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Kasoslol's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Kasos, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Kasos

    Kasos Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Kasoslol
    Skype (Yes/No):Yes
    Teamspeak Username: Kasos
    Mic use:Frequent
    Timezone:Eastern European Time Zone (UTC+02:00) (Greece)
    Hours online per weekday:5-8
    Hours online per weekend:-5-8
    Position Changes: Citizen to Helper

    Introduction: Greetings, my name is George K.
    As my form says above I am 26 years old (turned on 10 O' July.)

    I am an Accountant and a Bus driver in the winter, but I am moving out of town to expand my
    studyes, so I will have more free time, as I do now due to a small surgery which renders me unable to work.

    I am a generaly talkative man, and I enjoy making jokes and small talk,
    I also enjoy selling my merchandise in game in a rather.. "unique" manner. Hehe..

    Other than that, I enjoy sketching, digitaly and by hand,
    training dogs, and walking on the mountains.

    We have a lot of those around here, hehehe.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?
    One of the reason why I apply is because I generaly have free time that I wish to spend on something productive rather than complete apathy.

    Another, is because I generaly have expirience as a mod in other games, and in minecraft,
    and I wish to keep an eye on players while other mods seem to be asleep, generaly speaking:
    In the morning of my time zone, when noone besides bob is online and serving.

    Yet, another reason is because I think that such server who's main players are younger audiences, requires another... "Grown" Staff member to watch over them, not to imply that the staff is young in general. Please note young is rendering from (10 to 16 years old) in my opinion that is.

    Weaknesses: I do admit that I have weaknesses, which render from being greedy at times, when I find a large vain of minerals and I insist on mining them knowing 10 zombies are on my tail.

    To being blunt and honest. Making a lot of people dislike me at times.

    Another of my weaknesses is that I tend to talk a lot as I said above, and you can see what I mean
    right here in this very application form.

    And last, many people find it hard to understand my accent, and the fact that I change my voice tone because I find it amusing makes it a bit harder, but that can be fixed at will of course..

    Also please note that English is my fourth language, meaning that I make a lot of grammar mistakes, and that may irritate some of the players.

    Conclusion: I do believe that I covered that which I've had to, and I hope you find reading my application as amusing and fun as I did writing it. I do know that I've been a member of the server for a short wile, and that it may be a great minus towards my chanses, but I think that I should try non the less.

    Have a pleasant day,
    best regards.

    George K.
    Darke_Amethyst likes this.
  2. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Very new to forums, DEFINITLY need to work on it. Also, I have never seen you in-game
  3. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    No app.
    No posts.
    No activity.
    Never seen you on Teamspeak.
  4. Kasos

    Kasos Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I've been on towny A.

    As of MR xX I've been on team speak on the early hours but noone seem to be on at morning, and the few people I found tend to not want me in the converation so I take my leave. I understand that you both have good points there, and I say that I too agree that my application is lacking in many ways.... I should have thought it more through.
    Cherrykit and Darke_Amethyst like this.
  5. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    When its early for you its night time for me.
    I have been doing all nighters on teamspeak almost every day and I havent seen you once.
    EDIT: You are 10 hours ahead of me.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
    Kasos likes this.
  6. Kasos

    Kasos Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hm... Maybe due to the fact I am so new, again.. Point for you. I would cancell my aplication but I dunno how so. I hereby tell you to take it down if it is up to you. I give up. Will try again in 2 weeks. But I have been on lately and I've yet to see people except soudafat (I think is his name) and some other people who don't seem to talk much.
  7. blackoak999

    blackoak999 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You seem like a decent person and well meaning, so try again later. :) It might help if you focus on spell-check that pops-up when typing. (that's just constructive criticism). Mature helpers are always appreciated. I'm sure it's a lot of work and I'm not sure I could handle it myself frankly. :)
    Kasos likes this.
  8. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Sorry to reply to an app for a third time but ai need to get this point across.
    If you want to be staff then you can't give up this easily.
    Help in game.
    Get active on the forums.
    Poke me on team speak and we can talk xD
    Yes, you could use some experience and your app wasn't too great, jut never give up something you want this badly so easily.
    Kasos and KariStar86 like this.
  9. 00000

    00000 Guest

    +/- probably the best noob that's ever applied
    leodavinci9000 and Kasos like this.
  10. Kasos

    Kasos Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I didn't give up, but I know when I am at loss, in a great manner. Thank you for the kind words. I will try again in two weeks :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 16, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 16, 2014 ---
    That's strangely heart-warming..
  11. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Kasos likes this.

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