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Is God real?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by n00bslayer_99, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Sort of, the radiation carbon emits really only allows it to date back 40,000 years. Objects that are dated millions of years old or older are dated by using the uranium radiation emitted from it due to the much longer half-life of the uranium element.
  2. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    How do they know uranium elements are trust worthy?
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Trust has nothing to do with it. Almost everything emits radiation, even us.

    We can date this stuff by measuring how much radiation a fresh new uranium element radiates, then comparing it with a very old object that has had some of these elements decay (half-life). The radiation from those are less.

    I'm not an expert on dating things but I'd suggest a google on how carbon dating / uranium dating works to learn more.
  4. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    The less radiation it emits the older it is?
    Edit: Sorry, you aren't an expert lol
  5. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Anyone saying that is wrong and harming the integrity of the debate, but the thread itself was quite literally set up for failure because for the purpose of a debate, there is no god seeing as there is no proof for the existence of one. Those saying that it isn't "disproven" are also negatively impacting the debate by utilising fallacious arguments as if they are acceptable.
    God did not create the world in six days, nor seven, nor any amount of days, because there is no evidence that God created the world. We cannot actually measure the length of a day during the Hadean and probably Archean eons, because the rotation of the Earth was unstable and chaotic. Despite this, it's estimated that a day during the period immediately after the creation of the moon would only have been between two to three hours long. So, your "long day" theory, as you expressed support for in another post, is complete nonsense, at least factually.

    But you also raise the point that abiogenesis is impossible, when, in fact, simply completing freshman biology class would prove that this is not actually the case. I see that someone already linked you the Miller & Urey experiment - make of it what you will, but life arose on earth fairly quickly; only about 4.28 Ga. To put this into context, the oceans formed 4.41 Ga, and the earth itself 4.54 Ga. These were microbial organisms, like bacteria, and not, in fact, animals created by God.

    I am not going to write an essay here, instead I'd like to point you towards this collection of pieces about abiogenesis and why it is possible. Abiogenesis FAQs: The Origins of Life

    As for proving evolution, it is once again a subject in freshman biology class. Even outside of empirical evidence, it's easy to deduce that, since we have vestigial structures, and since we have homologous structures, and since we have adaptive radiation, you can tell that it makes much more sense for evolution to have occurred than for there to be a magic man in the sky who created everything like this on 23 October 4004 BC.
    Yes, the less radiocarbon something contains, the older it is. We can use this method to date anything from 50 000 years ago or more recently, usually.
    PseudoGod likes this.
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Kinda, due to half-life there is literally less of the element to radiate.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 12, 2017, Original Post Date: Jul 12, 2017 ---
    The issue I have with this question is that it is unanswerable. Even to say there is no God is incorrect.

    There is an infinite amount of possibilities that got us here and when you pick one, out of infinity, you're going to be wrong.

    The idea of a god is just as illogical as the idea that a big bang happened, or that it's just always existed. We're simply too small in too big of an area to mentally grasp it's implications. We're at ant on the skin of an elephant
    00000 likes this.
  7. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    Its factually disproven because we know that humans didn't come onto the earth in the first few days of the earth existing.
  8. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Well, if you're a Christian, that means you believe that Jesus came back to life after three days. But who knows? He might have, or he might not have. No one was there.
    PseudoGod likes this.
  9. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    There are several accounts
    More than just the bible
  10. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Where are these other accounts, and how do they definitively prove that Jesus Christ did indeed come back to life after three days?
    PseudoGod likes this.
  11. Historicmush

    Historicmush Popular Meeper

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    That is one theory called the "Gap Theory", which basically states that God created the earth in 6 figurative days instead of literal days.
    So you take one part of the Bible that you don't like.. There are many many examples in the Bible stating that you should continually stay in the Word and read it daily. For example, Joshua 1:8 states "This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success."
  12. 00000

    00000 Guest

    PseudoGod likes this.
  13. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    The issue there is when the Bible was written, it was not written like we write literature today -- It was more akin to mythological stories, where the factual events are not relevant but the truth is in the moral of the story.

    Additionally, numerology was big in those time periods and numbers were not literal, but held a special meaning. I recommend Book of Genesis if you want to learn more about the actual writing of Genesis, of the OT.
  14. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    What in the bible leads you to think it wasn't literal days?
  15. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Nothing from the Bible states it was longer than 6 days, however, the context provides this.

    The Bible was written quite a long time ago, during an age where they simply did not write literature like we write it today, in chronological literal fashion. The writing style of this era was much more akin to Greek mythology, where the context is much more loose and more focused on the "moral" of the story.

    Additionally, numerology is a huge theme within the Bible, where numbers do not accurately represent time but match thematically.
  16. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

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    Follow up: what is a "figurative day"?

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  17. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

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    Radiocarbon dating. We know the half life of a carbon atom. Measure the decay on tons and tons of rock. There's gonna be a pattern: 4 billion or so years.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  18. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    2 Peter 3:8

    But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
    MoonlitMadness and SuperDyl like this.
  19. lfpnub

    lfpnub Popular Meeper

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    Rocks. As per the law of conservation of matter, matter cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, we know the rock atoms are original by measuring tons and seeing the trends in what year they were created.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  20. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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