking advantage of players. We are legally obligated to change our rank system to comply with the EULA.

    All current rank owners will keep their ranks. Our rank system will stay the same with the exception of the Ultimate rank. The price of the Ultimate rank is currently $320, and according to the EULA any rank over a hard limit of $200 is considered to be taking advantage of Mojang's intentions. Providing the ability to fly in-game to a paying customer is also a violation of the EULA. Due to these rules, we have decided to give Ultimate rank owners the Legend title.
    • VIP - $9.99
    • Premium - $19.99
    • Exclusive - $39.99
    • Elite - $79.99
    • Supreme - $159.99
    • Ultimate -> Legend - Priceless
    We always try our best to consider the best interests of rank owners and contributors to the server. We have been hard at work brainstorming ways to maintain the value of each rank while still being compliant with the EULA. Although this will be upsetting to many players, especially those who will miss the ability to fly, we will be providing Ultimate with the Legend rank. This rank will have all the EULA compliant perks of Ultimate and will be unobtainable unless you are a current Ultimate rank owner.

    The following rank perks are not compliant with the EULA and will no longer be available:
    • /fly
    • Changing Spawners
    • Fix
    • Heal
    • /feed (removed at a later date)
    • Breathing Underwater
    • Smelt
    • Nightvision (/nv)
    • Mini game bonus
    The following rank perks are not compliant with the EULA, and they will be given to all players:
    • Mine Spawners
    • View spawner info
    • Own 6 Creative Plots
    • Use WorldEdit in Creative
    • /speed in Creative
    • Clear plots in Creative
    • Download plot in Creative
    • /tpahere
    Removing rank perks is definitely not good news for people who've contributed to the server, but we are planning on adding these remarkable EULA-compliant features to VIP, Premium, Exclusive, Elite and Supreme to make up for it:
    • Glow Items - Give any item in your hand, a shiny enchanted effect.
    • Add Rows of Hearts - Change how many hearts displays on your client (10,20,30,40)
    • Fireworks - 30 Fireworks you can launch for spectacular effects! Ride your fireworks
    • Gadgets
      • Flamethrower - Spray flames all over to heat things up!
      • Raining Pigs - Special Delivery
      • Slime Party - Rock out with a group of slimes
      • Flappy Bird - Spawn a chicken, control it’s flaps, avoid any blocks!
      • TNT Tag - Tag, you're it! BOOM!
      • Apollo - Ride up on a rocket
      • Parachute - Open up a parachute with chickens that slowly drop you
      • TNT Fountain - Many activated TNTs shoot up in a fountain pattern
      • Tetherball - Spawn a tetherball chicken to play with a friend
      • Ghost Rider - Run around on fire
      • Rainbow - Create an gigantic awesome rainbow display
      • Railgun - Shoot fireworks from a gun
      • Walt Disney - Create an ice capsule around yourself
      • Pants Dance - Your pants flash different colors
      • XxPoopBlockxX - Create an poop bomb that explodes all over everything
      • Bat-a-rang - Shoot bats at players
      • Self Destruct - Fuse yourself, and explode over everything
      • Slime Storm - Many slimes come down and shatter
      • Fun cannon - Shoot fun with your gun
      • Paint Gun - Shoot buildings with paintballs and color the world!
      • Junk Jet - Shoots random items everywhere
    • Custom Furniture
    • Custom Blocks
    • Purchase Unwrappable Presents
    • Slot Machines
    • Chest Lock
    We are aware that many people will be upset because of these changes. However, we are looking forward to moving forward and running a server that will be more fair and fun for all players. We are very excited to take a step back, add all the new features, and improve the rank system as a whole. Thank you for supporting the server.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
    IzzSt, fasehed, Photoave12 and 41 others like this.
  2. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    I love this server and community and thats what keeps me here, not /fly.
    I'm excited for the future. I hope others share my feelings...
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  3. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    It would be nice if Ults got a free unbreakable grappling hook!
  4. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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  5. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    I love this server to bits. I'd rather lose /fly than have the whole server gone. Sure, it is sad to see beloved commands gone that helped gaming on Meep, but just look at all those cool new features and gadgets coming out! I am definite it will make up for what we lost.

    It's change for the better, keep your heads up high guys, it is not the end of the world! :)
  6. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    We are working on allowing players to purchase hourly flying abilities for Meebles.
    IzzSt, Photoave12, CARTANfan and 10 others like this.
  7. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    Not bad. Could've been a lot worse, glad things turned out so well.
  8. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    Good game Meep, I see you're trying your hardest to shoo away donators.

    KIDDING ^^ how about not taking that seriously AT ALL.
    I'm still here
    I'm still donating
    I will keep donating
    Even if my PayPal took the biggest crash ever
    Even if there's no extremely useful perks like /fly /fix and /heal and even /nv :(
    Meepcraft is still the best server there is, meep will always be the best. This is a suprise and will take a while to get used to. /Fly was the reason many people donated for "Legend" and now it's gone. I did like how it helped builders and such of that matter. But seriously; the perks aren't everything. Of course no one would really donate to get anything else except a Rank Tag (because chat color is also a perk) if all perks went down, but a few won't kill us. We should still <3 meep, and keeps community. If you liked it because of its ranks I can understand too, because you probably donated specifically for /fly or /fix or something of that nature, but it's not everything, I promise. I do like the Legend Tag and maybe it should get a few more perks IF POSSIBLE. Some that are actually useful and not just for fun like xXPoopBlockXx or not quite helpful enough to had donated $360 for. Anyways, on the subject of /fly, I understand this has been taken away and obviously didn't beleive landonator419 when he told me via Skype, and got on and asked in global if it was true or nah and quickly saw my legend tag. I knew changes had came. On the subject of fly though: my understanding is staff still has it? This is mods+ or admins or what? Do they have to comply also or no? If not, I'd really hope you guys could make it so Archs could have /fly because I know it was REALLY useful for them. I had seen someone say the flu notes should get cheaper as the higher rank you were, this is a great idea. And that work-around someone had said is actually a good idea too xD purchase infinite /fly note (maybe in Legend or Supreme shop only lol) or bulk /fix notes very cheap the higher rank you are c: haha, probably go against EULA too.

    What I don't like is how presumedly we were all in the clear, it was stated how WE WERE 100% IN FACT in standards with EULA. This was either a EULA screw up with them telling us we were good then suddenly telling us we weren't good, or was it a possible staff mess up when they weren't too sure. I'd like this clarified. Now Kazarkass' thread will be brought back up, haha.

    Thanks for the fun time Meep, let's keep at it. The server will improve, it will grow, don't worry.
  9. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I am happy with it since I play for the towns. It is unfortunate that staff get the backlash when they have to comply with these changes or have the server shut down. Thank you for the new changes so I can continue to play Meep.
  10. Lemoh

    Lemoh Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:

    Add a FAQ by players somewhere here.

    I got some questions myself.

    What happens to already /fix'd or /spawner'd stuff?
    How about other commands such as /workbench, /echest, /ptime, /ph spawn in creative, /pack, /unpack, /back, /rename, and /sethome. What are going to happen to those commands?
    Do Legend ranked members get more new features/perks than other ranks?
    When are the new gadgets and other cool stuff going to be available in MeepCraft?
    Do Architects still get fly in survival?

    I guess I'm excited for this:

    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  11. metal

    metal Meeper

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    So what's the point of VIp-Supreme? If all players can mine spawners, /worldedit, etc. What unique perks will we get now?
  12. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

    Likes Received:
    /fix, /fly, /nv, these are the perks I live on, these are the ways I build, mine, and make money, but I'm not here for the perks. I'm here for the community and the awesome staff team. I'm excited for meeps future and I hope it goes well.
  13. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    More hearts? Awesome now it will take 40 years to pvp
    Redolwolf, SX1, 00000 and 5 others like this.
  14. FatBrownMan

    FatBrownMan Celebrity Meeper

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    Brightside: The whole server didnt close down.
  15. jmw4

    jmw4 Popular Meeper

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    Wow, this is big news. I hope people don't get too torn up about this, because the community is what matters, not these little perks that you spend your money on. I love all the new ideas, especially the gadgets! Even though some exciting features are gone, I still love Meep and it's wonderful community. ;)
  16. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    I love how this happens ironically the same day i acquire 70 million meebles.
  17. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    I really didn't do much here anymore, so I'm not too bad. If I were to have 3 back it'd be /fix, /fly, and /nv. Maybe enhanced potions should be made, like Night Vision I 1:00:00. And also, a lifetime /fly for a meebles amount would be pretty awesome. And finally, a /fix sign would be pretty good, and it would be really nice to all my tools that just broke ;-;

    I'm just happy I wasn't as invested into the server as I was. But I hope that somehow, someway the server stays alive.
  18. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    tbh I'm most disapointed about /smelt

    But honestly, this is neat. It's more fair for everyone now.
    I don't think we're gonna get as many donations anymore. Which is rather upsetting. Rank sellers probably won't be able to charge as much.

    But this adds a more interesting element. People are gonna have to work more. Are the special tool things gonna be ranked? Can we have a small seperate area of /warp shop with like 6 'special' items perk rank? Or would that not comply?

    Legend is a billion times cooler than ultimate anyways.. and it's kind of neat that I almost have a 'collecters' rank since no one can get it anymore.

    I'm not mad, I'll always be here. I'm excited for the near future.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 7, 2016, Original Post Date: May 7, 2016 ---
    Lmao. Yessssss.
  19. Vamp1re_Man

    Vamp1re_Man Celebrity Meeper

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    Was waiting for this to happen xD
    The new perks and gadgets sound cool, though.
  20. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Please come to the town hall meeting when we set a day. I promise 110% that 99% of my time on this server ad admin in the upcoming months will be focused on towny ideas and perks. I have a few ideas starting with town jobs that actually do something. We have a lot planned and have had very little time to put anything into effect. Its easy as a player to sit back and rip apart whats going on because it ends at thought. We have to think, then stress test think, code, test, impliment.

    I promise this will pass but sitting on forums and ripping apart every dollar amount, perk, addition, subtraction and idea and saying "well heres my idea", Does not help us at all. Our main focus will be placed on towny and looking at your suggestions so Please, post there but make SURE before you do that the idea agrees with eula, and is something that wont break the eco.

    Well get through this and I understand the frustration, Honestly I do. We just need to work as a unit and well improve day by day. =]

    Side note: I agree with your "No gadget is worth $100", but thats what people said about fly and tons still donated for that.
    Burritoh, Enron, metr0n0me and 3 others like this.