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Best Posts in Thread: lespauls19 Helper->Mod Application

  1. shains

    shains never stop fighting

    Likes Received:
    1. You almost never do modreqs without someone directing you to. You don't have initiative.
    2. Even when others tell you to, you have often ignored them and continued to dice duel/play skyblock/etc.
    3. You have not only ignored, you have refused.
    4. Puckminer is nearly half your modreq count (even before the reset) within 2 days.
    5. You consistently defy modreq rules.
    6. You've been given too many "second" chances.
    You're too much of a player. You're too dedicated to playing the game, and not dedicated enough to the staff team.

  2. MrHollywoot

    MrHollywoot Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    As i totaly agree with what shain said absolutly no argument that Les Paul was wrong in that situation. Different things come into account.

    He has been helper for almost 2 months. His grip on the dutys of a helper is more then enough. Modreqs do NOT fall purly on helpers and if that is the only thing he is being drilled on because modreqs are pilled up then the MODs are failing at there job also.

    Les Pauls has a passion for staff and meepcraft...Staff cannot be expected to be staff 100% of the time. Due to hours people play he may only be on during the high points of the population. He should be given time to partake in the game also.

    All of the -1's iv seen all staff are guilty of. This is meepcraft not MeepStaff we are here to play a game also.

    @DC - Bro...lets think how many staff act like children? because they are...This is not a job its a volenteer gig.

    Back to Lespauls

    He has put in the time and deserves the shot...Someone has to step up and fill the rolls outside of modreqs and He should be considered on that alone.

    Edit : This responce was @ Les Pauls not for the community to bash. The Staff apps are not for players to respond on others opionions but a look at the person applying. Stay within the rules and give helpful feedback a -1 or a +1 with nothing else behind it gives nothing to the person applying besides a personal opion. Think whats best for the staff team to help the server not how much you dislike the person or like the person.