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Lysseal's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Lysseal, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Lysseal
    Skype Username: Lysseal1D
    Teamspeak Username: Lysseal
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 12
    Timezone: PST
    Hours online per weekday: 2-5
    Hours online per weekend: 4-6
    Position Changes: Citizen/Elite- Helper


    Hi, I am Lysseal, I like people to call me lys. I started out playing Minecraft in about October 2010. And I love it. I started out just playing single player, then a friend from school introduced me to multiplayer. I found Meepcraft in October 2012, and I think its safe to say that I have been addicted to it since. Through my time on meepcraft I have had some pretty cool, sad, and exciting experiences. I met some online friends. Aside from my computer, Minecraft life, I'm learning to play the guitar, and I have always been a fan of soccer, and I love to write stories, and I hope to bring a creative side to the team. I have the most outgoing friends who encourage me to do stuff, I wouldn't normally do.

    ~Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod ?~

    I believe I am fit for this position because I've been told I am mature, I try my hardest, and I never give up. I sometimes see people /shouting stuff like: 'Help! Someone stole my diamonds!', 'Can a mod please help?', 'Can I please be in a town?', I try to help them out with how to do what. I think if I get this position I will exceed. I have been kicked a few times, usually, I am assisting a new helper test. But once in a while I will go over the edge and do it for no reason, I believe I am mature enough for that to happen no more. When I feel strongly about something, I stand up for it. I will not just let it go, but take action.

    ~Work Ethic~

    From a very young age I wanted to change the world, whether its raising money for children in africa, or volunteering at an SPCA, I've always wanted to help. I enjoy helping, no matter what the job is. Big or small. I started wanting to be staff when I was given assistant in my old town, Legacy, when I started to help out the people in the town I felt more in place. Then one day I made it my goal to be apart of staff.


    I have been with meep a little over 1 year, I not only try my best, but I haven't stopped trying for 1 minute, and I won't stop no matter what situation I fall into. I try to be as dedicated as I can. I try to be online when ever I can. I try to explore different things. I like to volunteer in jobs, sometimes that aren't fun, and aren't the greatest job, but someone always will need help, and I want to be that person they remember forever because they helped them when they needed someone most.


    I /shout quite a bit, not as much as I would like. But quite a bit. When ever there is a good conversation in /shout I try to talk about it. I haven't really gotten used to talking on team speak, but I'm working on changing that. I'm still on there, and listening to conversations, and typing in the chat box. I'm very active on forums, I try to be online at least once per day, I am a 'Well Known' member.


    I don't have much experience being a helper, or staff member, but I would like to learn, and get experience. I have seen other staff work, and I see what is kickable, and not, what is bannable, and what is not. I am fairly familiar with towny commands, such as how to add a friend, how to claim a plot, how to make a plot an embassy, etc. I have learned from watching others work. But again, I would like to learn more about it. My experience being a citizen has been wonderful. I have learned new things, played cool minecraft games, and of course made new friends.


    I get mad when I have to say things over and over again and the person keeps asking. Also when someone criticises my friend or me, I will try to defend myself, or my friend. But if it goes on for a little while, I will stop, and log off, then return in a few moments time, to give myself some time to calm down. I sometimes get angry when someone is rude to me.


    I have been told I would make a good staff member. I hope that someday I will. I'm trying to go for the opportunity while it is still here. Thank you for reading. Please do not +1 because you are my friend. I accept constructive criticism. Thanks again.
  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

    Likes Received:
    Very, very glad you applied, Lys. You know my vote; +1 all the way.

    - You are extremely active and helpful in game. I consistently see you as one of the people helping out anyone who has questions in shout, but also engaging in conversation with others.

    - You are fairly active and helpful on the forums. You dropped activity for a bit, but you've been doing better recently and you also contribute greatly to any conversation you post on.

    - Your application was very well written. You demonstrated what a good application is. I really enjoyed reading your application; you were very descriptive and had just the right balance between a long application and filler.

    - I have never seen you demonstrate one of your weaknesses; a very good thing. I like how you talked about how you log off and calm down; this shows that you understand when you are going everboard and are trying to control it.

    - The only issue I'd see with you is how shy you are in TS, but I really think you are doing well at getting over that. Today you would add into the conversation often and wouldn't just sit there awkwardly the entire time; a big step up from the last time I saw you online, whenyou were afraid to even go near the large channels.

    TL; DR

    I think you would make a great addition to the staff team.
    BooBear1227, Lady_Hestia and Lysseal like this.
  3. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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    +1, you are one of the coolest people I ever have talked to, great maturity, tons of experience, and you deserve staff
  4. TheIronSquirel

    TheIronSquirel Celebrity Meeper

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    I usually don't cast votes for staff because I am not active enough to.
    In this case, I know Lysseal is one of the best players I seen.

    Good luck to you.
    Flamedemond, chaos546 and Lysseal like this.
  5. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thank you TIS, this means a LOT. Thank you :)
    chaos546 and TheIronSquirel like this.
  6. Tagswag33

    Tagswag33 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1! You are so nice, helpful, an always helping new members! I think you are exactly what the staff needs. :)
    Good luck!
    chaos546 likes this.
  7. Mysteryperson13

    Mysteryperson13 Popular Meeper

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    Overall, I have nothing negative to say against this applicant being accepted, so +1!
  8. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Do you realize how long I've waited for this application? There really aren't any reasons to turn you down. +1
  9. Relaxedme

    Relaxedme Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I always see you talking in chat and people seem to like you. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time a 12 year old has become a mod.......Smosh!

    BE WARNED: Helper/Mod is a lot of work and you truly have to like helping people half the time instead of playing. I was once a trialmod when that was still a thing and I bombed it because all I wanted was recognition and commands. Becoming trialmod ruined Meepcraft for me. That and the rage I had after I was fired. Just consider this warning and make a good decision. Some people enjoy being mod (Megan) some don't (Me), but don't let it ruin meep for you and be careful not to get a big mod head as most new mods do ;). And remember this is just a game. All the best!

    Good Luck! :) +1
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
    Nager2012 and Mainkreke like this.
  10. ZapChance

    ZapChance Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Lysseal is over-qualified for this position. She is ABSOLUTLY ready for this position, and I see no reason to even have to think about this application. You have one of my biggest +1's.
    chaos546 and Lysseal like this.
  11. Candy_Master

    Candy_Master The Canadian Candy

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    +1 finally you applied. No more to say because every one has already said it!
    chaos546 and Lysseal like this.
  12. _masterdude_

    _masterdude_ Celebrity Meeper

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    just give her helper already :p
    chaos546 likes this.
  13. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

    Likes Received:
    One of my most anticipated apps of all time. There is honestly no person out there, who isn't already staff, who is more qualified for this position then you are. Your constant demonstrations of selflessness and compassion towards others is inspiring.

    Biggest +9999999999999 I have ever given, just for you MEGA BFF :p
    chaos546 and Lysseal like this.
  14. adtheren

    adtheren Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You have no idea how happy I am now. Yes please.

    You're fairly active, you're mature, you help others, and you're a really nice person to be around.

    chaos546 likes this.
  15. Mylucky7

    Mylucky7 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Very active
    Forum active
    Maybe TS
    But hope you get interview :)
    chaos546 likes this.
  16. Scott11B

    Scott11B Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Very well written application, veteran MeepCraft member, I have a lot of respect for you, you are active, and I have never heard a bad thing about you. A million +1
    UMADBRO?, chaos546 and Lysseal like this.
  17. iOblivion

    iOblivion Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    i have seen you a lot, you are pretty active in-game and on forums. And what other people said i think you would be great at being a helper. Although i don know everything about you i would give you a +1
    same age
    chaos546 and Lysseal like this.
  18. Lysseal

    Lysseal Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thanks everyone :)
    chaos546 likes this.
  19. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

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    +10244657567!!!!!!!! so mature and one of the best players ever! and that seal is just adorable XD
    chaos546 and Lysseal like this.
  20. MrHollywoot

    MrHollywoot Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 for interview +1 for helper +1 for staff without interview (jk cooley would skin us alive)

    Great person for the job +1!!!!!!
    chaos546 and james_Grimplin like this.

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