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Denied Jtran_ Ban Appeal.

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by jtran_, Jul 14, 2014.

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  1. jtran_

    jtran_ New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): jtran_
    When you were banned: June 17th, 2014.
    Reason: Rank Scamming.
    Ban Length: permanent
    Staff Member: abbythrowsstuff
    Why we should consider your appeal: I believe I have truly thought over my selfish actions and I wish to redeem the access to log back in to meepcraft once again. I have gone everyday regretting my decision, I wish I could turn back time and redo my actions but it is impossible. Thanks for reading my appeal once again and I hope you hear me out.
    00000 likes this.
  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Due to this being the second offense, the current appeal will be denied. I understand you wish to undo this and appreciate the apology, but please wait a minimum of two more weeks.
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