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Accepted KingCuddyHD's ban apeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by KingCuddyHD, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. KingCuddyHD

    KingCuddyHD Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name):KingCuddyHD.
    Date/Time: I don't know when I got banned because I wasn't on minecraft for a while.
    Reason: Major towny theft.
    Ban Length: I think for ever because it doesn't say how long.
    Staff Member: Sirrr_pig
    Why we should consider your appeal: I think your should consider because I am a donator on meepcraft and miss my friends and town very much as well as the meepcraft community. My donator rank on meepcraft is exclusive and I was going to donate again but then I was banned while I was away. If you could please consider unbanning me that would be great and would make my Christmas. Thanks
  2. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Whether or not you are a donator does not matter. Do not try to use this as a reason to get unbanned.

    You have had 3 total thefts over a long period of time, what tells us that you will change?
  3. KingCuddyHD

    KingCuddyHD Celebrity Meeper

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    actually I had 2 thefts which I know of and I miss the server very much and I know what I have done is wrong. I will not do theft in the future if you consider unbanning me. Thanks
  4. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Doesn't matter if you know of it, you have 3 total thefts.

    I will unban you but you have 1 month probation. Any towny offense within the next month will result in another permanent ban.
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