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Is God real?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by n00bslayer_99, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    For some reason I can't connect to the teamspeak server. GoogleHangout, Skype, Discord, or anything else you can imagine is fine with me. Until I can figure out what I'm doing wrong on Meep anyway.

    @Sbaxman12 -- A lot of science, is hypothesis.
    I'd just like to clarify something here for a second. Hypotheses are used only in so far as they can lead to testable/unfalsifiable claims. A lot of science, the overwhelming majority is not hypothesis at all. It's about investigating, testing, proving. Everything you use on a day-to-day basis has been influenced by science. Everything from your phone, to the way your toilet works.

    So when people talk about the big bang, they are guessing that's what happened.

    Can I ask where you're getting this idea from? Who taught you that, if anyone?

    It is absolutely *not* guesswork. There is a large body of supporting evidence and argument to supplement 'The Big Bang'. You might be a bit young to remember this, but the static we used to get on old TVs is radiation flying around since The Big Bang.

    A hypothesis is merely a starting point in science. The minute it gets disproved, it's chucked out like yesterdays newspaper.

    And some how, a galaxy formed, and some how, a solar system formed perfectly away from a black hole, and our earth formed perfectly away from the sun, and everything perfectly happened,

    We would expect our origins to be counter-intuitive. We evolved to hunt, to flee from predators. We didn't evolve to contemplate the nature of the universe. The fact that we need experts in any field, proves that some things arn't intuitive, right? Why would we need biologists if the human body made perfect sense to your average person?

    I don't believe things like that could just "Perfectly" happen "Just because",

    Whoever has been teaching you Physics has been doing a great disservice to science.

    It isn't perfect, and it didn't happen "just because".


    Because you found something difficult to understand, or are unaware of how it works, you made out like it's probably not true.

    Complex subjects like biological evolution through natural selection require some amount of understanding before one is able to make an informed judgement about the subject at hand; this fallacy is usually used in place of that understanding.

    Example: Kirk drew a picture of a fish and a human and with effusive disdain asked Richard if he really thought we were stupid enough to believe that a fish somehow turned into a human through just, like, random things happening over time.

    I believe our father in heaven, made this life for us, on this perfect earth, in this perfect solar system, so we could go through life, learning about the good and the bad,

    Can I ask why you believe this?

    I don't think it's nitpicky to focus on the word "perfect" either. Are you being literal here? Perfection, without flaw. Could not be better. Are you saying that the Earth and the Solar System could not be better in any way shape or form?

    and I think we are all witnessing the bad in the world today. Because of all the dumb decisions people are making.:shifty::meh:

    Do you believe that the existence of unpreventable diseases lays at the fault of man?
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 7, 2016, Original Post Date: Jun 7, 2016 ---
    Hitler? Mao?
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 7, 2016 ---
    I agree that a lot of god propositions are unfalsifiable, sure. But I think some can be proven. If your god interacts with the universe, we should be able to test that. Manifests = Tests. It's just that, as of now, these claims have failed to meet their 'Burden of Proof'.

    Satan a real bro, yo.

    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 7, 2016 ---
    Atheism is a lack of belief. https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/faq

    How did you come to that conclusion? How did you determine the probability of each god claim?

    Are you saying that it's possible for a god(s) to exist?
  2. Sbaxman12

    Sbaxman12 Popular Meeper

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    I'm gonna stop debating, it's hard to teach others stuff when they aren't actually wanting to hear your side of the story :dead: I'm just happy being Mormon so I'll just be happy with what I believe in, and I'll stay believing it :D:happy::woot:
  3. ShadowVirus52

    ShadowVirus52 Celebrity Meeper

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    I only wanted to listen to the arguement that would unfold. I don't care what a persons view on God is. but if someone is going to organise this, teamspeak is the best option :)
  4. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    maybe this thread, maybe another on the same topic, but someone (probs debathiest) pointed out that its not on us to prove that he doesn't exists, its on you to prove that he does exist. by your logic, i could say something crazy like "did you know that squirrels secretly speak arabic and are sent to spy on us by the soviet union? and since you have nothing to disprove this, its true? or maybe true? ? ?
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 7, 2016, Original Post Date: Jun 7, 2016 ---
    first, this is a debate where your supposed to provide something to back up your opinion, then others are supposed to debate your opinion, and try to point out where you're wrong in the things you use to back up your opinion. does he wan't everyone to be happy? and is everyone a good person? if he knew this why not just send a prophet or an emissary from heaven to tell the sinners (in the noah's ark story) to not there crap off?
  5. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    If you're really Christian, why would you say that to someone who is POLITELY debating with you? He's asking constructive questions and providing evidence, and you don't bother in actually reading them. If you want to debate in this thread, don't act like a big baby. Grow up.

    I have never heard of anyone in my religion say this to someone. Probably because you're only 12 yrs old, Jello.
    CluelessKlutz likes this.
  6. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    @Jellobean1 this is the way i was brought up learning the bible, but as I interacted with more people, I found it was a very popular belief that if you don't believe in god, you will go to hell, so while this may not be your particular interpenetration of the bible, I was referring to the more common belief that i have run into.
  7. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Enron likes this.
  8. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    lol, are you just here to troll? because you have been trolling both sides. (if so i applaud your unbiasedness)
  9. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    He didn't hurt my feelings, don't worry. ;)
  10. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    doesn't he have you on ignore?
  11. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    He has his ignore list in his signature.
    Enron likes this.
  12. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    IK, and i think i might remember him being in there, im just wayyyyy too lazy to check.
  13. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    He only has Ranger, Nuckle, and Weewoozesty blocked.
    TheDebatheist likes this.
  14. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    ty for helping me be lazy.
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  15. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Ok, switch religion for ideology.

    Simply because we have no idea how the universe began before the big bang, or if it was always existent. So the answer to "why" can be infinite. A god seems just as plausible as something just exploding and boom, universe.

    I lean towards agnostic, and while I have no belief in any particular God, I do not completely discount the notion.

    My own personal flavor of God is that God is everything, the entirety of all that exists as a single sum.
    Sbaxman12 and Toostenheimer like this.
  16. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    Woahhh woah.

    I appreciate the defense. Honestly, I do. But let's keep it civil, lads.

    I agree, I don't think Jello is being too nice about this whole thing. But let's take the high road. We can disagree without punching down here.
    Enron, Qaztar and Toostenheimer like this.
  17. Miku

    Miku One Hell of a Miku Staff Member Mod

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    I dont believe in a thing, Im not an athiest, Im just nothing. Religions to me are confusing and not 100% proven. Therefore opinions come into the hand mixed with facts.

    Religion also causes unnecessary arguments, that is a fact. I just dont like it
  18. TheDebatheist

    TheDebatheist Popular Meeper

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    Ok, switch religion for ideology.

    So, you think Atheism is an ideology?

    Do you [think] 'Theism' is an ideology?

    If so, could you please list the ideas promoted in both?

    Afaik, Atheist+Theist are just shorthand for "I don't believe in a god" and "I believe in 1 or more gods".

    By all means disabuse me on the following notion, but I think the link that I cited earlier would be of great use here. Please give it a look if you can. https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/faq

    Simply because we have no idea how the universe began before the big bang, or if it was always existent. So the answer to "why" can be infinite. A god seems just as plausible as something just exploding and boom, universe.

    Just wanting to clarify here.

    You believe that the likelihood of the existence of a god is just an likely as the non-existence of a god, because:

    1) It seems plausible to you.
    2) We don't have perfect knowledge regarding the origins of the universe.

    If this is an accurate assessment of your views, could you explain how this isn't the reverse "Argument from Incredulity" fallacy, and the "Argument from Ignorance" fallacy?

    Surely, if you don't know, how can you assess the probability of something? And where humanity is ignorant? This doesn't mean that we're rationally justified to defend any claim until it's been disproved. The time to believe is when there is evidence to believe, right?

    To give an example, what if I were to claim that the existence of the 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' were just as likely as the existence of... a spider with two heads? We don't know whether either exists, so both claims are just as likely, is that correct?

    I lean towards agnostic, and while I have no belief in any particular God, I do not completely discount the notion.

    My own personal flavor of God is that God is everything, the entirety of all that exists as a single sum.

    So... you're an agnostic-Atheist, but *really* you're a Pantheist?

    Please give the link I've cited a quick look. I feel like it would be beneficial here.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 7, 2016, Original Post Date: Jun 7, 2016 ---
    Sounds like an Atheist, to me.

    What does that word mean to you? As far as I know, most self-identifying Atheists (myself included) just describe themselves as "not believing in a god".
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
    Enron likes this.
  19. Miku

    Miku One Hell of a Miku Staff Member Mod

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    I dont know much about religion, all I know is that i was forced into it by my parents and now that im no longer forced, I dont like it because in my personal experiences with it, there have been nothing but arguments. I think you said something along the lines of "seeing is believing" in that case yes, i'd like to see it before I believe it. I just searched a few things and came up with a

    Scientific Panthiest, I guess thats what i am.
    TheDebatheist likes this.
  20. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    Hooray! I read the first page, then skipped to the last page, and the thread has not completely deteriorated into a flame war. Personally, I am an atheist. I get the need to have a religion, it just never really applied to me. The idea of God seems like a sort of filler to me. People are generally scared of the unknown. So they make these fillers to give some sort of reason, some basis. "We don't know, so God!" I think that should be changed to "We don't know, so lets figure it out!" That seems more productive.

    There's just too many facts that show that the Bible can't be 100% truth, and there's just too many facts that show that the theory of evolution is correct and that the Big Bang had to have happened.

    I have some friendly debates with some people at my middle school who don't believe in evolution, and the debates always end up with the question "What made the Big Bang?" And when I say that we have no idea, it blows those peoples minds. Humans as a species have a primal fear of the unknown. And the simple fact that we have absolutely no idea freaks everyone out.
    Enron likes this.

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