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King's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Killdogx, Aug 4, 2014.

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  1. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN = Kingwongjang123
    Skype = yes
    Teamspeak = Kingwongjang123 or Kingwongjang123
    Mic use = Always
    Age = 15
    Time zone = Pacific time but summer, I'm usually on morning.
    Weekday = 6-10hrs
    Weekend = 7-12hrs
    Position change = citizen to helper


    Hello everyone, my name is Jake. But in game you all know me as King or Kingwangjang. I will be freshman after summer break. I'm very active and love to play sports and music. I played all sports in middle school. I made divisor 1 in football, basketball and soccer. I made lots of 2nd places and 3Rd places in track season. I play music. I play drum, saxophone. I was in top band and made outstanding solo. So now I will be freshman and have to work really hard on sports and other stuff. I am in advanced math, science, history and english. I try to keep my academics my primary focus, but still play on meepcraft a lot of time. But now it's summer, so I'm spending a lots of time on Meepcraft, even when I go back to school, I will be busy to play sports and other things. But I still hope to be on a lot! I have been playing Meepcraft for long time. Once I started playing, I couldn't stop. It is such an amazing server an community, I couldn't log off for long time! It was an amazing time of my life. I have donated to receive the elite. I made so many new friends and got to do so many things with them. So this is me.

    Why you should be helper?

    Experience: I have been a good Citizen of Meepcraft. I know Towny commands and more. I spent much of my time on Meepcraft than my real life. I know I'm an experienced Citizen of Meepcraft for learning and improving things in a long time. Also out of game I take on many extra responsibilities especially in school where I have taken up many leadership roles, through this I have learnt how to act in a fun but also mature and professional manner. I have been created a lots of towns in beta and alpha, which brings responsibilities. When someone gets into fight, I try to do whatever it takes to help them.

    Work ethic: Meepcraft stays on my mind ever sing time! If its lunch time at school, when my family travel to somewhere, I always open up the forumes and check somethings out. When school is done I go finish what I have to do for school and start playing Meepcraft after that. I do tons of things with Meepcraft life. Hanging out with great people, learn more things and helping players and when someone has troubles, I try to show them the way. If they don't listen then I'm trying to find the way to work with them.

    Involvement: I am very involved with the community and the server. I always try to talk to as many people as I can; ingame, on forums, and Teamspeak. I don't like ignoring people and not hanging out with the community. I love the community, and love to talk to everybody. It's amazing how nice the community is. I work as hard as I can as citizen and talk to the community as much as I can. I am able to be involved with the community and help the community grow and develop.

    Performance: I have worked very hard in past 5 weeks that I decided to become a helper. I have done many shouts for answering their questions. I have done some reports when staffs were gone. I have done pretty well with shouts and forums. I always try to work, no matter what I am doing. I really feel that my performance as a citizen has been really great and I am ready to move up to the Helper position.

    Dedication: I am very dedicated to the server. My activity is very well ingame, on Teamspeak, and forums. I always like talking to the community. I am mostly always on ingame and Teamspeak, but in forums I have feelings that I need to be much more active. Overall, I feel I have a good dedication. I care more about the players more than anything, and try to help them as much as I can.


    Maturity: My maturity has always been an issue. I really like to have fun, but sometimes I just go to far. For the past couple weeks, I have really been working on my maturity. I still like to have fun, I just don't go far. I like having a good laugh, but when things have to get serious, I get as serious as possible, no matter what. Everyday I try to get more mature. Some days are better than others. But, I will always try my hardest working on this and make sure I am mature but can still have fun.


    In conclusion I feel my time as citizen has come to end, and that I think I can take a step further up. I know my performance will lonely get better if I take a step up in being a Helper. Overall, I think that I could still improve greatly, but I also know that taking the higher challenge, will help me improve not only greatly, but efficiently. Thank you for reading my application, I hope you enjoyed reading and Thank You. 1407179008597.jpg
    KaiUsesThis, JumboAce and jmelara like this.
  2. jmelara

    jmelara Popular Meeper

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    You are experienced
    Would make a great helper
    Killdogx likes this.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    You have the same app you copied and pasted before with minor changes. You had an application less than an hour ago and deleted it because someone -1'd you for it being the same, and you do the same thing again. It even have the same typos! Couldn't you have proofread a little bit? This shows lack of effort. I also haven't seen you much at all over the past week.

    (Here's the previous app - http://meepcraft.com/threads/kingwongjang123s-helper-application.28066/ )
  4. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I asked reggae and he said yes so I deleted and made whole new application. Sorry about the application that I made before.
  5. blackoak999

    blackoak999 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You wrote a descriptive app, that's good.
    Your ingame time is huge.
    Many typos
    Ingame, in shout your english is much less proficient than this application. I think in the moment, you would have a hard time conversing with players, questioning and investigating /modreqs, and so, would become frustrated.
    Sometimes your forums posts are rather negative.
    Keep trying! :)
    Killdogx likes this.
  6. Neil_WW

    Neil_WW Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hello everyone, my name is Jake. But in game you all know me as King or Kingwangjang. I will be freshman after summer break. I'm very active and love to play sports and music. I played all sports in middle school. I made divisor 1 in football, basketball and soccer. I made lots of 2nd places and 3Rd places in track season. I play music. I play drum, saxophone. I was in top band and made outstanding solo. So now I will be freshman and have to work really hard on sports and other stuff. I am in advanced math, science, history and english. I try to keep my academics my primary focus, but still play on meepcraft a lot of time. But now it's summer, so I'm spending a lots of time on Meepcraft, even when I go back to school, I will be busy to play sports and other things. But I still hope to be on a lot! I have been playing Meepcraft for long time. Once I started playing, I couldn't stop. It is such an amazing server an community, I couldn't log off for long time! It was an amazing time of my life. I have donated to receive the elite. I made so many new friends and got to do so many things with them. So this is me.

    Experience: I have been a good Citizen of Meepcraft. I know Towny commands and more. I spent much of my time on Meepcraft than my real life. I know I'm an experienced Citizen of Meepcraft for learning and improving things in a long time. Also out of game I take on many extra responsibilities especially in school where I have taken up many leadership roles, through this I have learnt how to act in a fun but also mature and professional manner. I have been created a lots of towns in beta and alpha, which brings responsibilities. When someone gets into fight, I try to do whatever it takes to help them.

    Work ethic: Meepcraft stays on my mind ever sing time! If its lunch time at school, when my family travel to somewhere, I always open up the forumes and check somethings out. When school is done I go finish what I have to do for school and start playing Meepcraft after that. I do tons of things with Meepcraft life. Hanging out with great people, learn more things and helping players and when someone has troubles, I try to show them the way. If they don't listen then I'm trying to find the way to work with them.
    Involvement: I am very involved with the community and the server. I always try to talk to as many people as I can; ingame, on forums, and Teamspeak. I don't like ignoring people and not hanging out with the community. I love the community, and love to talk to everybody. It's amazing how nice the community is. I work as hard as I can as citizen and talk to the community as much as I can. I am able to be involved with the community and help the community grow and develop.

    Performance: I have worked very hard in past 5 weeks that I decided to become a helper. I have done many shouts for answering their questions. I have done some reports when staffs were gone. I have done pretty well with shouts and forums. I always try to work, no matter what I am doing. I really feel that my performance as a citizen has been really great and I am ready to move up to the Helper position.

    Dedication: I am very dedicated to the server. My activity is very well ingame, on Teamspeak, and forums. I always like talking to the community. I am mostly always on ingame and Teamspeak, but in forums I have feelings that I need to be much more active. Overall, I feel I have a good dedication. I care more about the players more than anything, and try to help them as much as I can.

    Maturity: My maturity has always been an issue. I really like to have fun, but sometimes I just go to far. For the past couple weeks, I have really been working on my maturity. I still like to have fun, I just don't go far. I like having a good laugh, but when things have to get serious, I get as serious as possible, no matter what. Everyday I try to get more mature. Some days are better than others. But, I will always try my hardest working on this and make sure I am mature but can still have fun.

    In conclusion I feel my time as citizen has come to end, and that I think I can take a step further up. I know my performance will lonely get better if I take a step up in being a Helper. Overall, I think that I could still improve greatly, but I also know that taking the higher challenge, will help me improve not only greatly, but efficiently. Thank you for reading my application, I hope you enjoyed reading and Thank You.

    All with red is from your old app sorry mate -1
    Killdogx likes this.
  7. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm at a -1. I'm sorry, but I've never seen you help anyone. And, you always message me asking me for money.

    The application was actually pretty good; write a new, NEW application however. Be more helpful in shout and such. Then, I feel you will have a great shot. Best of luck to you!
  8. kdocherty7

    kdocherty7 Guest



    Nice app but try to make a new one next time, and even improve it!

    pros: Plenty of hours in game per day, Nice, usually friendly, can help in shout with commands and such.

    cons: copied your mod app! That's a big NO!, In the words of monkey, 'It even have the same typos!'

    (On a side-note, cool drawing.)
    Draqq and Muunkee-Alexia like this.
  9. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Considered editing, denied. Please wait at least two weeks before reapplying.

    Furthermore, I'd like to suggest a few things.

    First is to avoid recycling applications. This makes you seem lazy, and laziness is not something wanted on staff.

    I'd also like to ask you to please stop necroing long-resolved Q&A's with answers already given, because this is extremely annoying, shows you are desperate, and spams the Q&A section, potentially drowning out real questions.

    Finally, I'd also like it if you would stop minimodding the forums, or in other words, stop acting like a staff member.

    Other than that, you should take the other advice given to you.
    Muunkee-Alexia likes this.
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