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Meep Behavioral Rewards System

Discussion in 'Denied' started by PhoenixPuppy, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. Rowena_Ravenclaw

    Rowena_Ravenclaw Popular Meeper

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    The concept isn't bad, but I feel as though citizens have a far lesser chance of being noticed for their helpfulness, even if they do know what they're doing. Staff bias definitely come into play here, because the people they've known the longest/the best can send out a few, "Anyone need help?" messages in global chat, ignore any responses, and get it. Furthermore, this would cause people to be sucking up to the staff so much, which is completely nauseating to watch.

    Bribing people to do good isn't going to make them good, either. It would not surprise me if someone would act like a complete angel in global and monitored chat and get away with being completely rude anywhere else.

    Many players are mature enough to behave without having to be bribed. The server is not completely overrun by chaos, but I'm not saying it's perfect either.

    How would this impact staff applications? Will it become seemingly necessary for an applicant to have been Meeper of the Month to have a chance at a position? Any thoughts?
  2. Lord_Walrus

    Lord_Walrus Popular Meeper

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    I was on the server for months and did nice things for anyone, I even gave my entire bal to someone just because they asked. I never got any recognition. Your scenario is a one-time deal that was only applicable to you. Your entire argument is derived from personal bias.

    At the time mentioned the year was ~2013
  3. Blendyz

    Blendyz Hipster for Life ♥

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    Overall, It seems like a great idea until you realize that players aren't being a great person because that's who they are but because they want a title or money or a new rank. Do you understand where I'm going?
  4. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    Denied, this would be a lot of effort to go through and it's not really worth it. It would also include a lot of bias so the decisions wouldn't even be fair. Thank you for the suggestion!

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