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Denied Best Posts in Thread: MasterCrafter_13

  1. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    Hi MasterCrafter. I did indeed ban you for raiding his plot. You were not opening an enderchest, but instead breaking signs off of chests that read "Palani12" and then opening said chests.. I asked you to stop TWICE. Told you to stop ONCE MORE. You replied "No." and continued to raid. THEN you pulled out a story of "Those are my items, I was storing them on my brother's plot so that I didnt have to pay taxes". This is a problem for two reasons. 1: You have a plot of your own. Same town. Empty. 2: I checked the boxes. None of which showed you placing ANYTHING into them. None. NOW.. after I told you this TWICE, you then changed it to, "My brother told me to get his stuff."... That still doesn't work. When a player is banned for any reason (perm), all of their items are to be wiped. There is not "giving them away" or "holding them".. they HAVE TO BE WIPED. Now, if that wasn't enough, should we talk about your rage at me on TeamSpeak?
  2. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    If you don't mind my input Devil, I don't think she is upset with you mastercrafter, I think she is frustrated that you kept making up lies about why you were raiding the plot, because I know it's frustrating when you hear different stories about what happened, it sends you back to square one.

    This is not true, unless you were on your brothers account at the time, which Devil can track to see if that account got the times from "your" chests. I think this ban is justified, as you lied, you were rude to Devil even though she did nothing wrong. She is just doing what is required of her.

    Please don't delete this D: