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Denied Langston1209's Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Langston1209, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Langston1209

    Date/Time: around 6 EST I think

    Reason: sexual reference?

    Ban Length: 2 Days

    Staff Member: DevilSpawn112

    Why we should consider your appeal:
    I actually didn't know that "Holy balls" was a sexual reference. I mean, I guess that's where it come from now that I think about it, but if you look at the context it was used in, and my reaction in chat when people started saying "bye Langston" you might be able to see my surprise.
    Context was liran just gave away around 1million in process of doing /pay (name) 10,000. He mentioned that in /shout and I tried to voice my amazement- first thought "Holy ----" using a curse word but I'm not that noob and I know that's not allowed so I went with what I thought was a more appropriate(and not kick/banable) word. I guess I was wrong.

    I'm sorry for what I did, I will try better to not accidentally make references like that in chat. It was my bad. I've never been banned for anything related to this type of infraction in the past, and I hope to remain from doing it in the future.

    Thank you for your time :)
  2. Langston1209

    Langston1209 Popular Meeper

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    I typically do not normally bump threads, but 2-3 new threads have been posted and responded to, and a few other threads have been handled during this time by staff and non-staff. I would appreciate a response- even if it's not a official one(by a mod/Smod) or a unban, I'd just like to know where I stand on this appeal.
  3. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Yes, these are the rules now, and they are taken seriously. These kinds of things shouldn't be used in chat. This appeal is denied, please wait it out.
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