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Best Posts in Thread: Karistar86's Moderator Application

  1. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    In Game Name: KariStar86
    Skype: Yes (KariStar86)
    Teamspeak Username: KariStar86
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 28
    Timezone: Eastern (USA)
    Hours online per weekday: 1-3
    Hours online per weekend: 2-6
    Position Changes: Helper to Moderator

    Hi there! I'm KariStar86, and I'm a Helper here on MeepCraft and mayor of the town Kakariko in Alpha. I started playing Minecraft in January of this year, and in early February I joined MeepCraft. I came for Towny and stayed for the community! In late June, I became a Helper, and I love being a part of the staff team here. I'm excited for the future of this server and would love to become even more involved in helping it as a Moderator.

    As for my life outside the computer box... For a few years I worked as a newspaper reporter, and for the past several months I have been writing for a nonprofit. In my spare time, when I'm not playing Minecraft, I do yoga and volunteer at a local animal shelter. My husband and I have two pet birds, a cockatiel and a parrotlet, which you probably know if you've ever talked to me on TeamSpeak. :p

    Why you should be Mod:
    I have learned a lot in these past five weeks since becoming a Helper! I started out knowing almost nothing about Hawkeye and staff commands, and even after training, it took me a little while to feel comfortable with them. But since then, I've built my confidence while handling almost all basic types of modreqs and bans. I've helped new players find their way around the server, helped new mayors start their towns, done troubleshooting when players come across a glitch, and stepped in to mediate when players are fighting. I have also responded to cases of griefing and theft (in both Towny and Skyblock), luring and tpakilling, trespassing, and illegal kicking of residents (they worked it out). It can be hard work, but it's also very rewarding when I figure out the missing piece of a puzzle, or when I know that I've made someone's experience on the server even a little bit better.

    I ask a lot of questions... probably too many, sometimes. ;) I want to make sure I'm getting it right, because some things can be confusing, and it's better to double-check than to make a wrong ban or mess up an investigation. The Mods and SuperMods have been incredibly helpful and patient with me! Lately, I find myself answering more questions from other staff than I ask of them. This shows that I've gained the knowledge and experience to start guiding new Helpers myself, and I want to be a more consistent resource and leader for them as a Moderator.

    I also would love to be able to take a more direct role on the forums, make sure that our community members get help as quickly as possible, and continue to encourage positive and productive discussions. I'm quick to notify staff on Skype when something needs to be deleted or addressed. As a Moderator, I could lend a hand and take care of some of these issues myself. In-game, I do enjoy answering modreqs and helping people out, but also I look forward to taking on more of a moderation role to help protect the server and its players.

    My in-game time is a bit limited, especially on weekdays. Knowing that I need to watch how I manage my time, I try to spend as much of it as possible doing staff work. Whether it's replying to modreqs, investigating cases, answering people's questions, or just keeping a close eye on chat, I make sure that my first priority is the server and the players on it. But that doesn't mean that I've disappeared behind the curtain! I still try as much as possible to help my town residents, stay active in shout, be part of the community on the forums, and talk both in and out of the staff channels in TeamSpeak.

    I make sure to listen to the community and pass along what I hear, because I want to help players have a voice in this server - no matter their rank or position. I am also very active in the staff Skype chats, and I make an effort to get to know the other staff members, learn all I can from them, and contribute ideas whenever I feel it would help. I'm happy to talk with other players on Skype, too - to help them solve problems or just to say "hi"!

    It's probably not a surprise that I'm still argumentative and opinionated! I'm continuing to work on thinking more about how I come across, making sure that I am kind and don't push things too far, listening to others carefully, and addressing concerns in the appropriate manner. I have made sure to keep my disagreements with staff members among staff, and I think some of those have turned into pretty good discussions that helped us understand each other. :)

    Some of the larger griefing cases I've taken on have frustrated me - mostly because they take more work than I expect, and I start to wonder if I'm just not doing it right. After a while, I realized that I'm not the only staff member who has had these frustrations. The good news is that we're a team, and we don't hesitate to help each other out - doing extra modreqs to cover for someone who is busy, trying out different commands and searches, taking screenshots and videos, or talking to different players to figure out what happened. Other staff members have helped me out this way, and I'm glad to return the favor when I can! I do believe that I'm ready to take on the challenge of more complicated cases and investigations.

    I have yet to handle a case of X-ray, glitch exploitation, or PvP hacking. I feel confident in my ability to identify at least some examples of the first two. In a few cases, I have begun investigating only to find that others have gotten to them first! But I admit that spotting PvP hackers is a weakness of mine. I have tried to check out reports in KitPvP, but I'm still learning what to look for and record. I do want to be able to help with these cases, so I plan to continue learning about this and making efforts to investigate when I can.

    I believe I am ready for the Moderator position and the additional responsibility it brings. I'm looking forward to learning even more while leading the community and other staff! Thanks for reading, and any feedback you have - whether positive comments or constructive criticism - is welcome and appreciated. :)
  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Pls don't accept this until I have time to write a huge paragraph.

    look unlike bbycakes' application I'm actually doing it this time aren't you so proud?


    Kari; ever since before you were staff, I had been pressuring you to apply. You were one of the players that I noticed, especially on the forums, just generally helping out and being friendly. You inspired me to talk to you about it, and you said you had activity issues, so I dropped the subject and only brought it up a few more times when I saw that others were also talking to you about it.

    Truly, it was like a dream come true when you applied. I knew you would be accepted; you were probably one of the best candidates for Helper I have ever seen.

    When you were, like I suspected, I noticed how quickly you picked it up. I've worked many cases personally with you and you always learn rapidly and if you forget something, you make sure you correct it next time. It's one of your best qualities; you are always trying to improve.

    You always strive to do your best and I truly believe you would be an amazing mod. I've personally talked to you about it, and while you were adamant that you weren't ready, I knew you were. You probably have an idea about how much I am excited to see this application, but I'll reiterate it just for you; I am very happy.

    The only thing that could possibly worry me is what Bob and Ginger brought up; the fact that you tend to argue your opinion. While this may bother others, on a whole it's not a big deal because not only do you try to keep it privately within staff, but you go further to keep it privately with me, which is probably the best thing you possibly could do. Sure, you may argue sometimes, but at least you don't take it out on others nor do you bring uninvolved people into it.

    All in all, yes.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
  3. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    Kari for supermod or I poop my pants.
  4. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    this is really really stupid

    like wtf, this is a positive, how can you -1 someone for this??? do you just want sheep for staff that don't argue at all? someone who gives their honest opinion and fights for things they believe in are the staff members you want. she does it to contribute and fight against things she find stupid. without it, the staff would never go against any action that was implemented and the players would get pissed off. her peers should not be getting pissed off because you can just ignore the comments and they don't affect you in anyway. you probably wouldn't have liked me as a staff member either, i did the same thing kari does. also, who cares if it bothers YOU? why does it affect her qualities for staff? this is a biased comment and should not be considered.

    anyway, +1

    you know what you are doing, you're not stupid, you're smart & active, you seem to be able to confront your issues in an argumentative way.
    chirp1234, Lady_Hestia, Draqq and 4 others like this.
  5. ReadingRockstar

    ReadingRockstar Popular Meeper

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    Arguing? She expresses her opinion in a respectful way, and overall is trying to improve the server and staff system.

    +1 phenomenal staff member
  6. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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  7. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    Kari since your promotion you have been nothing but an incredible voice, expressing various concerns and ideas. Your work ethic and dedication to the betterment of this community is not only encouraging, but also admirable.

    There is certainly more to learn, but I'm sure you will make a great Mod. +1
  8. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    You're a great helper and will continue to do great things. +1
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    +1, you remind me of me. Keep the arguing up, know your principles and push for them. Decisions that are not questioned and defended are not good decisions

    + another 1.
  10. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

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  11. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    Offering opposite opinions and arguing your logic is a negative? Besides, she is offering a conflicting opinion in Skype or TS in staff chats outside of the public realm so the community won't be exposed to "staff conflict" that you brought up. Last time I checked it was perfectly fine for a staff member to argue their point.

    +1 to Kari, you should honestly just get SuperMod.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 29, 2014, Original Post Date: Jul 29, 2014 ---
    Young staff members might be overly sensitive and see a conflicting point of view supported with logic as an attack against their beliefs instead of looking at it for what it is: another opinion just like their own.
  12. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    Lying on your app. You are 40. -1

    Jk +1
  13. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    Kari, you're a really great person and staff member from what I have personally seen :) I'm sure you make many people feel welcomed into the Meep community. I believe you are definitely ready.
    As a side note:
    Since you are having some troubles with identifying KitPvp hackers I would honestly recommend scrolling through the reported bans and looking at the proof that others have posted for their Pvp hack bans just to get a general idea. Also, Flamedemond2 helped me a bunch with this stuff related to PvP hacks. He's a great person to speak to if you're still having troubles with identifying them:)
  14. MCRichHuey

    MCRichHuey Celebrity Meeper

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    I approve of Kari, she's a great helper, and would make an awesome mod. She's kind, sweet, and helpful, even to the jerks who don't deserve it.:)
    SirCallow, Draqq, Bob4444444 and 2 others like this.
  15. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    Kari, you are the most kind, sensitive, mature, sweet, smart, and genuine person I’ve seen on meepcraft or any server for that matter. You are patient with teenagers like nine and vkl, and are able to maintain their respect while simultaneously banning them. You do not seem obsessed with staff “rules,” I can trust you to help the players rather than help the server. Not sure how that sounds but it’s trying to be positive. I don’t know why but since I first spoke with you I felt that you were special (sounds like I’m a lesbian…). I keep saying this but you are so genuine, you treat meepcraft like a video game- not a part of your life. Common sense often is disregarded in this community but you have a way that you act that makes you both insane but practical at the same time.
    You also have the ability to see through the nonsense that certain staff and players spit out after they spend too much time on meepcraft.
    Some of our most loved staff members are big arguers. Did you know that DianaB72 was banned by szenzus for being a liar? Then Cooleys was banned for protecting a liar? Did you know that Cooleys banned szenzus for being a [use your imagination]? Did you know that Sjoe was once demoted for arguing with another staff member for 20 minutes until another one gave him back his rank? As long as you keep it within the privacy of staff and the ones who are relevant arguing is something that has kept one person from having complete control over meepcraft staff or even the world.
    As a person you are funny and understanding, etc. As a player you are the same way.

    I see a mature version of myself in you. I think we think very much the same way.
    If you have trouble with moderator responsibilities you can request a demotion, though I think that most of the staff would be fine with you slacking off a bit since you are beyond the expectations in other areas. Take it slow if you want. Master 1 new thing a day or find other ways to figure things out.
    A weakness not mentioned anywhere would be leaking staff information. Unfortunately I have never understood the rule because it always seems to be a little bit different depending on whom you speak too. I don’t think you ever leak anything worth mentioning to anyone but it’s easy to make a big mistake in ts if you are mad at someone. I’ve heard staff say that telling a single player that there was a staff meeting that morning was leaking but I’ve also known staff to announce it in chat. Kari, this is in no way a fault of yours, because I trust that you have common sense on what is ok and not ok to say. I really think that this rule is in place for some of the younger staff members but that said you still have to follow it and know what is considered leaking to your higher ups. I mention this as a weakness because you do tend to converse with epick about modreqs and if you’re not careful a name could come out.
    Teamspeak is the best way to be a liked, active, and famous player. I always recommend ts to anyone looking to be staff or get involved. I consider myself a ts addict but I think Kari could be considered more of one! You are there when I log on, you are there when I log out. You are on ts servers that aren’t even meepcraft made by meepcrafters! This could be one of your biggest strengths. On ts as a general rule things are taken with a grain of salt but just like you need to ignore ninetails being an idiot, sometimes those same idiots are the ones who know exactly who is doing what and how. Ts is a gray zone for meepcraft and lots of people do things on there they shouldn’t when people aren’t ok with it. I also just like talking to you ☺
    Are you ok with spending your limited time as a staff member? Think about it for a while- no need to answer immediately. If you subconsciously would rather be playing I’m sure your work would not be as good or you could find yourself canceling perfectly good rl activities for a video game.
    What I want to point out is that Kari staffs for players unlike other staff who staff for fuzzlr or the server.
    This was a bit all over the place and doesn't make much sense but I hope it helps. You are the smartest and nicest and most [epick](hahaaha) person I’ve met online.
    Love and +1 from Lady Hestia
  16. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I know that there is an issue with you and some members because you're a bit argumentative but, you do it in a way that isn't directly hurting anyone. You're curious, which is natural and hopefully you'll get accepted into this position and see that there is more of a method to upper staff's madness sometimes :). Anyways, Kari does great work, she is very dedicated to what she does and always wants to do more. I've had several conversations with her explaining how to improve herself in certain areas and she takes everything constructively. She also has the tolerance to deal with some very difficult people on the server which is something I even lack.
  17. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    I don't see what you mean by arguing. It is important for staff members to be voiceful. We can never get anything done if people aren't honest about their opinions. Kari is very respectful about her opinions and isn't afraid to make her voice known. I believe that is a great asset to the team.

    Nevertheless, +1. I trust in your abilities and believe you will be a fine mod.