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Denied MasterCrafter_13

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by mastercrafter_13, Aug 22, 2014.

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  1. mastercrafter_13

    mastercrafter_13 Active Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Mastercrafter_13
    When you were banned: 8/22/14
    Reason: UUncooperative alt and then this morning changed to raiding a banned players plot even tho its my brother and i was on the phone with him
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: DevilSpawn112
    Why we should consider your appeal: I was getting my stuff out the chest and she was like no no no and i was like what im getting my stuff and she was like dont get rude and then i opened a freaking ender chest and he said stop opening and taking stuff and i told he log block the chest some of my stuff is in there im not stealing nothing i used to live with palani12 cause i didnt want to pay taxes and i opened the ender chest again and she banned me for uncooperative alt 6 days and then changed to perm for raiding banned players plot i even told her this last night everything of palani12 was /fixed i just wanted my freaking stone slabs and my netherrack i couldnt use /fixed anyway as the new patch was released it goes back broken Please consider unbanning me i never got banned before and no temp-banns maybe 2 kicks other than that im a good boy i just wanted my netherrack and my stone slabs Logblock the chest and check if i took anything no because devil told me to stop so i open my enderchest
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
    Khafra and Draqq like this.
  2. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    Hi MasterCrafter. I did indeed ban you for raiding his plot. You were not opening an enderchest, but instead breaking signs off of chests that read "Palani12" and then opening said chests.. I asked you to stop TWICE. Told you to stop ONCE MORE. You replied "No." and continued to raid. THEN you pulled out a story of "Those are my items, I was storing them on my brother's plot so that I didnt have to pay taxes". This is a problem for two reasons. 1: You have a plot of your own. Same town. Empty. 2: I checked the boxes. None of which showed you placing ANYTHING into them. None. NOW.. after I told you this TWICE, you then changed it to, "My brother told me to get his stuff."... That still doesn't work. When a player is banned for any reason (perm), all of their items are to be wiped. There is not "giving them away" or "holding them".. they HAVE TO BE WIPED. Now, if that wasn't enough, should we talk about your rage at me on TeamSpeak?
  3. mastercrafter_13

    mastercrafter_13 Active Meeper

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    i raged when you called me an alt even tho i told you im not a alt and you cant break locked chest i broke the sign that said what was in them you can test the theory for youself make a lock and try to break it on an other account you cannot there for your statement about me breaking a sign with palani12 1 B10000 Air is impossible as invalid nor did i say i was holding them or giving them away i said i was taking what was mine out my chest arent empty i have wood and my god sets that i made from pwarp grinderpark as i was saying i have stuck to my story i was getting my items from my brothers house as you can check and verify for my innocence you can not break a locked chest with another name it doesn't work thank you for replying and i did indeed rage at you in teamspeak for calling me an alt im sorry for that i let my emotions of you calling me an alt get a hold of me and i really think you should over look this as im telling you the truth if go head and log block it you cant see me taking anything out of a locked chest because that stuff wasnt mine
  4. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    I never said it was a locked chest. I said the sign read "palani12"...
  5. mastercrafter_13

    mastercrafter_13 Active Meeper

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    all signs that had that were locked devil?
  6. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    No. They weren't locked. And you repeatedly opened them despite me requesting that you quit. Removing anything from a plot belonging to a banned player is illegal.
  7. mastercrafter_13

    mastercrafter_13 Active Meeper

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    Sorry If i did that i Just dont think it should have went to the point of banning me maybe a kick saying what im doing is illegal it was just insta i apologize for doing that you right i am in the wrong i have understanding now but i never took anything out if you checked you can see that i just opened them
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 23, 2014, Original Post Date: Aug 22, 2014 ---
    Please Reconsider Perm Bann Much love Devil
  8. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    There was one chest in particular that you removed items from. This being AFTER I asked you not to. In a chest that Palani12 had only accessed. Then you remove items when I ask you not to. Here is proof of the removed items: http://imgur.com/XvaxSy4

    Not only this. I tempbanned you in hopes that I could have the items removed and then unban you. I then found that you had already removed items. The removal of the items, the refusal to cooperate, and the manner in which you spoke to me on TeamSpeak influenced the permanent ban until you can give me a proper appeal that might influence me (or another staff member) otherwise. Do you understand why I was upset with you now?
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  9. mastercrafter_13

    mastercrafter_13 Active Meeper

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    This is a appeal that i put much into i do understand why you were upset with me but i didnt know that teamspeak banns can merge with server banns anyways i dont know what else to say to you i am sorry for not cooperating with you but in the picture i do not see where palani12 input those items in there as i said i only was taking the stuff that was mine as you can check the items i took out werent on the list cause i input them in there but the log probably went away i just influence you on the perm bann didnt know that could happen if those rules could be more clear i probably wouldnt have said that and i would have just came straight to fourms i thought banns on teamspeak and server are different but all in all i apologize for making you upset i was upset cause you called me an alt see only removal of a few items i had but those had been mine if i could have the temp bann back i could go back to my meep family and make sure this doesnt happen again
  10. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    If you don't mind my input Devil, I don't think she is upset with you mastercrafter, I think she is frustrated that you kept making up lies about why you were raiding the plot, because I know it's frustrating when you hear different stories about what happened, it sends you back to square one.

    This is not true, unless you were on your brothers account at the time, which Devil can track to see if that account got the times from "your" chests. I think this ban is justified, as you lied, you were rude to Devil even though she did nothing wrong. She is just doing what is required of her.

    Please don't delete this D:
  11. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    The TS ban doesnt merge. You were banned from TS (not by me) for the way you spoke to me on there. Either way, I asked you not to remove anything off of the plot because it was not yours and was due to be wiped. You proceeded to remove items. As you seem to understand the point of this now, I will speak to another staff member and get them to make a decision on this.
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  12. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    After talking things over with Devil, we are going to Deny this appeal for now, the way you acted towards a staff member who was just doing her job was disrespectful. The items on that plot need to be wiped if the player is perm banned, there is no holding items, everything that player owned needs to be removed.

    Please take the time to think about everything that has happened and you may re appeal in no less then 2 weeks.
    Toostenheimer, Jackl01 and Jiltism like this.
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