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Macstre's Helper App #2

Discussion in 'Denied' started by TheRealWoohoocheese, Nov 18, 2013.

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  1. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    Ign: macstre758
    Skype Username: live:fournierryan
    Teamspeak Username: macstre758
    Mic Use: I'll use it if I have to.
    Age: 12
    Timezone: Pacific Coast Time
    Hours online per weekday: 1-5
    Hours online per weekend: 3-15
    Position Changes: Citizen-Helper

    Introduction: Hello there, my name is Macstre or Ryan. I am applying today for the helper position. Last time I got denied, but I've bounced back. Since I applied last time, I've worked on a lot of things, like forum activity and many more. I've always enjoyed playing Minecraft, I own it on the PC, Xbox, and iOS devices. When I first joined the server, I thought it was one of the best servers I've ever played on. I was able to receive town assistant within a week, because the town owner thought he could trust me enough. Later about 1 month later I had taken over the town, and had gained the rank of Mayor. The original mayor had to leave, due to family issues, he had said that he trusted me enough that he wanted me to be the mayor. When MeepNetworks had come, I tried it...But I gave up with 2 days, because I didn't like it. I then joined the server and have stayed since. In the community I do lots, like I'm on the Student Leadership team at my school, I have received Student of the Week Award back in elementary school, I was in boy scouts, but had to leave due to my parents not taking me to the weekly meetings. Minecraft wise, I'm very good with it. I've never assumed the role of a staff member on a server before, so this would be my first time. I've owned minecraft ever sense 1.3.

    Why I should be Helper:
    Experience: I've been playing minecraft for a very long time. I've spent most of it on Meepcraft, enjoying all of it. I've understood the role of the helper, like kicking/temp-banning people when they're being naughty. Or be able to answer as many questions as possible. If someone asks a question, I try to answer it as soon as possible. If I need help I can always ask one of my several friends. I've gone on countless servers, and NONE of them have met Meepcraft's outstanding quality and excellence. I've learned that you would use Hawk Eye for theft cases, or use /tempban for outstanding cases, such as punishment for a theft, timeout, spam, language, and many more. You would use /kick for someone using caps, warnings, language, and many more.
    Work Ethic: I try to get as many things done as fast as possible, and as good as possible. If I fail to succeed those standards, I always try again, until I do it correctly. If something needs to be done, I don't put it off to the side and go do something else, I do it right away. I've always succeeded at this, as if you put that in a real-life situation, you can lose your job putting things off to the side. I don't want to be one of those people who is always losing their job just because they put a very important task off to the side.
    Dedication: I try to spend almost every minute on Meepcraft. If i have time, I'm most likely on the server. The only time I won't be online is either, homework, vacation, or family issues. If you think I don't spend enough time on the server, trust me...I do. If I have money to buy a rank, I buy it right away. I will work my butt off to get money to help support the server. I even try to help others out, if they're struggling with money in-game, I'll give them some extra money so they can at least pay taxes for a couple of nights, and not get kicked from their town.
    Involvement: I try to stay as involved as possible to the server, like if someone has a question, I'll try to answer it if I know the answer. If I don't know it, I still try to give an answer, like tell them to look it up on Google. I try to participate in a lot of server events, play all the mini-games, talk to people, or just have fun. I would try my best on answering modreq's, if I don't know an answer, I can either ask someone else that's on the staff team, look on Google, or provide them my best prediction.

    Teamspeak inactivity: I don't really enjoy using Teamspeak very often. But if I assume the role of helper, I will try to be on there as much as possible.

    Have too much fun: If I start having a little too much fun, I start to get a bit immature. I've been working on it lately. But if I assume the role of Helper, I will so that I'm mature enough to have the role.

    Conclusion: I thank you for reading all the way through my app. Please consider me for staff, as I think I can handle the position. Thank you for your time, and have a great day! I'll see you on MeepCraft!

  2. Akiratohiama

    Akiratohiama Celebrity Meeper

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    Bias'd comment:
    u kep ask1ng 4 a rnk. staph.
    Not Bias'd comment:
    I guess I like this. Sorta.
    • A bit young, but megusta is younger so..
    • Conclusion is short , so is weaknesses.
    • Weren't you banned before?
    • Need to /shout help more.
    Good luck : -/+0
  3. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thank you, I'm sorry I keep asking for rank..lol, HighLanders is 11. I actually shout very often, I was banned for a time-out.
  4. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 over how little activity there is from you, and the application itself was very poor and lacking
    • Intro;
      • I don't see much improvement with your forums activity.
      • The rest was fine.
    • Experience; You gave us a brief list of points, this is what I got out of it:
        • You understand the punishments and your role as helping the community.
        • You're not afraid to ask for assistance.
        • Irrelevant flattery to the server.
        • Staff commands
        • You answer questions as efficiently as you can (this at least was further described in the following paragraph, but the rest was left out).
      • I would have preferred if you could have expanded your description more on two to three of these points. I just got a list out of that with not much elaboration.
    • Work Ethic;
      • good job on this paragraph, descriptive as your previous paragraph should have been
    • Dedication;
      • buying ranks has nothing to do with this position. its awesome that you do support our server but this position cannot be bought(in the sense that you used that as a reason).
      • regardless of what is said here I do not, and have not seen much help from you in shout.
      • loaning out money has nothing to do with this position either; instead of casually handing out loans, why not suggest easy and/or quick ways to make money? that would help them a lot more than just handing them money.
    • Involvement;
      • i have not seen much activity(or helping) from you in shout
      • you're not as involved in forums as you should be; this should have been worked on from your last application
      • you're not very involved in teamspeak which you admitted here (it is a requirement you must meet).
    • Weaknesses;
      • no. you need to already be active in teamspeak.
      • having fun isn't a real weakness
      • give us relevant and elaborate weaknesses
    • Conclusion;
      • yeah we know you think you can handle the position, but you mustn't state the obvious(why else would you have applied?).
      • reinstate reasons here(last chance to sell yourself)
      • make it a short, sweet summary - but not THAT short.
    • Activity;
      • provided hours prove to be insufficient
      • regardless of the claims here about in-game helpfulness, i have not seen much activity from you there (your timezone is very close to mine)
      • you should already have a good amount of activity in teamspeak, don't tell us "Yeah, yeah, I'll work on it once I'm staff". no.
      • your forums activity has not changed very much from your last application
      • I see some immaturity, although its not anything atrocious - you should still work on that.
  5. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Some of this I don't believe is true, like the teamspeak thing. But still, thank you for the feedback. It always helps to hear from others about what I should work on. Thank you :D
  6. XeStorm

    XeStorm Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -.5 In the experiences I have had with you, maturity was an issue.
  7. lightspeedtitan

    lightspeedtitan Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 With TS Its in the format itself, you are required to have been active on teamspeak http://meepcraft.com/threads/compulsory-application-format-tips.507/
    Don't go around calling someone giving you constructive criticism a liar.

    And need I add onto what StopRestting said. Nope
  8. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I said "Some of this I don't believe is true," I didn't call anyone a liar...
  9. osymigosy

    osymigosy Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hello, as far a I am concerned I hardly ever see you, your activity needs to grow. Also the only time I have seen you shout was when you were asking for something, rather begging.
    I am at a -1
    For now.
  10. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Could you please tell me what I was "begging" for...
  11. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1. When you were at my drop party and got killed by a third party source, you instantly made a ban request without talking it though.
  12. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I messaged you, but you didn't reply. At least we were able to resolve it without any bans happening.
  13. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

    Likes Received:
    I haven't seen you as often as I'd wish on the forums. However, you are a Member, so I'll give you a +0.5
    I've seen you a fair amount in the areas I count, which are Suggestions, Q&A, Report A Bug, and Staff Recruitment, so I would've given you a +0.75 here, except that when you do post, you don't really contribute very much to the conversation. Most of your posts consist of 'LOL +1' or something along those lines, which I despise. -1 for forums content.
    (Total: -0.5)

    In Game
    I see you a fair amount in game, although not as much as I would like to see. We are also only an hour apart, so I should have seen you more often than I have. Not to mention that I've only really started seeing you for about a week. +0.5
    Now I've never really seen you help. This is a problem for me, as I have seen you, but not really seen you help out. Before you get the Helper position, you should show us that you have the responsibility to help without it. I haven't seen that from you, so that's why I give you a -1 for this part.
    (Total: -0.5)

    The length of your application was alright. I wouldn't say it was the greatest, but I wouldn't say it's the worst. However, I dislike how short your Weaknesses section is. There were more things you could've mentioned. -/+0
    I'll break down what disliked about each section of your application. If I don't mention it, it means I liked it.
    • Beginning - I don't like how you wrote under Mic Use 'I'll use it when I have to'. The entire interview is done using a mic. You have to be comfortable using a mic. There are a few ways to do this; Join the fullest channel on TS and listen in until you hear an area you are comfortable with, or join a less filled channel and just strike up a conversation. It shouldn't be a thing you are basically forced to use.
    • Introduction - The introduction is meant to be there so that the people who don't know you can get to know you and the people who do know you to see what you see in yourself. It should be less your meep story and more your personality and interests.
    • Why - The experience part is vague, and seems to mostly be filler to me. It's part you lavishing praise on Meepcraft and the rest you listing off the commands. I've learnt already that Helper is something you have to experience yourself though, so I'm alright with the listing and such, as it's all anyone can understand unless they've done it. My only problem with the experience section is the lavishing praise. We already know that Meep is a good server; we don't need you to tell us in your application. My only problem with your Dedication section is mentioning your rank; this isn't a rank you pay for. I get that you wanted to mention that you spend all your money on Meep, but Helper's aren't there for that. I'd rather have a Citizen Helper who works their butt off to answer modreqs and help moderate chat than an Ultimat Helper that does nothing.
    • Weaknesses - The one thing I really dislike about your app is this. I already touched upon it above, but I wanted to really save it for this. You shouldn't increase your activity after you get the position, you should do it beforehand to show your dedication. If you can't put in the work to increase TS activity before you are a Helper, then I don't trust you to put work into being a Helper. But that doesn't even begin to describe your second 'weakness'. 'Having too much fun' is not a weakness. Period. I don't care that you say that having too much fun is the reason that you are immature; the fact that you think that you are only having too much fun is disturbing. And again with the 'I will change after I get Helper'. We need to know that you can change before.
    Big -1, sorry.
    (Total: -1)

    I'd put in examples of your immaturity, but one only has to go through your posts to see it. Most of your posts consist purely of general immaturity. Not to mention you arguing with everyone who -1's you.... -1
    In Game
    I haven't seen too much immaturity in game, but I haven't seen you enough to really vote. What I have seen, I don't like. -0.5
    Overall, I think you need to learn that you need to fix things before applying. Get your immaturity under control, and make sure you are active everywhere. +/-0
    (Total: -1.5)

    TL;DR, I don't think you are ready for Helper. You need to change things before you apply, such as your activity and your immaturity, which is a biggie. Next time, also try to be more expansive on each point in your application, as it felt a lot like a list.

    Final Vote: -3.5
  14. TrisDa

    TrisDa Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    none of your posts in forum show me that you would be a good helper. Unfortunately since I don't know you in game that is all i have to go off of. your app while not great is much better than the last. -1
  15. Hillbilly19970

    Hillbilly19970 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 I never see you helping or active in /shout also maturity is a major issue
  16. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 i just didn't really like the app and i have almost never seen you ( timezones maybe? )
  17. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    What timezone are you in?
  18. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I am on East cost time.
  19. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    Anyway, -1, never see you, work on forums activity and in game activity
  20. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    That explains lol. About a 4 hour difference?
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