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Itheria in Alpha

Discussion in 'Towns Archive' started by L0ST_CL3R1C, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. L0ST_CL3R1C

    L0ST_CL3R1C Popular Meeper

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    I am currently in the process of building a new town in Alpha! the name is Itheria for those who are wonder. Currently it is not open to residents, but I wanted to generate some interest for when plots are opened.
    There will be no tax for this town, however there are 2 chests that sell sticks at the entrance for 1k each. The more money I have, the more I can put into the town bank to help grow and sustain it. I do not scam, and I will be posting pictures or links to pictures of my progress as I get the building done!

    The town has a large spawn building: https://www.flickr.com/photos/131145329@N07/sets/72157651332822848/ Complete with Mob grinders for the residents, along with enchanting tables near by.

    The town its self will have 3 districts:

    The Shop district with a provided central pwarp and signs directing visitors to the various shops
    The farm district for all types of farms, auto or otherwise.
    And the town district which will be split into 2 sections: Pre Built and plot.

    Shops for the town will have to be either pre built and purchased or approved by town staff.
    Redstone builds will also need to be approved by town staff to prevent as much lag as possible in the main town area. This is also why there is a seperate Farms district, to keep mob lag to a bare minimum.

    I am also working on getting people on board to open shops for misc items, enchanted books, armor, god armor, and much more. Everything you might need will eventually be just outside your front door in the shops district!

    Projects that will be added in the future include a town PVP arena.
  2. TrommerBJ

    TrommerBJ Popular Meeper

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    Sounds like a great town, do you know when It's going to open for residents :) ?
  3. L0ST_CL3R1C

    L0ST_CL3R1C Popular Meeper

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    I'm not sure yet and I dont have a real way of estimating lol. So far I'm in Phase 1 (spawn).
    Phase 2 is roads and shop district, Phase 3 is farm district, prebuilts and plots. Phase 3 is when I will be looking for residents.
  4. TrommerBJ

    TrommerBJ Popular Meeper

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    Ok good luck mate
  5. L0ST_CL3R1C

    L0ST_CL3R1C Popular Meeper

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    Ok! Phase one (spawn) Is complete!
    Here are the pictures in both my texture pack and in vanilla.
    I am now on to phase two (Prebuilt shops and houses). Anyone who wants a prebuilt house can order them.
    The price for prebuilt plots will just depent on the size of the build, which I will have to figure out as I go.



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