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Matt391416 Helper Application 2.0

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by matt391416, Aug 14, 2013.

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  1. matt391416

    matt391416 Celebrity Meeper

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    Skype Username:Mcorral99
    Teamspeak username:Matt391416
    Mic use:Yes
    Time zone:Central
    Hours Online Per WeekDay:6+
    Hours Online Per Week End: 7+ (On Saturday I can stay up very late to catch bad users)
    Position: Helper


    Hello my name is Matthew, or Matt for short. I am 14 years old. I would like to apply for helper and make the community better. I feel like I can help the community a lot, with kicks and do mod requests on my free time, which I have a lot of. I'm a fun caring guy that loves to chat with new people. I like meeting new players that need help, they eventually become my friend which is great for me and them! I plan to do some sports but I'm not going into detail and get sidetracked.

    Why I should become a helper

    I think the reason why I should become staff member is because I would get to help the community a ton. I love the feeling I get inside of me when I answer someone's question, I don't know why, but I just love it. I have seen meepcraft with it's up's and down's. I have seen some kind of slow reactions to or helping people that need it. I can be the person that go out of my way to help someone, I can even refund out of my own pocket if I have to. I cannot refuse to assist someone it is not in my personality to ignore. My mission is to make everyone happy and to make sure that everyone doesn't get mad.

    Experience: I have no experience from being a true helper but I do know how to help people. I feel like if I keep doing what I'm doing I can make an improvement to all the mod requests and could kick when needed. I catch some spammers, people who use caps, or advertise a lot that mods do not normally see which means that I can improve it. Myself spending quite a lot of time means I can help a ton. My experience can sky rocket if I get accepted. My experience can improve because I will get familiar with commands,get used to the system; understand what it feels like to become a staff member.

    Dedication: I have been on this server for almost 8 months. I am very dedicated to this server. I have been on meepcraft ever since I started my minecraft ways. I will do anything for this server. Even thought I disliked it through the MN era, I still loved it. That's why I have always wanted it back to the times before. If I do get staff I won't be one of those guy's who fake the whole thing until I get powers I will act like I normally would. I love the server with all of its different perks about it that some servers don't have.

    Qualification: One of my qualifications is I can communicate and listen very well. My communication skills are very good, the same is with my listening skills. I would use these to my best and just help out. I can communicate with someone that has a bad situation and talk to them rather in steps or just have conversation on what happened ect. I can use my listening skills to help me understand what is happening in a situation that I can resolve in a matter of minutes. Also I am a fast learner, if I learn anything it will stick in my brain even if I need to get reminded once or twice. I would like to learn a lot of things that I never could before.

    One of my weaknesses is that I have a tiny bit of errors in spelling. I am improving my spelling.
    My second is it my my grammar can be off a little. My third is that I forget what I am doing sometimes, even get sidetracked.

    As I come to the end of my application, I would like to say I think I would be a great staff member. I improved from last time. I notice that I can react in fast time, sort of like a reflex. I would think that I could make great decisions as a staff member, I can even encourage more helpers to do moderator requests. I hope that you all loved my application and hope to see the results on this! I would appreciate the feedback, positive and negative. I would like to thank you all for reading my application. Also please put opinion and no arguing. Thank you.- Matt391416.
  2. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Are you the elite Matt or the supreme Matt? >.<
  3. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    I say a +1 you are very mature ingame and TeamSpeak. :D
    matt391416 likes this.
  4. matt391416

    matt391416 Celebrity Meeper

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    I am the Elite. I never got banned from the server that one.C:
  5. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Okay here goes.
    You are a great friend and you know how to deal with things well (you don't "rage" about anything). I have never really seen you help in game very much but you help a bit on the forums and you are quite an active player. You were honest in your mod app but the weaknesses section was a bit short.
    matt391416 likes this.
  6. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    I thought you were the other matt...

    ...anyway personally I feel you lack some of the essential personality traits of a Moderator. I have seen you rage, blame comments on bias and possess inability to remain calm. The application was only average, and looks very similar to the format of other application I've read.

    I don't see the point of writing a Experience paragraph when you state:

    If you have no experience, don't make a paragraph about it. Of course your experience would sky rocket if you get accepted... why would it plummet? When you are staff, you gain familiarity with the system. When you have that familiarity about something, that's personal experience. Also, that's an improper use of a semicolon, but it doesn't matter I'm just a grammar cactus.

    You also made a Qualification paragraph... Your whole "why" section should be your qualifications.

    Why didn't you make your forum account mattnumbernumbernumber? It makes life so much easier if you don't have a separate alias for the forums. With my knowledge of XenForo's ACP, if you ask to get your name changed, someone could probably do it in 2 or so minutes... something to consider.

    I'd like to see a little more maturity, because even though I see your helping a lot, I'm not sure how mature you can be in times of crisis.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2013
    thebpupwolf and matt391416 like this.
  7. alelopes38

    alelopes38 New Meeper

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    Amazing Job Matt
    matt391416 likes this.
  8. Fizzy

    Fizzy Popular Meeper

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    You can't take criticism and have a tendency to rage and threaten to leave the server.
    matt391416 and DancingCactus like this.
  9. ZapChance

    ZapChance Popular Meeper

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    I can't say I would like you in a position of power at the moment. You seem to become aggravated under certain circumstances that have no need for anger ex: Minecraft. The application was lacking and I'm positive you can do better than what you did. -1
    matt391416 likes this.
  10. matt391416

    matt391416 Celebrity Meeper

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    Im sorry but I never said I would leave the server, or i don't have memory.
  11. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey Matt. Big improvements since your last application.

    You have finally gotten Teamspeak, and you are active there. But you don't help much.
    matt391416 likes this.
  12. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    -.5 I have to say. I don't see you active in /shout chat much. Mostly that. Much better though! :)
    matt391416 likes this.
  13. ReadingRockstar

    ReadingRockstar Popular Meeper

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    Matt, Matt, Matt. I like to see this application on the list.

    My perspective: Matt, you seem to want to achieve the goal of helping others, but often come off as eager and somewhat impatient. I know you have good intentions, but how would the community analyze this and come to this conclusion? Maturity is definitely an issue, though. I would try to improve your attitude and way of going about things in-game.

    Application: I can tell this wasn't a five minute application. You put thought into it, and took some of Squirrel's advice (nice move!) You word things oddly, but the way everything is organized, it makes up for what you lack in word choice. It's not the best app, but hey, not bad, my good sir.

    Activity: You have pretty good activity everywhere! The first time I have been able to say this!

    Vote: +0, for now.
    matt391416 likes this.
  14. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Readingrockstar said everything I already wanted to say. Just work on keeping a better attitude, but you're a nice guy and easy to interact with. +.05 for now.
    matt391416 likes this.
  15. Matt4462f

    Matt4462f Popular Meeper

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    +0 you nice to everyone, your helpful, and your active. But you can be immatureaf most times.
    matt391416 likes this.
  16. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    I like to steal what reading says because he steals my words first so ^^^^^
    matt391416 likes this.
  17. Danielrulesman

    Danielrulesman Popular Meeper

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    Like retweet, but on the forums.
    Get it?

    Anyways, +/-0
    matt391416 likes this.
  18. matt391416

    matt391416 Celebrity Meeper

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    Thank's for the positive and negative feedback guys.
  19. fawnmari0

    fawnmari0 Celebrity Meeper

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    I see you all the time but you can't take jokes, half mature, but very mature in teamspeak.
    +0.5 for now other then that, have fun and good luck bud.
    matt391416 likes this.
  20. Denafit

    Denafit Popular Meeper

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