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Best Posts in Thread: Maple Valley is hiring town staff!

  1. LordInateur

    LordInateur Deus Ex Machina Staff Member Administrator

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    I would be happy to join an embassy there as an Official Tax Collector in exchange for a wooden hoe renamed either to @Skaros123 or @~MiaCorn~. I aim to serve no purpose other than to take 75% of all the town's income and use it for reasons. To make the town more attractive, I would be willing to host a lottery once every 31 months for the grand prize of one-fifth of a mooble.
  2. iKitten

    iKitten >^-^<

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    Jake, just wanted to tell you, you should probably wait to see how everyone acts in your town and depending on how they act then give them staff, because who knows what some people would do with the permissions, just a suggestion